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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Fly Like a Racer (AF_FlyLikeARacer)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Surane in Caldera asked me to fly over the Caldera Mine and see if I can spot any smuggling activity. She gave me some levitation potions to assist with this.
While flying over the Caldera Mine, I spotted and killed a bloated cliff racer. It had raw glass in its stomach.
Surane was curious about finding glass inside a cliff racer and asked me to patrol again and see if I can follow any suspicious cliff racers back to the smugglers. She gave me another stack of levitation potions to assist with this.
I have brought the smugglers to justice and should report back to Surane in Caldera.
I accepted a bribe from the smugglers. They won't use cliff racers for smuggling anymore since that method has been discovered.
I have killed the smugglers and should report back to Surane in Caldera.
Finishes quest
Surane thanked me for dealing with the smugglers and rewarded me with netch flying goggles.
Finishes quest
Surane was disappointed that I killed the smugglers, but rewarded me with 200 gold.
Finishes quest
Surane was disappointed that I killed the suspicious cliff racers before they led me to the smugglers. She will hire someone else to find them.