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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
The Lucky Mess-Up (AF_LuckyMessup)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Benunius Agrudilius at the Lucky Lockup in Balmora ordered shein, but instead got a wagon of Shine, some kind of cleaning product. I can either find a buyer for the Shine or visit the East Empire Company in Ebonheart and find out what caused the mess-up.
A commoner told me they get small amounts of Shine from the Guild of Farmers and Laborers. Their hall is in the St Olms Canton in Vivec.
A caravaner told me a great deal of Shine is delivered to the Hall of Farmer and Laborers in the St Olms Canton of Vivec.
I was told the person to see about the shipment of Shine is Okan-Shei. He can be found in the East Empire Company Hall in Ebonheart.
I persuaded Okan-Shei to look into the shipment and apparently there were two crates, one of Shine and one of shein. The Shine was supposed to go to Tel Branora, but perhaps shein was sent there instead.
As an additional reward, Benunius also gave me a smuggler's journal. Perhaps I can find the treasure myself.
Finishes quest
I gave Benunius 450 drakes for the shipment of shein.
Finishes quest
Benunius thanked me for finding a buyer for the Shine. He can now place his regular order of shein.
Finishes quest
Benunius thanked me for finding and returning his shipment of shein.
The Lucky Mess-Up (AF_LuckyMessup_FL)
I sold the Shine to the Farmers and Laborers Hall in Vivec. I should return to Benunius in Balmora.
The Lucky Mess-Up (AF_LuckyMessup_MT)
I gave the Shine to Mistress Therana in Tel Branora and she promised to send the shein back to the Lucky Lockup.