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Oblivion:Find the Heir

< Oblivion: Quests: Main Quest
Head to Kvatch to find the last heir.
Quest Giver: Jauffre at Weynon Priory
Location(s): Weynon Priory, Kvatch
Prerequisite Quest: Deliver the Amulet
Next Quest: Weynon Priory (quest)
Concurrent Quest: Breaking the Siege of Kvatch
Reward: None
ID: MQ03
Doorway to the Planes of Oblivion

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Travel to Kvatch.
  2. From the Kvatch refugee camp, climb up the hill and speak with Savlian Matius.
  3. Offer to help close the Oblivion Gate.
  4. Complete the next quest.
  5. Ask Martin to go with you to Weynon Priory.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Arriving at KvatchEdit

Follow Jauffre's orders and travel to Kvatch. Once you arrive, however, you will find that the city is in ruins. There is a camp of refugees at the bottom of the hill and Hirtel will greet you in haste as he is running away, explaining that the city was overrun by daedra the night before, and that a few guards are fighting back the creatures pouring forth from an Oblivion Gate blocking the entrance to the city. If you ask him about Martin, he'll tell you he assumes he's dead "just like the rest of them". The other inhabitants of the camp will be more helpful, telling you they doubt he made it out the city, while pointing you in the direction of captain Savlian Matius.

Venture to the top of the hill and you will find a few soldiers manning a barricade just outside the city gates. The ranking officer is indeed Captain Matius and if you ask him about Martin, he'll say he last saw him leading a group toward the Chapel of Akatosh.

Closing the GateEdit

At this point you can bypass the Oblivion Gate in front of the city gates and enter Kvatch. After dispatching the five Daedric enemies in the main plaza, you will then be able to enter the Chapel, where Tierra or one of the refugees will point you to Martin. Speak to him, explain what is happening and after some initial skepticism, he will believe you. However, he will refuse to leave with you, saying that he does not want to abandon the civilians to fend for themselves.

You must therefore speak to Matius again, and tell him that you want to help, which will start the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest. Once you've closed the Oblivion Gate and led Matius's party inside the city, you will be able to free the survivors and get Martin to agree to follow you back to Weynon Priory.


  • When you complete this quest, Oblivion Gates will start to appear across the countryside, with 10 specific gates automatically opening, the probability of random gates opening set to 25%, and the maximum number of random gates that can open set to 15; see the linked page for details.
  • This quest is considered completed when you have taken Martin to Weynon Priory. However, if you choose not to take him back immediately he will continue to follow you anywhere you go. He has very powerful magic and is flagged as "essential", thus he cannot be killed. Therefore, he is a very useful ally if you are low level.
  • You don't actually have to take Martin to Weynon Priory; the next time you turn up there, the quest will complete itself and the Weynon Priory quest will start, even if Martin is not with you.


  • After you complete The Battle for Castle Kvatch, and then select Find the Heir as your active quest, the quest marker may continue to indicate Savlian Matius instead of Martin.
    • Simply ignore the quest marker and fast travel to the camp at the entrance to Kvatch, where you will find Martin. Talking to him will update the quest.

Journal EntriesEdit

Find the Heir (MQ03)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Jauffre told me that the Emperor has an illegitimate son named Martin who is currently serving as a priest in the Chapel of Akatosh in the city of Kvatch. I must proceed to Kvatch at once and bring Martin safely back to Weynon Priory. (If the player doesn't know about the fate of Kvatch) or
Jauffre told me that the Emperor has an illegitimate son named Martin who is currently serving as a priest in the Chapel of Akatosh in the city of Kvatch. Jauffre fears that the attack on Kvatch was part of the enemy's plan to eliminate all the Septim heirs. I must return to Kvatch at once, find Martin, and bring him safely back to Weynon Priory. (If the player knows about Kvatch but hasn't finished Breaking the Siege of Kvatch) or
Jauffre told me that the Emperor has an illegitimate son named Martin who is currently serving as a priest in the Chapel of Akatosh in the city of Kvatch. I realized that Martin was among the survivors I helped rescue from Kvatch. I must return to Kvatch at once and bring him safely back to Weynon Priory. (If the player is the Hero of Kvatch)
20 I arrived at Kvatch to find the city in ruins and the survivors camped outside the walls. I need to find out if anyone here knows what happened to Martin. (Only appears if the player has talked to Jauffre)
30 I should talk to Savlian Matius, the acting captain of the surviving Kvatch guard. He may know if Martin survived the fall of the city.
40 Savlian Matius told me that he believes Martin is with a group that barricaded themselves within the Chapel of Akatosh inside the city. I need to follow his instructions in order to break the siege of Kvatch and rescue the survivors.
45 I have found Martin among the survivors inside the Chapel of Akatosh. He was surprised to learn that Emperor Uriel Septim was his father, but he will not leave until the way is safe for everyone to escape. then
I need to help Savlian Matius break the siege of Kvatch. (If the player has talked to Savlian) or
I need to see if anyone in the camp outside Kvatch will help me rescue Martin and the other people trapped in the Chapel of Akatosh. (If the player hasn't talked to Savlian yet)
50 I found Martin among the survivors of Kvatch. He was surprised to learn that Emperor Uriel Septim was his father, but has agreed to return to Weynon Priory with me to speak to Jauffre. (If the player talks to Martin outside the Chapel) or
I have rescued Martin from the Chapel of Akatosh. He was surprised to learn that Emperor Uriel Septim was his father, but has agreed to return to Weynon Priory with me to speak to Jauffre. (If the player talks to Martin inside the Chapel)
60 I need to return to Weynon Priory with Martin and discuss our next move with Jauffre.
100 Finishes quest  (Escalate the Oblivion Crisis - opens up to 25 Oblivion gates)
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  •   It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage MQ03 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.
Prev: Deliver the Amulet Up: Main Quest
Conc: Breaking the Siege of Kvatch
Next: Weynon Priory (quest)