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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Mixed Up Unit Tactics (AF_MixedUpUnit)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Dorisa Darvel in Balmora mentioned that bandits robbed Codus Callonus on his way back to Ald'ruhn and they stole his drafts of Mixed Unit Tactics. I should ask around Ald'ruhn to try and find out where they might have gone.
I heard there are bandits in an egg mine on the coast that may have the copies of Mixed Unit Tactics. If I find them, I should bring them to Codus Callonus in Ald'ruhn. From Ald'ruhn, the egg mine is off the road to Gnisis, before you get to Berandas or the Veloth tomb.
I found a book on a bandit in the Sarimisun-Assa Egg Mine. It looks like an early draft. Perhaps I should return it to the author, Codus Callonus.
I purchased the books from the bandits in the blighted egg mine. I should return them to Codus Callonus in Ald'ruhn.
Finishes quest
I returned the drafts of Mixed Unit Tactics to Codus Callonus in Ald'ruhn.