This page lists all the cities in Cyrodiil. There are eight smaller cities and the Imperial City, which is at least three times the size of the others.
Each smaller city, ruled by a count or countess, is the capital of the county bearing its name. The county covers all surrounding towns and countryside. Architectural style and geographical region are unique per city. Each city favors one of the Nine Divines as its patron at the local chapel.
Cities serve as the largest quest hubs in the game, where most quests start and finish. Each smaller city has a castle as well as local Fighters Guild and Mages Guild chapters, although only certain Fighters Guild chapters offer quests. Guards have a unique appearance based on their city's sigil and will provide directions to the local guilds, landmarks, services, and inns. Note that bounties are not tracked by county, but are shared across Cyrodiil.
All cities are unlocked for fast travel at the beginning of the game, with separate map markers for the various city wall gates. No travel network exists, but every city has a stable where you can buy a horse. The stables appear as standalone map markers.
The Imperial City — The central capital of the Empire on City Isle in Lake Rumare, in the Heartlands region. It is divided into the following districts:
Arboretum — The city park in the southeast sector of the city, full of statues and trees.
Arcane University — A fortified district southeast of the main city walls serving as the Mages Guild's headquarters.
Arena District — The site of the Arena in the east sector of the city, where warriors fight to the death.
Elven Gardens District — A residential district in the northwest sector of the city.
Green Emperor Way — The cemetery and gardens in the heart of the city, with the Imperial Palace at the center.
Imperial City Prison — A fortified district northeast of the main city walls serving as the Imperial Legion's headquarters and city prison.
Market District — A commercial district in the northeast sector of the city, featuring most of the city's shops and services.
Talos Plaza District — A wealthy residential district in the west sector of the city, with a dragon statue at its center.
Temple District — A residential district in the southwest sector of the city, with the Temple of the One as its centerpiece.
Waterfront District — The city's docks, on the southwest shore of City Isle.
Anvil — City of Dibella, in the Gold Coast region to the far southwest, with a significant Redguard and Wood Elf population.
Bravil — City of Mara, in the Nibenay Valley region to the south.
Bruma — City of Talos, in the Jerall Mountains region to the north, with a significant Nord population.
Cheydinhal — City of Arkay, in the Nibenay Basin region to the northeast, with a significant Dark Elf and Orc population.
Chorrol — City of Stendarr, in the Great Forest region to the northwest.
Kvatch — City of Akatosh, in the Gold Coast region to the southwest, overrun by the Daedra from the first portal to Oblivion.
Leyawiin — City of Zenithar, in the Blackwood region to the far south, with a significant Argonian and Khajiit population.
Skingrad — City of Julianos, in the West Weald region to the southwest.
- Kvatch is destroyed at the beginning of the game, rendering it little more than a small settlement in practice. Its only quest content revolves around the main quest.
- Kynareth is the only Divine who is not the patron of a city. The Imperial City has no chapel but rather a temple dedicated to "the One", which is equivalent to Akatosh.
See AlsoEdit
- New SheothSI — A city in the Shivering Isles.