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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Contrabash (AF_Contrabash)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Thorek, the owner of The Razor Hole in Balmora, asked me to deliver a broken drum to the Grytewake, a ship docked south of Hla Oad.
Finishes quest
I delivered the broken drum to the Grytewake and was paid a delivery fee.
Finishes quest
Instead of delivering the broken drum, I took it to Habasi at the South Wall and she opened it for me for a fee of 100 septims. Inside was a dwarven mace.
Finishes quest
Instead of delivering the broken drum to Bedrir, I gave it to Baleni Salavel who gave me a few gems in exchange.
Finishes quest
Instead of delivering the broken drum to Bedrir, I tried to turn it in to a guard in Balmora, but was accused of Dwemer artifact smuggling!
Finishes quest
Instead of delivering the broken drum to Bedrir, I turned it in to an Imperial guard and was given a token of appreciation.
Finishes quest
Thorek let me see some special inventory after delivering the broken drum.