Morrowind talk:Lord's Mail (artifact)
False History?Edit
Although the book that mentions the history of the Mail talks of it Absorbing Health, it in fact does not. The information from the book is what Bethesda actually wrote but since it is not true I am wondering if it should be kept this way because that is what Bethesda meant it to say, the book is a Tribunal book, or if it should be changed for accuracy reasons?--Manifesto 18:40, 9 July 2008 (EDT)
- I feel the quotes from Tamrielic Lore add to the mythical character of the artifacts described, perhaps they should be formally marked as stemming from Yagrum Bagarn? In this case, the main text should state the difference to the book, for accuracy, but I am of course open to other solutions. --Benould•T•C 19:08, 9 July 2008 (EDT)
- The book I was thinking of, Famed Artifacts of Tamriel, but it is the equivalent other than the first paragraph. They both are vague enough so that the information could be seen as obscured due to little knowledge of the item. Skimming through the books I have noticed there are various inconsistencies with more than just the Mail. The book and the items probably all need changing. Lord's Mail, Dragonbone Cuirass, Warlock's Ring all have mistakes in their histories. And this reminded me of the paragraph on Divayth Fyr's page which says you can talk to him about the Daedric Crescent/Battlespire which is also false, he says nothing of it in any of his dialogue.--Manifesto 19:39, 9 July 2008 (EDT)
- Well, we keep all printed errors "as-is" in books, adding notes for factual errors, and Sic tags for spelling. Artifacts have changed in appearance, lore and function throughout the TES series, although those difference should be noted on the appropriate Lore pages. For Morrowind and its expansions, we should state the history as it applies and is documented in this game. --Benould•T•C 19:53, 9 July 2008 (EDT)
- The general practice, when quoting an in-game source directly within a non-book article, is to indent and italicize the quoted to text, in order to differentiate it from the rest of the article text. Perhaps we should do that in this case as well. (We also need a better picture, those vertically-formatted images cause the thumbnails to be really huge on the page. And - oh, my bad, that image was one of mine from way back when. Well, one of these days I might replace it if somebody else doesn't...) --TheRealLurlock Talk 01:08, 10 July 2008 (EDT)
- I think the note I added should be sufficient. I did the same for Dragonbone Cuirass and Warlock's Ring, and I've been working on the rest, though I haven't found any with as glaringly-wrong information as this one. Incidentally, the Lord's Mail and Warlock's Ring descriptions are accurate for the Arena and Daggerfall versions, as I've indicated. Not sure where the Dragonbone Cuirass comes from, as it doesn't appear in any other games that I know of. (Possibly Battlespire? I found out that Scourge comes from there, so it's possible there are others, but it's not mentioned on the site that I can see.) I've done about half for now, but it's bedtime for me. --TheRealLurlock Talk 02:26, 10 July 2008 (EDT)
- The quotes are now italicized and accredited, where appropriate. I took the opportunity to square the images, add backgrounds and tweak TOCs. By the way, level 2 headers for notes mess up TOCs in transcluded pages, so I fixed that as well. Together with Lurlock's notes, this should be good; what do you think, Morrowind:Artifacts sub-pages look pretty nice now, eh? --~~
- You guys are really wondering what stats the enchantment affects and calling it false history? How about asking how a winged bull wears a cuirass? :D Temple-Zero 15:00, 20 August 2008 (EDT)
- The quotes are now italicized and accredited, where appropriate. I took the opportunity to square the images, add backgrounds and tweak TOCs. By the way, level 2 headers for notes mess up TOCs in transcluded pages, so I fixed that as well. Together with Lurlock's notes, this should be good; what do you think, Morrowind:Artifacts sub-pages look pretty nice now, eh? --~~
Lord's Mail Script Not WorkingEdit
Its information panel confirms, "Script LegionUniform", but every member of the Legion nags my character about not having a uniform. Does anyone know of a fix for this bug? Downstrike (talk) 23:56, 15 March 2024 (UTC)