Created by the community, compiled and edited by Nedius. Version 0.3. The original document was created on 09.10.2007 (or earlier).
This resource has been created by a whole host of modders working hard and then offering their work freely to the modding community. Below is the list of modders who have contributed to this resource. Thanks to them all. Credit goes to: Darknut, Chia, Zer010, Nikki, Melian, Enmesharra, cyran0,, Fliggerty, Midgetalien, Trey Leavens, Pokeapoke, Qarl, Lurlock, Princess_stomper, Baratheon79, ixidorsbane, Aridale, Rocket, Boblen 1982, Kir, Thamior Amakiir, Stuporstar, Regaez, The Pixie, Symon69, Abot.
If you recognise an un-named (or, heaven forbid, wrongly named) script that you are the author of, please let me know so I can put it in place!
(Please note that is defunct and the links that are present there lead to suspicious sites - MWM wiki.)
Bed scriptEdit
by Bethesda
begin Bed_Standard ;used for standard beds the player can activate and sleep in if ( MenuMode == 0) if ( OnActivate == 1 ) ShowRestMenu endif endif end
by Nikki
"Activate script"; which would be placed on a button of some sort. You need to make a global variable first, I'll call it "var01", you should name it something with your initials.
begin button01 short State float xpos float ypos float zpos if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( OnActivate ==1 ) if ( State == 0 ) set var01 to 1;your global variable set xpos to ( GetPos, X ) set ypos to ( GetPos, Y ) set zpos to ( GetPos, Z ) PlaySound "cent spider roar" set State to 1 endif endif end
NOTE: For the mover, use activator wall move script
Button activator 2 (a-la Ghostgate)Edit
Submitted by Zer010, made by Bethesda
Here's the classic button/lever leads to wall/gate/whatever moving script: the MW ghostgate script. This part is put on the activator:
Begin GG_OpenGate1 ;opens first gate as Ghostgate (say that 5 times) ;put on button float timer short state if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( GG_Gate1_State == 0 ) PlaySound "Open Lock" "ex_gg_portcullis_01"->Playsound3DVP "Dwemer Door Open" 1.0 1.0 set GG_Gate1_State to 10 set state to 10 endif endif if ( State >= 10 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) ;move gate up (210 units) if ( timer < 3 ) "ex_gg_portcullis_01"->MoveWorld z 70 ;set back to start elseif ( timer > 21 ) "ex_gg_portcullis_01"->SetAtStart set State to 0 ;can now press button again set GG_Gate1_State to 0 set timer to 0 ;move gate down (210 units) elseif ( timer > 18 ) ;use state so sound only plays once if ( State == 10 ) "ex_gg_portcullis_01"->Playsound3DVP "Dwemer Door Open" 1.0 1.0 Set State to 20 endif "ex_gg_portcullis_01"->MoveWorld z -70 endif endif end GG_OpenGate1
It uses a global variable, GG_Gate1_State. Also, the moved bit needs to have this "script":
begin state short state end
- which adds a variable to track, although actually I've never seen it being used.
Flushing toiletEdit
by Pokeapoke
begin flush_script short state float timer if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return ;don't run time in Menu Mode. Very bad. endif if ( state == 0 ); flush is off if ( onActivate == 1 ) PlaySound3D "Dwemer Door Open" set state to 1 set timer to 1; will rotate for 1 second while opening endif elseif ( state == 1 ); flush is turning Rotate X -60; rotates 60 deg/sec set timer to ( timer - GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer <= 0 ) set state to 2 endif elseif ( state == 2 ); flush is on PlaySound3D "Dwemer Door Open" set state to 3 set timer to 1; will rotate for 1 second while closing endif elseif ( state == 3 ); flush is turning off Rotate X 60; rotates 60 deg/sec set timer to ( timer - GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer <= 0 ) set state to 0 endif endif end flush_script
Hurt actor on contact 1Edit
begin Collide_damage_100 ;hurts a standing actor 100 pts per sec when colliding with this object HurtCollidingActor 100 End
Hurt actor on contact 2Edit
by Regaez
The most basic of all scripts!
Begin Rz_stake if( MenuMode == 1) Return Endif HurtCollidingActor 10; when actor walks into the stake it takes off 10 points of health End Rz_stake
Invisible activatorEdit
Here is a different version of the abovementioned script which will make the wall rise when you get near an invisible marker, the "trigger script". I recommend using the activator mesh with the sound effect scripts on them. You can use the same global variable as the above script but you should not use them both in the same cell.
Create your own "var01" using the gameplay > Globals menu and selecting new and giving your global a unique id. Replace var01 with this ID.
begin trigger01_script short doonce if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif If ( GetDistance, Player <= 128 ) if ( doonce == 0 ) set var01 to 1;your global variable set doonce to 1 endif endif end
Note: for the mover, use activator wall move script.
Light switchEdit
by Regaez
The lightswitch script – attach this to your switch object. Rz_light is a global variable (Short).
Begin Rz_lights short MessageOn short button if( MenuMode == 1) Return endif if( OnActivate == 1) Set MessageOn to 2 endif if( MessageOn == 2) MessageBox "Which light would you like on?" "Normal" "Green" "Blue" "Red" "Off";asks which lights to turn on Set MessageOn to 1 endif if( MessageOn == 0) Return endif if( MessageOn == 1) set button to GetButtonPressed if( button == 0) Set MessageOn to 0 Set Rz_light to 1 Return endif if( button == 1) Set MessageOn to 0 Set Rz_light to 2 Return endif if( button == 2) Set MessageOn to 0 Set Rz_light to 3 Return endif if( button == 3) Set MessageOn to 0 Set Rz_light to 4 Return endif if( button == 4) Set MessageOn to 0 Set Rz_light to 5 Return endif endif End Rz_lights
This next script is what you place on the individual lights. This is for the "normal" lighting. Copy this and place it on your other colored lights – you will just need to change the enable/disable to their corresponding variable value. I'll list it for you:
Norm, enable if( Rz_light == 1)
Green, enable if( Rz_light == 2)
Blue, enable if( Rz_light == 3)
Red, enable if( Rz_light == 4)
All lights, disable if ( Rz_light == 5)
Begin Rz_lights_norm if( MenuMode == 1) Return endif if( Rz_light == 0) Disable endif if( Rz_light == 1) Enable endif if( Rz_light == 2) Disable endif if( Rz_light == 3) Disable endif if( Rz_light == 4) Disable endif if( Rz_light == 5) Disable endif End Rz_lights_norm
Reset activatorEdit
by Nikki
Now here is a script you should place on another invisible activator in the room to reset the global variable when you leave the cell so you can use the script over and over.
begin var_reset01 if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( CellChanged == 1 ) set var01 to 0; the name of your global variable endif end
Teleporting the playerEdit
by Zer010
Here's a script that makes an object teleport the player somewhere upon activation. It's supposed to look better in game than a more simple teleportation because it uses fades. I haven't actually used it myself yet. You need to create 3 new global float variables for it: My_PC_X, My_PC_Y, My_PC_Z (replace "my" with something unique).
Begin player_placement ;Global Float My_PC_X ;Global Float My_PC_Y ;Global Float My_PC_Z Float xpos Float ypos Float zpos Float timer Short step If ( OnActivate == 1 ) Set step to 1 Endif If ( step == 1 ) FadeOut 0.1 ToggleMenus Set step to 2 Return Elseif ( step == 2 ) Set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) If ( timer > 0.2 ) Set timer to 0 Set step to 3 Endif Return Elseif ( step == 3 ) Set step to 0 Player->COE 0 0 Set xpos to My_PC_X Set ypos to My_PC_Y Set zpos to My_PC_Z ToggleMenus MenuTest MenuTest Player->SetPos x xpos Player->SetPos y ypos Player->SetPos z zpos FixMe Player->SetPos x xpos Player->SetPos y ypos Player->SetPos z zpos FadeIn 0.1 Endif End
Weather controller (static)Edit
by Regaez
Here is a script I just recently wrote – and it works! It randomly changes the weather when you activate it. It is static, so you can't pick it up. I attached it to the dwemer puzzle box – it seemed to fit the script nicely!
Begin Rz_weatherbox_script short change short state short misc if( MenuMode == 1) Return endif if( OnActivate == 1) set state to 10 set misc to Random, 8 endif if( state == 10) if( misc == 0) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 0 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 0 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes clear!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 1) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 1 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 1 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes cloudy!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 2) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 2 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 2 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes foggy!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 3) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 3 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 3 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes overcast!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 4) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 4 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 4 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes rainy!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 5) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 5 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 5 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather thunderous!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 6) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 6 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 6 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes ash-filled!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 7) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 7 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 7 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes blighted!" set state to 0 endif endif End Rz_weatherbox_script
Appearing skeleton trapped chestEdit
by BILL of Bethesda
Script 1 (on chest)
begin _Cursed_Chest short doOnce if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( doOnce == 1 ) Activate return else MessageBox "You suddenly feel quite cold..." "contain_corpse_XXX1"->Disable "skeleton champ_XXX1"->Enable set "skeleton champ_XXX1".getimBoy to 1 "contain_corpse_XXX2"->Disable "skeleton champ_XXX2"->Enable set "skeleton champ_XXX2".getimBoy to 1 Set doOnce to 1 endif endif End
Script 2 (on all skeletons)
begin BILL_GTs_Skeletal_Guardians short getimBoy if ( CellChanged == 1 ) Disable endif if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( getimBoy == 1 ) if ( GetTarget "Player" == 0 ) StartCombat Player endif endif End
Making creatures appear by invisible activatorEdit
by Nikki
This one however makes monsters or NPCs warp into existance when you get near a certain invisible marker.
First make a global variable. Call it something like "warp var01". Now attach this script to the enemy you want to do the warping:
begin warpCreat01_script short state short playonce short doonce float timer float xpos float ypos float zpos if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return ;don't run time in Menu Mode. Very bad. endif if ( GetDisabled == 0 ) If (state==0) Disable set state to 1 endif endif if ( warp var01 == 1 ) If ( doonce == 0 ) set xpos to ( GetPos, X ) set ypos to ( GetPos, Y ) set zpos to ( GetPos, Z ) set zpos to ( zpos +30 ) Placeitem "sprigganup" xpos ypos zpos 0 Enable set doonce to 1 set playonce to 1 endif endif If ( playonce == 1 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) If ( timer >= 0.50 ) SetFight 100 Startcombat Player Set playonce to 2 endif endif end
And of course the good ol' trigger script to cause the warp to take effect when you get near the invisible marker. I recommend using the activator mesh with the sound effect scripts on them. You can use the same global variable as the above script but you should not use them both in the same cell.
begin WarpTrig01_script short doonce if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif If ( GetDistance, Player <= 128 ) if ( doonce == 0 ) set warp var01 to 1 set doonce to 1 endif endif end
Just place the scripted enemy in the cell wherever you want them to appear. You can use as many of them as you want, so you could have ten of them appear to surround the player when they get near an important item. They dont just appear out of thin air either, they appear with a flash of light and pause for a split second before attacking which makes the effect seem more interesting. Oh, make sure to set their fight AI to 0 otherwise the pause will be negated.
Again, like the scripts in the above post, you must reset the variable when you leave the cell; see the reset script. That way the script can be used again and again.
Summon a creature on activating an itemEdit
by BILL of Bethesda
begin BILL_MarksDaedraSummon ; Summon a Daedra when an item is removed from altar ; ; script location: should be placed upon an object on a Daedric Altar ; variables short done if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( done == 1 ) Activate return else Set done to 1 PlaceAtPC "Dremora_lord" 1 128 1 ;1 of them, 256 units away, in back (1) of the player Activate endif endif End
Visual effect on deathEdit
Submitted by Midgetalien
Here's one which places a special effect when a creature dies. It also disables the creature i.e making look like it diseapered in the magical vortex. If you want the creature's corpse to still be there, then just remove the disabled part.
If ( OnDeath == 1 ) PlaceAtMe sprigganup 1 1 1; Visual effect Disable endif
Display casesEdit
Lady E's, which have the glass lids go down when activatedEdit
; Activates the display case lid (_SA_dispcaselid) to slide up/down. ; Creator of this script is Viking_ Lord from Anastasio The Great's Hideout begin SA_displaycaselid float Timer short State if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( OnActivate ==1 ) if ( State == 0 ) PlaySound "Door Stone Open" set State to 245 endif endif if ( State >= 245 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) ;slide lid down if ( Timer < 3 ) MoveWorld Z, -21 ;set back to start elseif ( Timer > 19 ) SetAtStart set State to 0 ;can now press button again set Timer to 0 elseif ( Timer > 16 ) if ( State == 245 ) PlaySound "Door Stone Close" set State to 246 endif MoveWorld Z, 21 endif endif end
Indigo Rage's display cases with the red fabric interiorEdit
;This script is from IndigoRage it operates the cases that have the red fabric on the bottom. begin SA_Ind_displaycase short state short first short open short close float timer If (MenuMode == 1) Return endif If (OnActivate == 1) Set state to 1 endif If (state == 1) If (first == 0) playgroup, idle2, 0 set open to 1 endif endif if (open == 1) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer < 0.5 ) Return endif set timer to 0 playgroup, idle3 set first to 1 set state to 0 set open to 0 endif if (state == 1) if (first == 1) playgroup, idle4, 0 set close to 1 endif endif if (close == 1) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer < 0.5 ) Return endif set timer to 0 playgroup, idle set first to 0 set state to 0 set close to 0 endif end SA_Ind_displaycase
Dongle's Green glass display cabinetEdit
;This script is from Dongle for use with the Green Glass Display Cases. Begin, SA_GlassDisplayScript Short State Short First Short Open Short Close Float Timer If ( MenuMode == 1 ) Return EndIf If ( OnActivate == 1 ) Set State to 1 EndIf If ( State == 1 ) If ( First == 0 ) PlayGroup, Idle2, 0 PlaySound3D, "Door Creaky Open" Set Open to 1 EndIf EndIf If ( Open == 1 ) Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed ) If ( Timer < 0.5 ) Return EndIf Set Timer to 0 PlayGroup, Idle3 Set First to 1 Set State to 0 Set Open to 0 EndIf If ( State == 1 ) If ( First == 1 ) PlayGroup, Idle4, 0 PlaySound3D, "Door Creaky Close" Set Close to 1 EndIf EndIf If ( Close == 1 ) Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed ) If ( Timer < 0.5 ) Return EndIf Set Timer to 0 PlayGroup, Idle Set First to 0 Set State to 0 Set Close to 0 EndIf End, SA_GlassDisplayScript
Fixed versions of Dongle's and Indigo Rage's display cases scriptsEdit
These were not included in the original compilation - MWMWiki
The following modifications of the abovementioned scripts were submitted by Cantorsdust. They described the problem with the original scripts as follows: "The fundamental problem, as far as I could tell, was this: The containers had 4 animations. Idling closed, opening, idling open, and closing. For whatever reason, the closing animation refused to allow the idling animation to take over after the appropriate time. So I changed the animation function to interrrupt, rather than wait for the previous animation to finish, then adjusted the timers so that the animation interrupted at just the right time."
Begin GlassDisplayScript ;used in Dongle's display case short State short First short Open short Close float Timer If ( MenuMode == 1 ) Return endif If ( OnActivate == 1 ) Set State to 1 endif If ( State == 1 ) If ( First == 0 ) If ( Open == 0 ) PlayGroup, Idle2, 0 PlaySound3D, "Door Creaky Open" Set Open to 1 Set State to 0 Set First to 0 Set Close to 0 Endif EndIf EndIf If ( Open == 1 ) Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed ) If ( Timer < 1.64 ) Return EndIf Set Timer to 0 PlayGroup, Idle3, 1 Set First to 1 Set State to 0 Set Open to 0 Set Close to 0 EndIf If ( State == 1 ) If ( First == 1 ) If ( Close == 0 ) Set Close to 1 Set State to 0 set Open to 0 set First to 0 PlayGroup, Idle4, 0 PlaySound3D, "Door Creaky Close" Endif EndIf EndIf If ( Close == 1 ) Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed ) If ( Timer < 1.60 ) Return EndIf Set Timer to 0 PlayGroup, Idle, 1 Set First to 0 Set State to 0 Set Close to 0 Set Open to 0 EndIf End GlassDisplayScript
begin Ind_displaycase ;attached to Indary's display case short state short first short open short close float timer If ( MenuMode == 1 ) Return endif If ( OnActivate == 1 ) Set state to 1 endif If ( state == 1 ) If ( first == 0 ) if ( open == 0 ) playgroup, idle2, 1 set open to 1 set state to 0 set first to 1 set close to 0 endif endif endif if ( open == 1 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer < 1.1 ) Return endif set timer to 0 playgroup, idle3, 1 set first to 1 set state to 0 set open to 0 set close to 0 endif if ( state == 1 ) if ( first == 1 ) if ( close == 0 ) set close to 1 set state to 0 set open to 0 set first to 0 playgroup, idle4, 1 endif endif endif if ( close == 1 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer < 1.495 ) Return endif set timer to 0 playgroup, idle, 1 set first to 0 set state to 0 set close to 0 endif end Ind_displaycase
Air lock scriptEdit
by Regaez
This is the airlock script. Place this on the desired switch. Waterlev and waterstate are global variables (short).
Begin Rz_airlock_switch if( OnActivate == 1) set waterlev to (waterstate + 300) set waterstate to (waterstate + 600) endif if( waterstate > 0) ModWaterLevel, -0.5 set waterstate to (waterstate - 1) endif if( MenuMode == 1) return endif End Rz_airlock_switch
Place this script on the door that you exit from – to the flooded area (you usually enter from this door).
Begin Rz_airlock_exitdoor short height if( MenuMode == 1) return endif if( OnActivate == 1) set height to waterlev ModWaterLevel, height;this resets the water level when you leave the airlock Activate endif End Rz_airlock_exitdoor
Place this script on the door which leads to the rest of the cell – the area which is not flooded. You may need to play around with values depending on what the original waterlevel was – I think I set mine to 15000.
Begin Rz_airlock_flooddoor if( MenuMode == 1) return endif if( OnActivate == 1) if( GetWaterLevel > 14750) MessageBox "You need to drain the room of water first, before opening this door." elseif (GetWaterLevel < 14750) Activate endif endif End Rz_airlock_flooddoor
Automatically closing doorsEdit
by Enmesharra
I hate having doors opened all over the place about as much as I hate having to always stop and close the door. So I created this simple but useful script for my house mod. Put this on a door and the door will close by itself 5 seconds after being opened.
Begin ZZA_Door_close_script Short ContVar float timer ;if the door should happen to get messed up or if the player leaves the cell while a door is not finished ;closing itself this resets everything whenever the player enters the cell If ( cellchanged > 0 ) SetAtStart Set ContVar to 0 endif If ( ContVar == 0 ) If ( OnActivate ) Activate set ContVar to 1 set timer to 0 Endif Elseif ( ContVar == 1 ) If ( OnActivate ) ;if the player closes the door by hand set timer to 6 Endif set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed If timer > 5 Activate set ContVar to 0 Endif Endif End
Door lock scriptEdit
by Pokeapoke
Begin Door_lock If ( OnActivate == 1 ) If ( Player -> GetItemCount, "Door_key" >= 1 ) Activate Else; Either You have a Key, Or you don't MessageBox, "You need a key to open this door." EndIf EndIf End
Alternate door lock scriptEdit
by Qarl
Begin Door_lock If ( OnActivate ) If ( Player->GetItemCount "Door_key" < 1 ) playSound lockedDoor messageBox, "You need a key to open this door." return endif Activate EndIf End
Auto-lock doorsEdit
by Baratheon79
begin auto-relock_door_script short activate_count float relock_timer DontSaveObject if ( menumode == 1 ) return endif ;This part allows the player to open the door if they pick the lock or have ;the key in their inventory. if ( GetLocked == 0 ) if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( activate_count < 2 ) set activate_count to ( activate_count + 1 ) endif Activate endif else if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( Player->GetItemCount, "door_key" >= 1 ) Activate set activate_count to ( activate_count + 1 ) else Activate endif endif endif ;This section relocks the door once it's closed if ( activate_count == 2 ) if ( relock_timer < 2 ) set relock_timer to ( relock_timer + GetSecondsPassed ) elseif ( relock_timer >= 2 ) Lock, 100 PlaySound3D, "Open Lock" set activate_count to 0 set relock_timer to 0 endif endif end
Trapped rugEdit
by Rocket
Use a different spell for this one, you might have to create one.
begin Script_Trapped_Rug short state if ( menuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( onActivate == 1 ) return endif if ( state == 2 ) return else if ( getStandingPC == 1 ) if ( state == 0 ) cast sp_trap_fire_5x50 player ; Place code here to raise ; alarm, summon guards etc ... set state to 1 endif else set state to 0 endif endif if ( getSoundPlaying "Disarm Trap" == 1 ) set state to 2 endif end
Create a door using a rug model like f\Furn_rug_01.nif. Give it a name like "Handwoven Rug" and attach this script. Set the reference data to locked, level 0, with any trap spell.
Trapped rug 2Edit
by BILL of Bethesda
begin BILL_common_trapped_rug ; hits the player with a glyph of weakness when he walks on the rug. ; trap resets 15 seconds later. ; ; script location: should be called from ac_furn_rug_big_04_dren ; variables short onMe ; is the Player on me? short wait float timer if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( wait == 1 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer < 15 ) return else set timer to 0 set wait to 0 endif endif set onMe to ( GetStandingPC ) if ( onMe == 1 ) MessageBox, "You have triggered a trap..." Cast, "sp_glyphofweakness", Player set wait to 1 endif end BILL_common_trapped_rug
Tribunal's dark hole script – a door with an option to pass throughEdit
Begin DoorScript short button short messageOn ; this part gives you your choice on activating the Door if ( OnActivate == 1 ) MessageBox "Do you wish pass through the door?" "Yes" "No" set messageOn to 1 endif if ( messageOn == 1 ) set button to GetButtonPressed ;resets the variable so you can use the door multiple times if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif ;should send you through the door normally if ( button == 0 ) Activate ; should just reset the script, allowing you to do it again elseif ( button == 1 ) set button to 0 return endif endif End DoorScript
Making items arrive post-deathEdit
Begin XX_Death_Script If ( GetHealth <= 0 ) AddItem "item ID" # AddItem "item ID" # EndIf End
Making a miscellaneous object unliftableEdit
by Vorwoda_the_Black, from
I had to change the trees in Abu Manor dining room from Static to Miscellaneous Objects so they wouldn't have collision walls, but I didn't want people to be able to pick them up like Miscellaneous Objects. Just replace the SA_MiscTreeScript with the id of the object in question.
;Script to prevent Dining Room trees from being ;moved, written by Vorwoda_the_Black Begin SA_MiscTreeScript if ( OnActivate == 1 ) return endif End SA_MiscTreeScript
Teleport amuletEdit
Make sure you alter the LOCATION, and insert here x/y/z values.
Begin amuletScript short button short messageOn short reset short OnPcEquip ;if ( MenuMode == 1 ) ; Return ;endif if ( OnPCEquip == 0 ) set reset to 0 endif if ( reset == 1 ) return endif if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) if ( reset == 0 ) Set OnPCEquip to 0 MessageBox "Would you like to return to LOCATION?" "Yes" "No" set messageOn to 1 endif endif endif if ( messageOn == 1) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif if ( button == 0 ) Player->PositionCell, insert x here, insert y here, insert z here, 180, "LOCATION" set reset to 1 elseif ( button == 1 ) set reset to 1 return endif endif End
Teleport ringEdit
;This script is for the home teleport ring, don't know who wrote this. Begin SA_AbuManor_TeleportRing short OnPCEquip if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) Player->PositionCell, 2178 2610 1122 0 "Abu Manor" endif set OnPCEquip to 0 End SA_AbuManor_TeleportRing
Teleport ring 2Edit
by Thamior Amakiir
Change locations to where you want it to take you.
Begin da_tb_teleportring short button short messageOn short reset short OnPcEquip ;if ( MenuMode == 1 ) ; Return ;endif if ( OnPCEquip == 0 ) set reset to 0 endif if ( reset == 1 ) return endif if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) if ( reset == 0 ) Set OnPCEquip to 0 MessageBox "Where would you like to go?" "Balmora" "Vivec" "Sadrith Mora" "Tel Fyr" "Nowhere" set messageOn to 1 endif endif endif if ( messageOn == 1 ) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif ;Balmora if ( button == 0 ) playsound "conjuration hit" Player->PositionCell 4288, 4384, 15300, 90 "Balmora, Temple" set reset to 1 ;Vivec elseif ( button == 1 ) playsound "conjuration hit" Player->PositionCell 5248, 6336, 12850, 180 "Vivec, Hall of Wisdom" set reset to 1 ;Sadrith Mora elseif ( button == 2 ) playsound "conjuration hit" Player->PositionCell 3952, 4344, 1138, 0 "Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry" set reset to 1 return ;Tel Fyr elseif ( button == 3 ) playsound "conjuration hit" Player->PositionCell 108, 102, 54, 0 "Tower of Tel Fyr, Onyx Hall" set reset to 1 return elseif ( button == 4 ) set reset to 1 return endif endif End
Teleport ring 3Edit
by Regaez
This is the teleporting ring script. Attach it to a ring (duh). It is currently set to teleport you to Balmora Square. It requires you to make a mark ability and a recall ability. And if you don't want to teleport to Balmora Square you'll just have to change the position cell info.
Begin Rz_teleport_ring short OnPCEquip short button if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) MessageBox "How would you like to teleport?" "Balmora Square" "Mark and go to Balmora Square" "Recall" "Nevermind" set OnPCEquip to 2 endif if ( OnPCEquip == 2 ) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button == -1 ) return endif if ( button == 0 ) player->PositionCell -23503 -15885 574 74 "Balmora -3,-2" set OnPCEquip to 0 endif if ( button == 1 ) player->AddSpell Your_mark_abil_id set OnPCEquip to 3 endif if ( button == 2 ) player->AddSpell Your_recall_abil_id set OnPCEquip to 3 endif if ( button == 3 ) set OnPCEquip to 0 endif endif if ( OnPCEquip == 3 ) if ( player->GetEffect sEffectMark == 1 ) player->RemoveSpell Your_mark_abil_id player->PositionCell -23503 -15885 574 74 "Balmora -3,-2" set OnPCEquip to 0 elseif ( player->GetEffect sEffectRecall == 1 ) player->RemoveSpell Your_recall_abil_id set OnPCEquip to 0 endif endif End Rz_teleport_ring
'Throbbing' itemsEdit
by Fliggerty
It makes an object grow and shrink a little bit to simulate a "throbbing" effect.
begin throb_script float timer short state float temp short delay if ( MenuMode ) return endif set timer to ( timer + getsecondspassed ) if ( timer >= 3 );change this for delay between grow n shrink if ( state == 0 ) set state to 1 else set state to 0 endif set timer to 0 endif set delay to ( delay + 1 ) if ( delay < 5 );change this for growth speed Return endif set delay to 0 if ( state == 0 ) set temp to GetScale set temp to ( temp + 0.015 );tweak these values for size SetScale temp else set temp to GetScale set temp to ( temp - 0.015 ) SetScale temp endif end
Making objects appear only if the player has an item in their inventoryEdit
by Trey Leavens
This one makes the object it's attached to only appear if the player has a certain item in inventory. It would be pretty cool if you checked for a spell instead of an item, say one which you only got from a faction, since that's not obvious the object appearing would appear to be connected with belonging to said faction.
begin scriptname short variable if ( variable == 0 ) if ( GetDisabled == 0 ) disable endif elseif ( variable == 1 ) if ( getdisabled == 1 ) enable endif endif if ( player->GetItemCount, "objectID" >= 1 ) set variable to 1 endif end
Sword in the stoneEdit
by Regaez
Ah, well here's a little "Sword in the Stone" sort of script. Basically you could put it on a sword stuck in the ground. It's pretty basic, but hey! Note (comment from author): "Oh, I'm writing it from memory, as I am not actually on my Morrowind-playing computer at the moment, so it may not be 100% the correct (I sometimes get muddled up with the greater than/less than signs)."
Begin R_strength_test if( MenuMode == 1) Return endif if( OnActivate == 1) if( player-> GetStrength < 50) MessageBox, "You are too weak. You cannot hope to pull this sword out.";or change the sword to whatever you want endif if( player-> GetStrength > 49) if( player-> GetStrength < 60) MessageBox, "You tug but your hands just slip off the hilt. More strength is need to pull out this sword." endif endif if( player-> GetStrength > 59) if( player-> GetStrength < 70) MessageBox, "You imagine a budge, but do not be fooled! You are still not strong enough." endif endif if( player-> GetStrength > 69) if( player-> GetStrength < 80) MessageBox, "It starts to feel like giving way..." endif endif if( player-> GetStrength > 79) if( player-> GetStrength < 90) MessageBox, "You can feel the sword's futile efforts at resisting you grow weaker." endif endif if( player-> GetStrength > 89) if( player-> GetStrength < 100) MessageBox, "There is no doubt about it - you shall have the sword with a little more strength in your pull." endif endif if( player-> GetStrength == 100) MessageBox, "You heave and the sword sings as it slides free from the grip of the ground!" Activate endif End R_strength_test
Another note from author: "I would just like to make a last minute defense in case this script has some fatal flaws and say that I am not the best at scripting and... oh what the heck, you get the idea! If it's wrong then it's wrong and I'm sure you super dooper scripters out there can fix it in the blink of an eye!"
Sword in the stone 2Edit
by Regaez
Another "Sword in the Stone" themed script. Attach this to a Daedric Longsword or a weapon of your choice!
Begin Rz_dae_longsword_dummy short pickup if( MenuMode == 0) if( pickup == 0) if( OnActivate == 1) MessageBox "You try to pick the sword up but find it stuck fast to the ground." set pickup to 1 endif endif if( pickup == 1) if( OnActivate == 1) MessageBox "You try to pick the sword up but find it stuck fast to the ground." set pickup to 2 endif endif if( pickup == 2) if( OnActivate == 1) MessageBox "You try to pick the sword up but find it stuck fast to the ground." set pickup to 3 endif endif if( pickup == 3) if( OnActivate == 1) MessageBox "You try to pick the sword up but find it stuck fast to the ground." set pickup to 4 endif endif if( pickup == 4) if( OnActivate == 1) MessageBox "The sword suddenly comes free, your perserverence paid off!" Activate endif endif endif End Rz_dae_longsword_dummy
Sword in the stone 3Edit
by Symon69
Begin R_strength_test local pstr if ( MenuMode == 1) Return endif set pstr to player -> GetStrength if ( OnActivate ) if ( pstr < 50) MessageBox, "You are too weak. You cannot hope to pull this sword out.";or change the sword to whatever you want elseif ( pstr < 60) MessageBox, "You tug but your hands just slip off the hilt. More strength is need to pull out this sword." elseif ( pstr < 70) MessageBox, "You imagine a budge, but do not be fooled! You are still not strong enough." elseif ( pstr < 80) MessageBox, "It starts to feel like giving way..." elseif ( pstr < 90) MessageBox, "You can feel the sword's futile efforts at resisting you grow weaker." elseif ( pstr < 100) MessageBox, "There is no doubt about it - you shall have the sword with a little more strength in your pull." else MessageBox, "You heave and the sword sings as it slides free from the grip of the ground!" Activate endif endif End R_strength_test
Weather controller (carriable)Edit
by Regaez
To use this object just drag it onto your person in the inventory menu.
Begin Rz_carry_weatherbox_script short change short state short misc short OnPCEquip if( MenuMode == 1) Return endif if( OnPCEquip == 1) set state to 10 set misc to Random, 8 set OnPCEquip to 0 endif if( state == 10) if( misc == 0) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 0 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 0 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 0 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes clear!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 1) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 1 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 1 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 1 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes cloudy!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 2) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 2 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 2 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 2 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes foggy!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 3) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 3 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 3 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 3 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes overcast!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 4) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 4 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 4 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 4 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes rainy!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 5) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 5 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 5 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 5 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather thunderous!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 6) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 6 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 6 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 6 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes ash-filled!" set state to 0 endif if( misc == 7) ChangeWeather, "West Gash Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Bitter Coast Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Azura's Coast Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Ashlands Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Ascadian Isles Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Sheogorad", 7 ChangeWeather, "Molag Mar Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Red Mountain Region", 7 ChangeWeather, "Grazelands Region", 7 MessageBox, "You fiddle around some...and the weather becomes blighted!" set state to 0 endif endif End Rz_carry_weatherbox_script
Adding journal entriesEdit
by Cyran0
Well, here is a script that I frequently use in designing quests. It updates the player's journal upon reading a book or note. It works whether the player reads the note by activating it in the world or equipping the note from inventory.
Begin lgnpc_fq_NoteScript ; Attached to note to trigger a journal update when player reads it. short readNote short OnPCEquip short PCSkipEquip if ( readNote == 1 ) return endif set PCSkipEquip to 0 if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( GetJournalIndex "lgnpc_fq_X" == 40 ) Journal "lgnpc_fq_X" 50 set readNote to 1 endif Activate return endif if ( menumode == 0 ) return endif set PCSkipEquip to 1 if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) if ( GetJournalIndex "lgnpc_fq_X" == 40 ) Journal "lgnpc_fq_X" 50 endif set readNote to 1 set OnPCEquip to 0 set PCSkipEquip to 0 Activate endif End lgnpc_fq_NoteScript
Using the journal to make items 'appear'Edit
This script can be placed on an item, activator or NPC to make it appear only after a certain journal entry has been reached. Remember to replace 'MY_JOUNRAL_INDEX' with the journal name of the required entry.
Begin Journal_enable_script if ( GetDisabled == 0 ) if ( GetJournalIndex MY_JOUNRAL_INDEX < 20 ) Disable endif elseif ( GetDisabled == 1 ) if ( GetJournalIndex MY_JOUNRAL_INDEX >= 20 ) Enable endif endif End Journal_enable_script
Briefcase lockEdit
by Kir
begin CodeLock_Briefcase short status ; 0 - initialization ; -1 - locked and standby ; 2 - locked and activated ; 3 - processing buttons ; -4 - unlocked and standby ; 5 - unlocked and activated ; 6 - processing lockpicking ; 7 - blocking from reaction to OpenLockFail sound more than once short codesum short code1 short code2 short code3 short code4 short lock1 short lock2 short lock3 short lock4 short locksum short button short pickable float chance short i short j if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( status == -4 ) set status to 5 else set status to 2 endif endif if ( GetSoundPlaying "Open Lock Fail" == 1 ) if ( status == -1 ) set status to 6 return endif endif if ( status < 0 ) return endif if ( status == 7 ) if ( GetSoundPlaying "Open Lock Fail" == 0 ) set status to -1 endif return endif if ( status == 0 ) set pickable to 100; <= This is the difficulty of the lock regarding lockpicking. Set it to 0 if you don't want the lock to be pickable at all set code1 to 4; <= This is the combination that opens the lock. Edit at will... and don't forget to give it to player somehow set code2 to 8; <= set code3 to 1; <= set code4 to 0; <= set codesum to ( code1 * 1000 ) + ( code2 * 100 ) + ( code3 * 10 ) + code4 set lock1 to Random, 10 set lock2 to Random, 10 set lock3 to Random, 10 set lock4 to Random, 10 if ( pickable > 0 ) Lock 10000; It *must* be insanely high regardless of the intended difficulty - do not change endif set status to -1 endif if ( status == 5 ) Activate set status to -4 endif if ( status == 2 ) ; MessageBox "Enter the code number:| %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f", lock1, lock2, lock3, lock4, " ", " ", " ", " ", "Exit" MessageBox " %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f ", lock1, lock2, lock3, lock4, " ", " ", " ", " ", "Exit" set status to 3 endif if ( status == 3 ) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button == -1 ) return elseif ( button == 0 ) set lock1 to lock1 + 1 if ( lock1 == 10 ) set lock1 to 0 endif elseif ( button == 1 ) set lock2 to lock2 + 1 if ( lock2 == 10 ) set lock2 to 0 endif elseif ( button == 2 ) set lock3 to lock3 + 1 if ( lock3 == 10 ) set lock3 to 0 endif elseif ( button == 3 ) set lock4 to lock4 + 1 if ( lock4 == 10 ) set lock4 to 0 endif elseif ( button == 4 ) set status to -1 return endif set locksum to ( lock1 * 1000 ) + ( lock2 * 100 ) + ( lock3 * 10 ) + lock4 if ( locksum == codesum ) set status to 5 PlaySound "Open Lock" if ( pickable > 0 ) Unlock endif else set status to 2 PlaySound "LockedChest" endif endif if ( status == 6 ) set chance to ( Player->GetSecurity ) set chance to ( chance * chance * chance ) set chance to ( chance / 10000 ) set i to Random, 20 set chance to ( chance + i ) set i to ( Player->GetLuck ) set i to ( i / 10 ) set chance to ( chance + i ) ;messagebox "Security + Random + Luck chance %.3f" chance if ( Player->GetItemCount "skeleton_key" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "skeleton_key" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 2 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_secretmaster" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_secretmaster" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 1.2 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_grandmaster" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_grandmaster" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 1.1 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_master" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_master" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 1.0 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_journeyman_01" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_journeyman_01" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 0.8 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_apprentice_01" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_apprentice_01" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 0.6 ) endif ;messagebox "Total chance %.3f" chance if ( ( Chance * 2 ) < pickable ) set status to 7 MessageBox "You have no slightest idea how to crack this lock" return endif if ( ( Chance * 1.5 ) < pickable ) set status to 7 MessageBox "You tamper with the lock but have no success this time" return endif if ( ( Chance * 1.2 ) < pickable ) set status to 7 MessageBox "You almost pick up one of triggers but at the last moment it's off" return endif set j to Random, 40; choosing random digit out of 4 set i to j / 10 set j to 0 if ( i == 0 ); skipping digits already picked if ( lock1 == code1 ); this fragment is repeated twice on purpose! set i to 1 endif endif if ( i == 1 ) if ( lock2 == code2 ) set i to 2 endif endif if ( i == 2 ) if ( lock3 == code3 ) set i to 3 endif endif if ( i == 3 ) if ( lock4 == code4 ) set i to 0 endif endif if ( i == 0 ) if ( lock1 == code1 ) set i to 1 endif endif if ( i == 1 ) if ( lock2 == code2 ) set i to 2 endif endif if ( i == 2 ) if ( lock3 == code3 ) set i to 3 endif endif if ( i == 3 ) if ( lock4 == code4 ) set i to 0; it should never occur, but version with "while" would occasionally hang the program messagebox "Program alert"; into eternal loop, so maybe I'm missing something. Mail me if you see this message endif endif if ( i == 0 ) if ( Chance < pickable ) if ( lock1 < code1 ) MessageBox "You get the feeling that the first digit must be higher" set lock1 to lock1 + 1 else MessageBox "You get the feeling that the first digit must be lower" set lock1 to lock1 - 1 endif else set lock1 to code1 MessageBox "You manage to figure the first digit of the code. It is ' %.0f '", code1 endif set status to 7 elseif ( i == 1 ) if ( Chance < pickable ) if ( lock2 < code2 ) MessageBox "You get the feeling that the second digit must be higher" set lock2 to lock2 + 1 else MessageBox "You get the feeling that the second digit must be lower" set lock2 to lock2 - 1 endif else set lock2 to code2 MessageBox "You manage to figure the second digit of the code. It is ' %.0f '", code2 endif elseif ( i == 2 ) if ( Chance < pickable ) if ( lock3 < code3 ) MessageBox "You get the feeling that the third digit must be higher" set lock3 to lock3 + 1 else MessageBox "You get the feeling that the third digit must be lower" set lock3 to lock3 - 1 endif else set lock3 to code3 MessageBox "You manage to figure the third digit of the code. It is ' %.0f '", code3 endif elseif ( i == 3 ) if ( Chance < pickable ) if ( lock4 < code4 ) MessageBox "You get the feeling that the fourth digit must be higher" set lock4 to lock4 + 1 else MessageBox "You get the feeling that the fourth digit must be lower" set lock4 to lock4 - 1 endif else set lock4 to code4 MessageBox "You manage to figure the fourth digit of the code. It is ' %.0f '", code4 endif endif set status to 7 set locksum to ( lock1 * 1000 ) + ( lock2 * 100 ) + ( lock3 * 10 ) + lock4 if ( locksum == codesum ) set status to 5 MessageBox "You've successfully picked the code lock" if ( pickable > 0 ) Unlock endif PlaySound "Open Lock" endif endif end
Keypad lockEdit
by Kir
begin CodeLock_Numpad1 short status ; 0 - initialization ; -1 - locked and standby ; 2 - locked and activated ; 3 - processing buttons ; -4 - unlocked and standby ; 5 - unlocked and activated ; 6 - processing lockpicking ; 7 - blocking from reaction to OpenLockFail sound more than once long codesum long code short lock_length short lock_order short code1 short code2 short code3 short code4 short code5 short code6 short code7 short code8 short code9 short code10 short code11 short code12 short code13 short code14 short code15 short button short pickable float chance short doonce short correct short i if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( status == -4 ) set status to 5 else set status to 2 set lock_order to 1 set codesum to 0 endif endif if ( GetSoundPlaying "Open Lock Fail" == 1 ) if ( status == -1 ) set status to 6 endif endif if ( status < 0 ) return endif if ( status == 7 ) if ( GetSoundPlaying "Open Lock Fail" == 0 ) set status to -1 endif return endif if ( status == 0 ) set pickable to 100; <= This is the difficulty of the lock regarding lockpicking. Set it to 0 if you don't want the lock to be pickable at all set lock_length to 9; <= this is the lenght of code combination (maximum is 9 digits) set code1 to 1; <= this is the combination that opens the lock set code2 to 1; <= (no zeroes - there can be only up to 9 buttons in MessageBox!) set code3 to 2; <= set code4 to 2; <= set code5 to 3; <= set code6 to 3; <= set code7 to 4; <= set code8 to 4; <= set code9 to 5; <= set code to 0 if ( lock_length >= 1 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code1 endif if ( lock_length >= 2 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code2 endif if ( lock_length >= 3 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code3 endif if ( lock_length >= 4 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code4 endif if ( lock_length >= 5 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code5 endif if ( lock_length >= 6 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code6 endif if ( lock_length >= 7 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code7 endif if ( lock_length >= 8 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code8 endif if ( lock_length >= 9 ) set code to ( code * 10 ) + code9 endif if ( pickable > 0 ) Lock 10000; It *must* be insanely high regardless of the intended difficulty - do not change! endif set status to -1 endif if ( status == 5 ) Activate set status to -4 endif if ( status == 2 ) MessageBox " Enter the code sequence: %.0f ", codesum, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" set status to 3 endif if ( status == 3 ) set button to GetButtonPressed + 1 if ( button == 0 ) return endif set codesum to codesum * 10 set codesum to codesum + button set lock_order to lock_order + 1 if ( lock_order > lock_length ) if ( codesum == code ) ; Activate set status to 5 PlaySound "Open Lock" Unlock else set status to 7 PlaySound "Open Lock Fail" endif else set status to 2 PlaySound "LockedChest" endif endif if ( status == 6 ) set chance to ( Player->GetSecurity ) set chance to ( chance * chance * chance ) set chance to ( chance / 10000 ) set i to Random, 20 set chance to ( chance + i ) set i to ( Player->GetLuck ) set i to ( i / 10 ) set chance to ( chance + i ) ;messagebox "Security + Random + Luck chance %.3f" chance if ( Player->GetItemCount "skeleton_key" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "skeleton_key" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 2 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_secretmaster" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_secretmaster" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 1.2 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_grandmaster" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_grandmaster" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 1.1 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_master" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_master" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 1.0 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_journeyman_01" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_journeyman_01" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 0.8 ) elseif ( Player->GetItemCount "pick_apprentice_01" > 0 ); Morrowind only ; elseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "pick_apprentice_01" > 0 ); Tribunal/Bloodmoon set chance to ( chance * 0.6 ) endif ;messagebox "Total chance %.3f" chance set status to 7 if ( ( Chance * 1.5 ) < pickable ) MessageBox "You have no slightest idea how to crack this lock" return endif if ( ( Chance * 1.2 ) < pickable ) MessageBox "You need more skill and better tools to crack this lock" return endif if ( Chance < pickable ) MessageBox "You tamper with the lock but have no success this time" return endif set i to 1000 while ( i >= lock_length ) set i to Random, 9 endwhile if ( i == 0 ) MessageBox "You believe that the first digit of the code should be %.0f", code1 endif if ( i == 1 ) MessageBox "You believe that the second digit of the code should be %.0f", code2 endif if ( i == 2 ) MessageBox "You believe that the third digit of the code should be %.0f", code3 endif if ( i == 3 ) MessageBox "You believe that the fourth digit of the code should be %.0f", code4 endif if ( i == 4 ) MessageBox "You believe that the fifth digit of the code should be %.0f", code5 endif if ( i == 5 ) MessageBox "You believe that the sixth digit of the code should be %.0f", code6 endif if ( i == 6 ) MessageBox "You believe that the seventh digit of the code should be %.0f", code7 endif if ( i == 7 ) MessageBox "You believe that the eighth digit of the code should be %.0f", code8 endif if ( i == 8 ) MessageBox "You believe that the ninth digit of the code should be %.0f", code9 endif endif end
Magic regenerationEdit
by Zer010
This global script makes the PC's (and only the PC's) magicka gradually regenerate. I find it better than sleeping 26 hours at a stretch. Note that the formula can be changed, as well as the time.
begin Global_MagickaRegeneration float regen float timer float will if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( timer < 5 ) return else set will to ( player->getwillpower ) set regen to ( ( will +5) / 10 ) player->modcurrentmagicka, regen set timer to 0 endif end
Detecting PC's birthsignEdit
by The Pixie
This script will detect the player's birthsign, setting the global variable Pix_g_Birthsign. Use it as a global script.
begin Pix_sc_Birthsign ; Global script, call only if Pix_g_Birthsign is zero ; 1 The Mage: fay ability ; 2 The Apprentice: elfborn ability ; 3 The Atronach: wombburn ; 4 The Ritual: blessed word, blessed touch, mara's gift ; 5 The Thief: akaviri danger-sense ; 6 The Lover: mooncalf ability, lover's kiss ; 7 The Shadow: moonshadow ; 8 The Tower: beggar's nose spell, tower key ; 9 The Warrior: warywrd ability ;10 The Lady: lady's grace, lady's favor ;11 The Lord: blood of the north, trollkin ability ;12 The Steed: charioteer ability ;13 The Serpent: star-curse ;14 Custom/unknown ; Most signs give an ability that can be detected with GetSpellEffects if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) if ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "fay ability" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 1 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "elfborn ability" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 2 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "wombburn" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 3 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "akaviri danger-sense" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 5 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "mooncalf ability" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 6 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "warywrd ability" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 9 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "lady's grace" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 10 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "trollkin ability" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 11 elseif ( Player -> GetSpellEffects "charioteer ability" == 1 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 12 endif endif ; Some birthsigns give spells or powers, but they cannot be detected with GetSpell ; Check the character does not have the spell as a spell rather than a birthsign ; Give the spell to the player, this will fail if he has it as already ; If GetSpell says he still does not have the spell, he must have had it already as a birthsign thing ; Otherwise, remove the spell again. if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) if ( Player -> GetSpell "star-curse" == 0 ) Player -> AddSpell "star-curse" if ( Player -> GetSpell "star-curse" == 1 ) Player -> RemoveSpell "star-curse" else Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 13 endif endif endif if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) if ( Player -> GetSpell "beggar's nose spell" == 0 ) Player -> AddSpell "beggar's nose spell" if ( Player -> GetSpell "beggar's nose spell" == 1 ) Player -> RemoveSpell "beggar's nose spell" else Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 8 endif endif endif if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) if ( Player -> GetSpell "blessed word" == 0 ) Player -> AddSpell "blessed word" if ( Player -> GetSpell "blessed word" == 1 ) Player -> RemoveSpell "blessed word" else Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 4 endif endif endif if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) if ( Player -> GetSpell "moonshadow" == 0 ) Player -> AddSpell "moonshadow" if ( Player -> GetSpell "moonshadow" == 1 ) Player -> RemoveSpell "moonshadow" else Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 7 endif endif endif ; Catch custom birthsigns if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) Set Pix_g_Birthsign to 14 endif ; Prove it has worked in debug mode (the global Pix_g_Debug is one when debugging) if ( Pix_g_Debug == 1 ) messagebox "Birthsign is %.0f" Pix_g_Birthsign endif stopscript Pix_sc_Birthsign end
On anyone or anything that is interested in the birthsign, put this at the start of their script, so the above is called once and only once:
if ( Pix_g_Birthsign == 0 ) StartScript Pix_sc_Birthsign return endif
I have tested this to my satisfaction, but it has not been beta-tested.
Detecting player's facingEdit
by Clownbaton
This is a script from my current (and first :] ) mod. Its easy to determine in which direction the Player is facing but if you want plot any sort of projectile motion relative to the way the player is facing then you need to know in which Cartesian quadrant you are in and in which direction you are facing. Basically, this script gives you access to your location and your orientation within each quadrant. Each unique state is defined by a value and these values can later be used to correctly plot an object's path. It is supposed to be attached to an equippable object and once the object has been equipped the user can access the data. a simple modification would mean you could run it as a global script.
So I guess you could put this one under "location determination" or "projectile motion update information" or something. I know it sounds like I'm over-complicating it but imagine plotting the course of a catapult's round? Since "SetPos" sets the world coordinates we need this extra orientation information.
begin tjk_scr_PC_Faces ;this will define as a number the orientation of the PC and in which quadrant ;the PC is in. This information will be useful for projectile motion path ;plotting short OnPCEquip short PantsOn short FrameCount float PCX float PCY float PCZ float TimePassed short QState ;holds quadrant PC is in short FState ;holds the local direction PC is facing short PCAngle ;holds relative angle of the PC if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) MessageBox "Player orientation object has been equipped!" set PantsOn to 1 set OnPCEquip to 0 endif if ( PantsOn == 1 ) if ( FrameCount < 10 ) set FrameCount to ( FrameCount + 1 ) else set FrameCount to 0 ;now check which world quadrant PC is in set PCX to ( Player-> GetPos, X ) set PCY to ( Player-> GetPos, Y ) set PCZ to ( Player-> GetPos, Z ) ;quadrant 1 check if ( PCY > 0 ) if ( PCX > 0 ) set State to 1 MessageBox "PC is in Q1" endif; PCX endif; PCY ;quadrant 2 check if ( PCY > 0 ) if ( PCX < 0 ) set State to 2 MessageBox "PC is in Q2" endif; PCX endif; PCY ;quadrant 3 check if ( PCY < 0 ) if ( PCX < 0 ) set State to 3 MessageBox "PC is in Q3" endif; PCX endif; PCY ;quadrant 4 check if ( PCY < 0 ) if ( PCX > 0 ) set State to 4 MessageBox "PC is in Q4" endif; PCX endif; PCY ;now we can get the rotation of PC set PCAngle to ( Player-> GetAngle, Z ) ;must first check to see if PC is in line with a local axis if ( PCAngle == 0 ) set FState to 9 MessageBox "PC is facing North as angle is 0" Return endif if ( PCAngle == -90 ) set FState to 10 MessageBox "PC is facing West as angle is -90" Return endif ;if ( PCAngle == -180 ) ;set FState to 11 ;MessageBox "PC is facing South as angle is -180" ;Return ;endif if ( PCAngle == 180 ) set FState to 11 MessageBox "PC is facing South as angle is 180" Return endif if ( PCAngle == 90 ) set FState to 12 MessageBox "PC is facing East as angle is 90" Return endif ;now we can see if it lies in a local quadrant ;local q1 if ( PCAngle > 0 ) if ( PCAngle < 90 ) set FState to 5 MessageBox "PC is facing p1" Return endif endif ;local q2 if ( PCAngle < 0 ) if ( PCAngle > -90 ) set FState to 6 MessageBox "PC is facing p2" Return endif endif ;local q3 if ( PCAngle < -90 ) if ( PCAngle > -180 ) set FState to 7 MessageBox "PC is facing p3" Return endif endif ;local q4 if ( PCAngle > 90 ) if ( PCAngle < 180 ) set FState to 8 MessageBox "PC is facing p4" Return endif endif endif; Framecount endif; PantsOn end tjk_scr_PC_Faces
Interors like exteriorsEdit
by Abot
begin interiorLikeExteriorScript if ( GetInterior == 1 ) if ( GetWindSpeed >= 0.01 ) MessageBox "This interior is set to behave like exterior" endif endif end
Keg scriptEdit
by Lurlock
begin PRH_Keg_Mazte short quantity short activated short button if ( onActivate == 1 ) MessageBox "%.3g servings." quantity, "Unload your Mazte", "Pour 1 bottle", "Pour 10 bottles", "Have a drink!", "Load me up!", "Finished" set activated to 1 endif if ( activated != 0 ) Set button to GetButtonPressed If ( button == -1 ) return Elseif ( button == 0 );Unload your Mazte set activated to player -> getItemCount "Potion_Local_Brew_01" if ( activated > 0 ) while ( activated > 0 ) set quantity to quantity + 1 set activated to activated - 1 player -> removeItem "Potion_Local_Brew_01" 1 endwhile playSound "Item Potion Up" MessageBox "You now have %.3g servings." quantity else MessageBox "You don't have any Mazte to unload." endif elseif ( button == 1 );Pour 1 bottle if ( quantity >= 1 ) set quantity to quantity - 1 player -> addItem "Potion_Local_Brew_01" 1 MessageBox "1 bottles poured. You have %.3g servings left." quantity playSound "Item Potion Up" else MessageBox "Sorry, you're all out of Mazte." endif elseif ( button == 2 );Pour 10 bottles if ( quantity >= 10 ) set quantity to quantity - 10 player -> addItem "Potion_Local_Brew_01" 10 MessageBox "10 bottles poured. You have %.3g servings left." quantity playSound "Item Potion Up" elseif ( quantity > 0 ) MessageBox "You don't have enough for 10 bottles. Here's %.3g bottles." quantity while ( quantity > 0 ) set quantity to quantity - 1 player -> addItem "Potion_Local_Brew_01" 1 endwhile playSound "Item Potion Up" else MessageBox "Sorry, you're all out of Mazte." endif elseif ( button == 3 );Have a drink! if ( quantity > 0 ) if ( player -> getSpellEffects, "PRH_Drink_Mazte" == 1 ) MessageBox "You just had one. Wait until it wears off first." else set quantity to quantity - 1 MessageBox "Down the hatch! You have %.3g servings left." quantity cast "PRH_Drink_Mazte", player playSound "Item Potion Up" endif else MessageBox "Sorry, you're all out of Mazte." endif elseif ( button == 4 );Load me up! if ( quantity > 0 ) set activated to 0 while ( quantity > 0 ) set quantity to quantity - 1 set activated to activated + 1 player -> addItem "Potion_Local_Brew_01" 1 endwhile playSound "Item Potion Up" MessageBox "%.3g bottles poured." activated else MessageBox "Sorry, you're all out of Mazte." endif else set activated to 0 endif endif end
Trash canEdit
Original script by Boblen1982 - rewritten by IxidorsBane
begin container_reset_scr short deltimer ;object_reset - glob.variable to start deleting container if ( object_reset == 0 ) if ( deltimer != 0 ) set deltimer to 0 endif return endif if ( object_reset == 1 ) if ( deltimer == 0 ) Disable endif if ( deltimer < 4 ) set deltimer to ( deltimer + 1 ) endif if ( deltimer == 4 ) set object_reset to 0 set deltimer to ( deltimer + 1 ) endif if ( deltimer == 5 ) SetDelete, 1 endif endif end
part II: to be put on a hidden activator (a ring under the floor, etc.)
begin object_activator ;original script by Boblen1982 - rewritten by IxidorsBane short active short message_state short buton short object_timer short currentDay ;object_reset - glob.variable to start deleting container if ( currentDay != Day ) set currentDay to Day set active to 1 endif if ( active == 0 ) return endif if ( active == 1 ) set active to 2 set object_timer to 0 endif if ( active == 2 ) set object_reset to 1 set active to 3 elseif ( active == 3 ) set object_timer to ( object_timer + 1 ) if ( object_timer < 6 ) return else set active to 4 endif elseif ( active == 4 ) PlaceItem Your Object xPos, yPos, zPos, zAng set object_timer to 0 set active to 0 endif end
Activator wall moveEdit
by Nikki
Now here's a script that will cause a wall to rise up when that button is pressed, or you get near that invisible marker. Make an activator from the wall mesh and attach this script to it.
begin WallMove01_script float Timer short State if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( var01 == 1 ) if ( State == 0 ) PlaySound3D "SothaDoorOpen" set State to 1 endif endif if ( State >= 1 ) set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if ( Timer < 1 ) Move, Z, 256 set State to 2 endif endif end
Use with the actor reset script (link needed)
Sliding wall trap 1Edit
by Nedius, modified by Enmesharra
This should be placed on a mesh that the player stands on to activate a wall mover.
Begin GDRN_LostStairTrap float counter Short doOnce if ( doonce == 4 ) ;once script has done it's thing, keep it as short as possible return endif if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( doOnce == 3 ) if ( CellChanged == 1 ) "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->disable set doonce to 4 return else return endif endif if doonce ( == 0 ) ;trigger when player stands on item if ( GetStandingPC == 1 ) Set doonce to 1 endif return endif if ( doOnce == 1 ) PlaySound "Door Stone Open" Set doOnce to 2 endif Set counter to counter + GetSecondsPassed "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->MoveWorld X 80 if ( counter > 6 ) Set doOnce to 3 Set counter to 0 endif end GDRN_LostStairTrap
Sliding wall trap 2Edit
by Nedius, modified by Enmesharra
This should be placed on a mesh that the player stands on to activate a wall mover.
Begin GDRN_LostStairTrap float counter Short doOnce if ( doonce == 4 ) ;once script has done it's thing, keep it as short as possible return endif if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( doonce == 0 ) ;trigger when player stands on item if ( GetStandingPC == 1 ) Set doonce to 1 endif elseif ( doonce == 1 ) PlaySound "Door Stone Open" Set doOnce to 2 elseif ( doonce == 2 ) Set counter to counter + GetSecondsPassed "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->MoveWorld X 80 if ( counter > 6 ) Set doOnce to 3 Set counter to 0 endif elseif ( doOnce == 3 ) if ( CellChanged == 1 ) "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->disable set doonce to 4 return endif endif end GDRN_LostStairTrap
Sliding wall trap 3Edit
by Nedius, modified by Enmesharra
This should be placed on a mesh that the player stands on to activate a wall mover.
Begin GDRN_LostStairTrap short state float counter Short doOnce if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( GetStandingPC == 0 ) ;its best to do it this way ... otherwise the whole script until you step on the mesh return endif If ( doOnce == 0) set state to 10 endif if ( state == 10 ) Set counter to counter + GetSecondsPassed if ( counter < 6 ) "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->Playsound3DVP "Door Stone Open" 1.0 1.0 "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->MoveWorld Z 320 elseif ( counter > 6.1 ) Set doOnce to 2 Set counter to 0 Set state to 0 endif if ( CellChanged == 1 ) if ( doOnce == 2 ) "in_dwrv_wall_GDRN_1"->disable endif end GDRN_LostStairTrap
Rotating objects constantlyEdit
by Nikki
This script will make an object rotate constantly. You should change the X/Y/Z value to alter the axis, the number to alter the speed.
Begin rotate if ( menumode == 1 ) return endif ;spin around if ( OnActivate == 0 ) Rotate Z 90 ; Rotate " this is the Axis" "this is the speed" return endif End rotate
Up and down constant movementEdit
This will make a mover rise and then fall again, constantly.
begin updwn float timer float uptime if ( MenuMode == 0 ) set uptime to 1 set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) ;move up if ( timer < uptime ) Move Z,2 ;movedown elseif ( timer < (uptime * 3) ) Move Z, -2 ;up again elseif (timer < (uptime * 4 ) ) Move Z, 2 ;reset timer to zero else set timer to 0 SetAtStart endif endif end updwn
Overriding battle musicEdit
by Nikki
This script causes a certain music file to be played and overrides battle music. I always thought battle music ruined the element of surprise in MW, as levitation magic ruins the fun of exploration.
First make two rats, one called "music rat 01" and another called "music rat 01b", check the references persist tab on rat01b. Give each of them a constant paralyze ability. Place this script on "music rat 01":
begin no_battle_music Float timer Short doOnce set timer to ( timer + getSecondsPassed ) if ( CellChanged == 1 ) set doOnce to 0 endif if ( doOnce == 2 ) if ( timer > 112 ); insert the length of your track (in seconds) here StreamMusic "explore\Morrowind title.mp3"; insert your track name here set timer to 0 endif elseif ( doOnce == 1 ) if ( timer > 1 ) StreamMusic "explore\Morrowind title.mp3"; insert your track name here set doOnce to 2 set timer to 0 endif elseif ( doOnce == 0 ) StartCombat "music_rat01b" set timer to 0 set doOnce to 1 endif end no_battle_music
Then place each of them in the cell somewhere where you cant see them like under a rock or something. They will try to fight one another but wont be able to move due to the paralyse ability. The music file you scripted on the other one will loop over and over as long as you are in the cell and will not be interuppted by battle music.
I got this idea from another poster on this forum but the original had just one rat that attacked the player. The problem with that version is that any NPCs or creatures with startcombat scripted on them caused battle music to play again. This one is foolproof.
Changing NPC's clothes dailyEdit
by Trey Leavens
Here's a simple script to make an npc wear different outfits on different days, for each day of the week, and pjs at night. Substitute or add lines for whatever outfits you want. They do not have to be in their inventory, the equip command adds items and equips them to npcs.
begin laundryscript short currentday short localday short shirtchange short pajammas if ( currentday != Day ) set currentday to day set localday to ( localday + 1 ) set shirtchange to 0 endif if ( pajammas == 0 ) if ( gamehour >= 20 ) equip, "nightgown" set pajammas to 1 endif if ( shirtchange == 0 ) if ( localday == 1 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01_c" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 endif endif if ( localday == 2 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01_h" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 endif endif if ( localday == 3 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01_r" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 endif endif if ( localday == 4 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01_t" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 endif endif if ( localday == 5 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 endif endif if ( localday == 6 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01_a" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 endif endif if ( localday == 7 ) if ( gamehour >= 6 ) equip, "extravagant_robe_01_b" set shirtchange to 1 set pajammas to 0 set localday to 0 endif endif endif end laundryscript
by Melian
This one is VERY simple, but I seem to remember people asking about NPC disposition control a lot in the past. Sets an NPC's in-game (not base) disposition to match a variable NPC_Disp.
begin NPC_local_script float temp ;short NPC_Disp ;can be local or global, as needed ;can also be a float if you like but not necessary unless you want to mod disp by a float value if ( MenuMode == 1 ) if ( NPC_Disp < 0 ) set NPC_Disp to 0 elseif ( NPC_Disp > 100 ) set NPC_Disp to 100 endif set temp to ( GetDisposition ) set temp to ( NPC_Disp - temp ) ModDisposition temp endif end
The only way to change the NPC's disposition is to set NPC_Disp, nothing else will have any effect. So no "ModDisposition 10", it's "set NPC_Disp to ( NPC_Disp + 10 )".
Enforced clothing for a companionEdit
by Enmesharra
The concept is for a companion to have their own outfit and not wear the stuff you really just want them to carry for you. This is the simple version, the one I'm using in the mod will allow the player to choose from several outfits.
The script is started in the result box of the companion's greetings. When you give the companion things to carry, if they are more valuable or have a better armor rating then the companions personl stuff then they will immediately put them on. Once the dialog ends this script removes all clothes and re-equips the companion's personal outfit.
The items ZZA_strip_01 through ZZA_strip_05 - are a set of clothing and armor that cover all body parts, ensuring the removal of all clothing/armor. The items ZZA_Comp_outfit_1 and ZZA_Comp_outfit_2 are the companion's personal armor and boots.
The potential for abuse exists in that it is easy for the player to create infinite number of the companion's outfit by removing them each time. When I included checks to see if the companion still posessed the outfit it slowed the redressing down too much (at least in the complicated multioutfit version). If someone is going to exploit this, they can just use the console to give themselves a bunch of money much more easily, so I didn't worry about it. (Except to make the companions outfit only worth 1 gold piece).
Begin ZZA_comp_dress_script short counter If ( menumode == 1 ) return endif if ( counter < 3 ) ;when called from a greeting the script will run before menu mode set counter to ( counter + 1 );registers, this delay prevents that. return endif If ( GetHealth <= 0 ) ;just in case stopscript ZZA_Slave_nodress_script return endif equip ZZA_strip_01 equip ZZA_strip_02 equip ZZA_strip_03 equip ZZA_strip_04 equip ZZA_strip_05 removeitem ZZA_strip_01 1 removeitem ZZA_strip_02 1 removeitem ZZA_strip_03 1 removeitem ZZA_strip_04 1 removeitem ZZA_strip_05 1 equip ZZA_Comp_outfit_1 equip ZZA_Comp_outfit_2 set counter to 0 stopscript ZZA_comp_dress_script end
Guard scriptEdit
by Stuporstar
Here's a script to control AIEscorts and make sure they will not follow the player through a door or teleport. It's great for making guards in a particular cell which defend the player but need to stay put. This was contributed to my mod by Arcimaestro Anteres, and consists of two scripts that work together:
Begin Door_EscortControl ; place on door or teleport to prevent escorts following outside If ( OnActivate == 1 ) Set NoAIEscort to 1; short global Activate Endif End
Begin AIEScort_Control ; place on escorting npc or creature to prevent following out of a cell If ( NoAIEscort == 1 ) AiWander 0 0 0 0 0 Endif If ( CellChanged == 1 ) AiEscort Player 0 0 0 0 0 If ( NoAIEscort == 1 ) Set NoAIEscort To 0 Endif Endif End
Note from Yacoby: the guards will not defend the player if they teleport into the cell.
Making NPCs fightEdit
submitted by Zer010
This script could be placed on one or the other NPC, or even on a hidden activator in their cell if there is some reason you do not want the script attached to an NPC. I do not know what distance you want them for combat to begin, but you can play with the distance value I am using until you are satisfied.
Begin Kite_NPCDuel short doOnce if ( doOnce == 1 ) return endif if ( ( "NPC1_ID"->GetDistance "NPC2_ID" ) > 2000 ); change '2000' as needed return endif set doOnce to 1 "NPC1_ID"->SetFight 100 "NPC2_ID"->SetFight 100 "NPC1_ID"->SetFlee 0 "NPC2_ID"->SetFlee 0 "NPC1_ID"->StartCombat "NPC2_ID" "NPC2_ID"->StartCombat "NPC1_ID" End Kite_NPCDuel
Making NPCs fight 2Edit
This script should be placed on NPC1, and another on NPC2. However, the script for NPC2 should have the locations on NPC1 and NPC2 reversed.
Begin fightNPC1 Short NoLore short doOnceA if ( CellChanged == 0 ) Return endif if ( doOnceA == 0 ) if ( GetDeadCount NPC2 == 0 ) StartCombat NPC2 set doOnceA to 1 endif endif End fight NPC1
Making an NPC fight two othersEdit
To make an NPC fight with two NPCs, NPC 1 uses this script, NPCs 2 & 3 use the above script, suitably altered.
Begin fightNPC1 Short NoLore short doOnceA short doOnceB if ( CellChanged == 0 ) Return endif if ( doOnceA == 0 ) if ( GetDeadCount "NPC2" == 0 ) StartCombat "NPC2" set doOnceA to 1 endif endif if ( doOnceB == 0 ) if ( GetDeadCount "NPC3" == 0 ) StartCombat "NPC3" set doOnceB to 1 endif endif End fightNPC1
Making companions warp to youEdit
by Grumpy, submitted by Zer010
This script is used a lot, it's Grumpy's companion script which causes a companion to "warp" back to you if it gets too far away ( meaning that it's stuck in a hedge or something ). You still need to put the companion in follow mode through dialogue/script.
float myx float myy float myz float timer if ( GetCurrentAIPackage == 3 ) if ( Player->GetEffect sEffectLevitate == 1 ) AIWander 0 0 0 0 endif if ( GetWeaponDrawn == 1 ) return elseif ( GetDistance Player > 800 ) set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed if ( timer > 8 ) set timer to 0 set myx to ( Player->GetPos x ) set myy to ( Player->GetPos y ) set myz to ( Player->GetPos z ) SetPos x myx SetPos y myy SetPos z myz endif endif endif endif
Simple mannequinEdit
by Zer010
A simple mannequin script. This freezes an NPC into position so the player can put armor on them. They're fun but disturbingly detailed for mannequins. The simplest one is this:
begin simple_mannequin skipanim end
You put it on an NPC with 0 life and "corpses persist" checked, their body stays upright. Problem is you can get rid of them if you hit "dispose of corpse" when activating them.
Wooden Armor MannequinsEdit
by Chris Janosi
These are non-weapon wielding & they are moveable so you need the placeholder script, which is provided here also.
;script operates armor mannequins it came from Chris Janosi begin SA_mannequin short button short questionState SkipAnim if ( menumode == 1 ) return endif if ( OnActivate == 0 ) if ( questionState == 0 ) return endif endif if ( questionState == 0 ) MessageBox, "Armor Mannequin", "Move Mannequin", "Add/Remove Armor" set questionState to 1 endif if ( questionState == 1 ) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button == 0 ) set questionState to 10 elseif ( button == 1 ) set questionState to 0 Activate endif endif if ( questionState == 10 ) MessageBox "Did you remove all items from the mannequin?", "Yes", "No" set questionState to 20 endif if ( questionState == 20 ) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button == 0 ) set questionState to 0 Disable player->addItem, "_SA_armorman_placeholder", 1 playSound "Item Misc Up" elseif ( button == 1 ) set questionState to 0 Activate endif endif end SA_mannequin
Armor mannequin placeholder script, used with the above script for Chris Janosi's mannequins:
;script operates armor mannequin placeholders it came from Chris Janosi begin SA_mannequinplaceholder short OnPCDrop if ( OnPCDrop == 1 ) Disable ; PlaceAtPC, "_SA_ArmorMann_Wooden", 1, 64, 0 PlaceAtPC, "_SA_ArmorMann_Wooden", 1, 0, 0 Set OnPCDrop to 0 endif end SA_mannequinplaceholder
Pacifying NPCsEdit
by Lurlock
begin punching_Bag short OnPCHitMe if ( OnPCHitMe == 1 ) set OnPCHitMe to 0 stopCombat, player ;Here's a good place to play some sort of sound or whatever. endif end
For the scale of your choice, simply edit the 'setscale X' number.
Scale script 1Edit
Begin ScaleScript short DoOnce if ( doOnce == 1 ) return endif SetScale 3.0 set DoOnce to 1 end ScaleScript
Scale script 2Edit
Begin _scale_20 if ( getscale != 20.00 ) setscale 20.00 endif End _scale_20
Scale script 3Edit
begin _scale_5 ;replace 5.0 with whatever scale you want it to have if ( getscale != 5.0 ) setscale 5.0 endif End
By Zer010
Well, here's a timer. Placed on an activator, it'll make it do something five seconds after activation.
begin activate_timer float timer short doonce1 short doonce2 if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( doonce2 == 0 ) set doonce1 to 0 set doonce2 to 1 set timer to ( timer + GetSecondspassed ) if ( timer > 5 ) if ( doonce1 == 0 ) ;do something here set doonce1 to 1 set doonce2 to 0 set timer to 0 endif endif endif end
Or perhaps it would work with timer=5, and one fewer doonce? Dunno...