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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Bragging Rights (AF_BraggingRights)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Raflod the Braggart asked me to break into the Census and Excise Warehouse in Seyda Neen and steal one of the copies of the Warehouse Shipping Log.
I delivered the Warehouse Shipping Log to Raflod and he paid me with a valuable book.
Raflod the Braggart asked me to get a copy of the book The Prayers of Baranat. There's a copy in Punammu, which is on the northern coast between Pelagiad and the Dren Plantation.
I gave a copy of The Prayers of Baranat to Raflod and he paid me in gold.
Raflod the Braggart has asked me to retrieve a guide for House Dres from the Sarys Ancestral Tomb, which is on a small island west of Seyda Neen.
I brought Cunning, Contempt, and Confusion to Raflod the Braggart and he paid me with...a less valuable book.
Raflod the Braggart asked me to retrieve a memorystone from the Samarys Ancestral Tomb, which is on the coast west of Seyda Neen.
Finishes quest
I delivered the memorystone to Raflod and he paid me in gold and lockpicks.