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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/Why Don't You Write Me

< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: AFFresh
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Deliver a letter from Dralsea Arethi in Balmora for her son
Quest Giver: Dralsea Arethi in Balmora
Location(s): Balmora, Sadrith Mora
Reward: 100 gold
ID: AF_WhyDontYouWrite, AF_WhyDontYouWrite2

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Dralsea Arethi in Balmora about Gals Arethi.
  2. Give the letter to Gals Arethi in Sadrith Mora.
  3. (Optional) Talk to Gals again and ask him to write a return letter.
  4. Talk to the "Guard".
  5. Talk to Ulyna Arethi.
  6. Return to Dralsea.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Why Don't You Write Me (AF_WhyDontYouWrite)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Dralsea Arethi in Balmora lamented that her children don't write or visit. She asked me to deliver a letter to her son, Gals Arethi, a sailor in Sadrith Mora.
20 I delivered the letter to Gals Arethi.
40 Finishes quest  After speaking with Gals Arethi, an Imperial Guard confronted me in Sadrith Mora and questioned me about Gals Arethi and my relationship with him. Odd.
50 After speaking with Gals Arethi, one Ulyna Arethi confronted me and demanded that I hand over the letter Gals wrote. As he did not write a response, she was satisfied and left.
55 After speaking with Gals Arethi, one Ulyna Arethi confronted me and demanded that I hand over the letter Gals wrote. I decided to turn the letter over to her.
60 After speaking with Gals Arethi, one Ulyna Arethi confronted me and demanded that I hand over the letter Gals wrote. I decided to keep the letter.
100 Finishes quest  I returned to Dralsea Arethi and told her I delivered the letter to her son, Gals.
120 Finishes quest  I returned to Dralsea Arethi and told her I delivered the letter to her son, Gals. I delivered a letter from Gals to her.
Why Don't You Write Me (AF_WhyDontYouWrite2)
100 I convinced Gals Arethi to write a response after I brought him a blank paper to write on.