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Help Hul in Balmora steal enchanted skulls from her former captain
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Hul's Skulls (AF_HulsSkulls)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Hul told me ruffians beat her up and stole her new clothes. She thinks her former captain, Baleni Salavel hired them. She wants me to sneak into the Harpy, a ship docked at Hla Oad, and steal four enchanted skulls on the ship.
Finishes quest
I sold some of the enchanted skulls to Hul.
Finishes quest
I told Baleni Salavel that Hul hired me to steal the skulls and she paid me for the information.
Finishes quest
After turning the skulls in to Hul, I told Baleni that Hul hired me to do it. She paid me for the information.
Finishes quest
I told Hul that Baleni Salavel knows that Hul hired me to steal the skulls. Hul decided to leave Balmora.