Interior Test Cells are interior locations that exist in the game's data files but are not part of gameplay. Many are empty, unlit, or unnamed. These locations cannot be accessed in-game except through console commands or Hex editing the save file. They can be accessed by typing coc [editor ID]
into the console. Exterior Test Cells lists similar exterior regions. For Shivering Isles-specific places, see Shivering:Interior Test Cells.
Dummy CellsEdit
Dummy cells serve a technical purpose. When these cells are used as an argument for the GetInCell function, it will return true for any cell whose Editor ID begins with the name of that cell.
EditorID | FormID | Name | Description |
Aleswell | 0002F7D8 | Dummy cell | empty |
Anvil | 00035682 | empty | |
AnvilBenirusManor | 0006E30F | Dummy Cell for GetInCell | empty |
AnvilCastle | 0000C0F0 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
AnvilMain | 000C55FB | Dummy Cell | empty |
BorderWatch | 00066A63 | empty | |
Bravil | 000319D9 | Dummy cell so GetInCell function will work | empty |
BravilStables0 | 000C55FA | Dummy cell so GetInCell function will work | empty |
Bruma | 0003134A | Dummy Cell | empty |
BrumaCastle | 00036260 | Dummy cell for GetInCell functionality | empty |
BrumaMain | 000C55F9 | Dummy Cell | empty |
Cheydinhal | 00030FAE | Dummy cell | empty |
CheydinhalCastle | 00003635 | Dummy cell | empty |
CheydinhalStableDUPLICATE000 | 000C55F8 | Dummy cell | empty |
Chorrol | 00024802 | Dummy Cell | empty |
ChorrolCastle | 00189258 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
ChorrolExt | 00088B2E | Dummy Cell for GetInCell Chorrol Exteriors Only | empty |
ChorrolStable | 000C55F7 | Dummy Cell | empty |
Clavicus | 00025E5D | empty | |
CloudRulerTemple | 0001EFDB | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
GwedenFarm | 000CD4BB | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
IC | 0002C80D | Dummy cell | empty |
ICArboretum | 00022F4E | Dummy cell | empty |
ICArcaneUniversity | 00022F4A | Dummy cell | empty |
ICArenaDUPLICATE000 | 00022F4B | Dummy cell | empty |
ICElvenGardens | 00009276 | Dummy cell | empty |
ICImperialLegionHQ | 00022F49 | Dummy cell | empty |
ICMarket | 00022F48 | Dummy cell | empty |
ICPalace | 00014685 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
ICStable | 000C55F6 | Dummy cell | empty |
ICTalosPlaza | 00022F47 | Dummy cell | empty |
ICTemple | 0001E070 | Dummy Cell for GetInCell | empty |
ICTempleDistrict0 | 000980BC | Dummy Cell for Temple District Exterior Cells Only | empty |
ICWaterfront | 00009234 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
ImperialDungeon | 00005290 | Dummy cell | empty |
ImperialLegionCompound | 00035E3D | Dummy cell | empty |
ImperialSewer | 00185368 | Dummy cell | empty |
ImperialSewersElvenGardens | 000817C0 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
ImperialSewerSystemTG11 | 0000A9C5 | Dummy Cell | empty |
Kvatch | 00032D3A | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
KvatchChapel | 0001EFC1 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
LakeArrius | 00097C1E | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
LakeArriusShrine | 0001FBA4 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
Leyawiin | 0002C79C | Dummy Cell | empty |
LeyawiinCastle | 00030536 | Dummy cell | empty |
LeyawiinStable | 000C55F5 | Dummy Cell | empty |
Malada | 000A4962 | Dummy cell for getinCell | empty |
MQ10BrumaOblivion | 0003A83D | Dummy cell for MQ10 getincell | empty |
MQ13OblivionWorld | 00027D76 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
MQ14Oblivion | 00027DF9 | Dummy interior cell for GetInCell | empty |
Paradise | 0001FB1D | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
SancreTor | 00024803 | Dummy cell for GetInCell | empty |
Skingrad | 00028E70 | empty | |
SkingradCastle | 00084476 | empty | |
SkingradHouse | 000B97CA | Dummy Cell Name for GetInCell | empty |
SkingradStable | 000C554 | Dummy Cell | empty |
TempleOfTheAncestorMoth | 000982BC | Dummy | empty |
WatersEdge | 0006BF16 | empty | |
Weatherleah | 00028AB3 | Dummy cell | empty |
WeynonPriory | 00028577 | empty |
Test CellsEdit
Small rooms made to test all kinds of stuff, they're often mishmashes of normal architecture filled with test NPCs and/or items. Because the developers probably tested stuff with console commands on, a lot of these cells are completely dark by default. Similar to the test NPCs, their internal name will be given in order to prevent confusion as these cells will oftentimes share a name or not have one at all. Also of note, these are all test cells that are not connected to The Testing Hall, as those are listed separately.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0003E2B8
An empty room. The "Mark" mentioned is probably quest designer Mark Nelson. It can also be assumed that "Anvil" refers to the city, not the object.
- Name: MarkTest
- Form ID: 000245A4
The same room as the previous Anvil test, but now with objects and NPCs inside. The Wabbajack, Sanguine Rose, and Skull of Corruption are all present on the ground. One of the NPCs present, Test High Elf, knows a spell called MarkSkullTest
, which might tie him to the Skull of Corruption at the very least. The reason for inclusion of the other staffs is unclear. There are also five numbered markers placed in this cell prefixed with MarkSpellTestMarker
. The test NPC isn't actually set up to use these markers, and he doesn't seem to use the spell in combat either, since that isn't really feasible in this small room.
The other NPC present, IMMale, is linked to the other object in the room, a gravestone. It reads "Here Lies Vena Petilius", which is the same text found on another gravestone encountered during Molag Bal's quest. The central NPC in this quest uses a special marker to pray at the grave. That's what this NPC's purpose was as well, although he doesn't have a unique animation set up. Also, his AI package makes him use the marker constantly, which looks quite buggy.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0006FDB7
A farmhouse interior inhabited by three guards, two of which are test NPCs. The cell seems to have been made just to test the guard convo system.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00012A85
There are three points of interest here. First are the tables that are filled with almost all unique miscellaneous quest rewards you can get in the base game. There's also the model of Garridan fighting a Frost Atronach, this time not encapsulated in ice so you can take a closer look. Thirdly is a test NPC called Kill me. There's also a marker placed in the cell called MS00TestItems
, which might hint at the actual purpose of this cell overall, testing if the quest rewards functioned like intended. Considering this cell is named after quest designer Alan Nanes, it's a likely possibility.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00090757
AR seemingly stands for "Ayleid Ruin" in this case. This is a badly lit, badly made Ayleid Ruin, featuring two test skeletons. It does not contain any further points of interest, and its overall purpose is unclear.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000250A4
A basic version of the Chorrol/Imperial City arena that's pretty badly lit. In the base game, there are no NPCs or enemies present here.
With the Knights of the Nine official download, one instance of Umaril and the NPC TestBruce can be found here, while the Shivering Isles expansion adds another instance of TestBruce and a Diseased Scalon. This was probably done either to test these monsters' combat effectiveness, or just for the amusement of the developers.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00061BD9
Exactly the same layout as the previous arena cell, although this time with a Golden Saint and a basic patrol route setup. Again, this cell is just empty unless the Shivering Isles expansion is installed. The name of this cell also references developer Jon Paul Duvall who's credited under "Additional Design".
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000CB8BE
Once again the same basic cell, although this time without any inhabitants, instead featuring a marker called TestKurtMarker
. Its purpose is unknown, but it was likely created by Quest Designer Kurt Kuhlmann. With the Knights of the Nine official download, one light source gets added, but this doesn't make cell's purpose any clearer.
- Name: Bruma House Test
- Form ID: 0001540D
This cell can be accessed by entering the biggest house in the circle of Bruma houses that are present in the test world TestGragTown
. This is actually an early version of Baenlin's house, with the majority of the functions being the same in the final game. Even the minotaur head for the Dark Brotherhood quest is already present here, although it can't be activated. There are also no NPCs present.
For some reason, this cell gets reused by the Wizard's Tower official download and gets turned into a part of Frostcrag Spire. As such, with said download, the interior gets changed and the cell name gets renamed to FrostcragSpire01
- Name: TestHouseBrumaMid
- Form ID: 00018093
Another cell that can be accessed from a different Bruma house in the aforementioned circle. The front door is owned by actual Bruma resident J'Ghasta but besides this, the house is just a test for Bruma house decoration, not specifically J'Ghasta's house, just a basic Bruma middle-class house.
Just like the cell mentioned above, this one also gets altered by the Wizard's Tower official download, and turns into FrostcragSpire02
- Name: TesterHouseBrumaMid
- Form ID: 0001B836
Despite its place of access being the same as before, and the unsuspecting name, this cell isn't a test for Bruma houses. Rather, this cell contains some interior parts of the Oblivion sigil towers. This comes complete with sigil stone that can be activated, and for whatever reason, will fill up your inventory with sigil stones.
This cell receives the same fate as the two previous ones, becoming FrostcragSpire03
with the Wizard's Tower official download.
- Name: Caverns
- Form ID: 00038B49
A basic cave layout inhabited by a single Daedroth. The cell's name is quite puzzling, as there isn't a single "Cameron" mentioned in Oblivion's credits. It's also unlikely that it's a misspelling of or on wordplay "Camoran", since there isn't anything tying him to the cave.
- Name: Test of Castle Interior Pieces
- Form ID: 0002806C
Unlike what its name implies, this cell is just an empty void, only containing a single ladder and a trapdoor that are linked to each other.
- Name: Caverns
- Form ID: 00034E1D
A bland, unremarkable cave interior without any props or enemies. Might've just been a basic cave test. There's also a door present that leads to the following cell.
- Name: Caverns
- Form ID: 000034FF
Another unremarkable cave interior, but this time with some cairn bolete mushrooms present. This cell has the aforementioned door leading back to the previous cell, as well as a door leading to the next cell.
- Name: Caverns
- Form ID: 00034E1E
The smallest of the unremarkable caverns, this one only has a door leading back and nothing else of note.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000183F0
This cell isn't actually a cave, but just a passage with a splitting path and two light sources.
- Name: Small Room Test
- Form ID: 0001DF79
A small cavern room, decorated with four crypt tombs, and an enemy present in the form of a test goblin called XXXCreatureGoblin
internally. This is the only instance of this test creature placed anywhere.
- Name: Chair Testing
- Form ID: 0002ECC6
A cell for testing chairs. It's just a small farm room layout, filled with numerous tables and chairs.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00027811
A test cell made by developer Brian "Chappy" Chapin, it consists of only three things. A basic barracks model, a single light source, and a test NPC called Test Guy.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001E735
A void with a middle-class Cheydinhal house model and fitting door.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001EEEC
Another void, but with more Cheydinhal house models, consisting of two middle class interiors, three upper class interiors, one upper class exterior, and the interior and exterior for the local Mages Guild.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00035A3B
A void with some architecture pieces that one would normally encounter in an Oblivion citadel.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00047AEE
Similar to the previous cell, although now featuring only light beams.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000253FC
Two barren shipwrecks floating in a void, movement through the cell is possible via Chorrol-style trapdoors. "Clara" likely refers to Clara Cafasso of the World Art team, which may imply these were just made to check certain assets that were made.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001802D
A castle-style room, featuring thrones, rugs and platforms from the Anvil, Bravil, Bruma and Leyawiin castles. Also present is Lorgren Benirus' hand.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000CB50A
A void cell with multiple unconnected pieces of architecture. It features, for example, a piece of Anvil's castle, the Anvil Lighthouse, as well as a normal house and the Mages Guild building. There are also parts of the Hist tree room normally found in the Blackwood Company hall's basement in Leyawiin, as well as a ship lamp, a shipwreck, and the body of Lorgren Benirus.
- Name: Gauntlet Test
- Form ID: 00088835
Two basic, barren rooms in Ayleid architecture that are connected. It's unclear as to what "gauntlet" the name refers to, or what this was meant to test exactly. The cell is named after a certain "Dan", which refers to either Dan Teitel of the Programming team, or to Daniel T. Lee who's credited under the Additional World Art team.
- Name: Imperial City Collision Testing Area
- Form ID: 000B6C11
A void filled with numerous Imperial City interiors. Based on the name of the cell, it was made to check the collision of these areas.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001806A
Just a basic cave layout with nothing inside.
- Name: Test Faces Here
- Form ID: 0003FA94
One of many test cells that can be tied to developer Todd Howard. His cells almost always feature the same basic room layout, as well as some of the same items and NPCs. This is presumably due to him or someone else just copying them and altering them slightly. Like the name states, this cell was used to test the visual differences in NPCs' faces when altered by the age slider. There are six male and six female NPCs present for this purpose on the top and bottom floors of the house. Also present on the top floor is a table with gold, a steel mace, a steel war axe, an urn, a goblet, and three of Todd's test books. The last things present on this floor are two test containers, and one instance of the test NPC Alban Corinis. While the females are up above, the males are down below, as well as a bed, a chair, and an evidence chest. The door and the light sources in this cell are also test duplicates, for whatever reason.
- Name: Grant's Farmhouse Interior Test
- Form ID: 0002729D
While this cell has the number three attached, all other related cells appear to have been deleted. It's possible that this cell was made just to test the farmhouse interior layout. In the cellar area there are six bottles of wine and a silver pitcher, and that's all the decoration in the farmhouse. In the attic, however, you will encounter a zombie called ZombieMixnMatch03. Internally, it is known as TestZombieGrant
which signifies that it was just a duplicate made by Grant for this test cell. This is notable because there are already six numbered "mix and match" zombies set up called TestZombie, and Grant seems to have made a duplicate of number three. They are called "mix and match" because they variably lack arms and a head, and were probably used to test if this looked okay.
There's another "room" present in this cell which is normally inaccessible because it's located out of the boundaries of the farmhouse. It contains some sigil tower Oblivion architecture, which looks very out-of-place. Also present are the Dark Brotherhood minotaur head and its fastenings, and some vats alongside some floating doors. The "Grant" mentioned here likely refers to Grant Struthers of the World Art team.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000CBA64
The word "favela" refers to a slum, so as expected this cell holds some lower-class housing. There are three Bravil interiors, one Leyawiin interior, a Bravil door, a Bravil rope, and some Kvatch architecture pieces.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0002D2FD
The Weynon House interior with multiple different fire types spread throughout. Based on the name, this cell was made to test the light casted by these fires.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000C5418
A big mine cell containing numerous flames, based on the name of the cell, it was made to test the sounds emitted by said flames.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0007BAA4
A very basic cave room with some fog.
- Name: Nisin Cave
- Form ID: 00033D34
While the cell itself isn't that interesting, its name is quite notable. Nisin Cave is the name of another cave the actually appears in the final game. This may have been a very early version of it. That, or a duplicate for test purposes. The "Frank" mentioned here is probably Frank Ward of the Dungeon Art team.
- Name: Grants messed up upper warehouse
- Form ID: 00029077
A copy of the warehouse cell WarehouseUpperClass
, but with all the floor pieces deleted. Besides this, the cell is identical. Its purpose is unknown.
- Name: TestGuy
- Form ID: 0001C611
The first of many copies of Todd Howard's test cell, in comparison to the last version, there are no NPCs now, no gold and no bed, chest or chair. All other items such as the books, weapons and table are still present, however. There's now also a skeleton, normally used during the opening exclusively, draped over the staircase railing. That, and the door is now oriented incorrectly. This cell's purpose is unknown, but the name probably refers to Lead Programmer Guy Carver.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00049525
The cell's name refers to the Havok physics engine, which is the system Oblivion uses for its physics. Seeing as real-time physics were a first for the series in Oblivion, this cell was dedicated to testing them out. The cell itself is just a cave interior with bones scattered around.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0006A5C9
Almost the same thing as before, but this is more to check how objects behave when you load into a cell, and they might jiggle around a bit. This can mostly be seen with the books on the bookshelves. The cell appears to be a duplicate of the upstairs portion of the Chorrol Mages Guild.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00000888
This cell is practically empty, only containing a standard XMarker, and a static object called testGass
, which no longer has a corresponding model. It's completely unknown what this cell's purpose was.
- Name: Megan's test cell
- Form ID: 0004986C
A test cell to check how the Imperial City tower pieces worked in action, there are also a lot of containers hidden underground. The cell actually contains multiple interiors which can only be accessed by noclipping, as they aren't directly connected to each other, but they all serve the same purpose. The name of this cell, "Megan's test cell", also links it to Megan Sawyer of the World Art team.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000009EA
An Ayleid dungeon with some torture cages present. The only notable thing here is a marker that's normally used for the Thieves Guild quest The Ultimate Heist. Which may imply this cell was a testing room for the dungeons seen during that quest, though it's not really clear. It's also unknown what the "Ist" in the name "testIst" refers to.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0002D8D2
A copy of the Imperial Subterrane, one of the cells you normally go through during the tutorial. Contains nothing of note, although this opens up the option that TestIst may stand for "Test Imperial Subterrane".
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000056A1
This cell is another Ayleid ruin. There are some traps present here, but this cell holds one interesting thing, a test variation of a zombie. It's internally known as TestIstZombie01
, but there are no other numbered instances. Again, it's unknown why a testing variant was needed here, since they could've just used a regular zombie, or another testing variant instead of making a unique one.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00094190
A generic cavern dungeon, but it's filled with a random assortment of enemies, including a frost atronach, a storm atronach, a minotaur, a Daedroth, a Land Dreugh, an Ogre and a spider Daedra.
- Name: Interior Cave Test
- Form ID: 000359DC
This cave does not contain any goblins. Based on its name, it's likely that it was more important to check if the cave's interior worked, and not its enemies. "Juan" here refers to Juan Sanchez of the Character and Creature Art team.
- Name: TestKenHole
- Form ID: 000297A6
This cell is completely empty. The name refers to Lead Designer Ken Rolston.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00023187
A basic house interior with two candles present, one pair of chainmail boots, and two testing NPCs. The male NPC is called TestClothes and he does not wear any clothes. He does, however, wear the Colovian signet ring of Count Ormellius Goldwine. The female NPC is called TestKKWoman and she wears lower-class outfit six, consisting of buckled shoes, green felt lines, and a collared shirt. The purpose of this cell is unknown. The "KK" probably refers to Kurt Kuhlmann.
- Name: Collapsed Mine - Breakthrough
- Form ID: 000055BC
The purpose of this cell is basically explained by its internal name. Its cell name, though, is quite interesting. "Collapsed Mine - Breakthrough" is a cell seen in the final game. The cell is inhabited by a single NPC called TestDetection that's just a copy of an average Khajiit bandit otherwise. There are also eight markers referencing detection testing, but there's nothing else notable about this cell.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000231B6
Like the name implies, you can find numerous interiors here that were probably checked for issues before being put into the game. Present here are cathedral interiors, as well as interiors for both Chorrol and Cheydinhal houses. Some interiors also feature a bit of clutter, but nothing noteworthy.
- Name: Megan's test cell
- Form ID: 0003051A
In the base game, this cell just consists of some Imperial city basement architecture, as well as three linked copies of the Mages Guild Portal.
With the Knights of the Nine official download, all the ground gets deleted for some reason, but two Mages Guild portals remain. There is also a static object placed called NDPriory01
that no longer has a corresponding model, as well as an object that can be activated called NDPrioryAnimatingStairs01
internally, which gives the prompt "Knights of the Nine Symbol" when activated.
- Name: Megan's test cell
- Form ID: 00025E38
This cell consists of numerous Imperial city interiors with some basic decorations, and Cheydinhal-style lights.
- Name: Megan's test cell
- Form ID: 0003E243
An Imperial City interior full of clutter, unlit under normal circumstances.
- Name: Imperial City Collision Testing Area
- Form ID: 0006FDE2
This cell contains all Imperial city interiors, and was used to check their collision data.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000338A3
This cell was apparently made to test mine dungeon architecture. It doesn't contain anything noteworthy.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00033F59
A basic cave dungeon interior meant to test mist. There are also three instances of a test leveled list used here called ZombieTestLeveled
; the list itself contains normal and headless zombies, no test variations.
- Name: Mike's Test Cell of Madness
- Form ID: 000327CB
Unlike what the name might lead you to believe, this isn't a Shivering Isles test cell. It carries the name of developer Michael E. Ryan of the Dungeon Art team. The cell itself isn't that strange, it consists of fort ruin architecture, with not all parts being easily connected. There's also a room which contains Paradise mudcrab variants. There are three other points of interest. First off is a door which is a test copy called TestMikeDoor. There are also two test chests internally known as TestMikeBrute
and TestMikeThief
. These names refer to the classic class trope of RPGs. The brute chest contains items a brute would use, and the same for the thief. Since the mudcrabs are the only enemies found here, they're kinda pointless. The entire cell does not contain any light sources.
- Name: Test for Oblivion Lifts
- Form ID: 00085FC1
All contents of this cell seem to have gotten deleted, as it's entirely empty. Also, the "lifts" referenced here are actually the runed portals usually found in Oblivion Sigil Keeps, notably the Kvatch one, which is also the only one where the portals are referred to as "Lifts" internally.
- Name: Paradise Cave
- Form ID: 0005D36A
An early version of the Lair of Anaxes, the cave in which Anaxes is trapped in Paradise. The most notable thing here is the fact that Anaxes is not present at all, in his place there's a test Xivilai. Its internal name is just TestCreatureXivilai01
, but its actual name differs just a bit, being TestCreatureXivilaiHugh01. That ties this creature to Hugh Riley of the Character and Creature Art team.
This is another test cell that got repurposed for an official download, in this case, Thieves Den. Its interior gets completely changed, as well its internal name to DLDunbarrowHaven
and its map name to Dunbarrow Cove.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00035A2C
A void with the secret prison wall normally seen during the opening.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00047B5F
Another Ayleid ruin featuring a testing variant of the swinging blade trap. In this case the test duplicate makes sense, as this one uses a different script to make it work. In the final game, there are four different variations of how these traps can work. This is likely an earlier attempt, before the developers realized they needed a different method.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000314EA
Might once have held something related to a testing quest. Now, it's completely empty though.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000A29B3
The name likely refers to Ryan Sears of the Additional World Art team. This cell consists of both an Imperial city interior layout and a basic cavern layout, although there's nothing going on in either of them.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000AA26A
A small tunnel system that loops around, it contains a single Daedroth. There's no Ogre to be found anywhere.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001ED41
A basic Chorrol interior with a fire lit in the fireplace, but no severed head to speak of. It's possible that this cell was once used to test the "Mother's Head" static item seen during the Dark Brotherhood questline.
- Name: Sewers
- Form ID: 0004B7B5
A basic room layout test containing four rats. It doesn't seem like this sewer part is ever directly reused in the final game.
- Name: Dagon Shrine
- Form ID: 0003347A
A test version of the Mehrunes Dagon Shrine as seen in the quest Dagon Shrine. It's a basic cave layout with an altar containing the Mysterium Xarxes. There are two Mythic Dawn members present in the room as well as a silver dagger next to the book on the altar, and a silver claymore in a barrel nearby. Notably, the statue to Dagon isn't present here, instead a generic Ayleid ruin statue is used, possibly as a placeholder.
Once again, this cell was repurposed for the Thieves Den official download. It was turned into the cell Captain's Quarters, now internally known as DLDunbarrowHaven02
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0002B2AD
This cell has all zones of the Skingrad Castle interior, but with no load doors. This implies that either the interior of castle Skingrad was once just one big zone, or that the developers map out their cells as one zone before splitting them up.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0002A66C
A basic sewer room layout, this time featuring stairs.
- Name: Stealth Test
- Form ID: 0002D31D
Basically just a generic castle room again. It also contains two test NPCs, one disguised as a Chorrol guard, and the other as a thief. The Thief is called Stealth Test Guy -- Not Alert and the guard is called Stealth Test Guy -- Alert. Despite their names and supposed roles, you won't actually notice any differences in how they will notice you, and there doesn't seem to be any as that's normally controlled by scripts, which neither NPC possesses. They do share a faction called Stealth Test Guards, which makes them like each other.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0003134D
This appears to be a duplicate of a temporary version of a tavern cell. And it's just that, a standard farmhouse interior. It's referred to as a tavern internally, but there's nothing really indicating so in the actual cell.
- Name: temp interior mockup
- Form ID: 000281E2
A very basic house interior mockup, in the Chorrol style.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 00181D21
A barren, empty copy of the Temple of the One.
- Name: The Blood Feast
- Form ID: 000C50EA
Literally just a fire column. The name of the cell is "The Blood Feast", which is the same as the Sigil Keep in the Kvatch Oblivion zone, so this was likely made to test its effect. The "Tim" mentioned in the internal name is probably Tim Lindsey from the Dungeon Art team.
- Name: Sigillum Sanguis
- Form ID: 000C46F0
A copy of a generic Sigillum Sanguis, which is the (incorrect) Latin name for the uppermost room in a Sigil Keep in your usual Oblivion World. The name of this cell refers to a marker present here which mentions a "Daedra Lord". Actual "Daedra Lords" don't appear in Oblivion as generic enemies, the creator likely meant "Dremora Lord".
This is the third and final cell that was reused for the Thieves Den official download. It got turned into "The Black Flag", internally known as DLDunbarrowHaven03
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001C610
This is once more the same basic house layout as Todd's previous cells. The Face Test NPCs are still present, but there are now also steel war axes flying in the air, as well as 522 flying instances of the Test Book on Monkeys. Said book is internally known as TestToddFolio01
. In the downstairs area of the house, there's now also a test NPC present that wasn't there before; Todd's Tester Man. The weirdest thing in this cell by far have to be the five T-posing objects in the upstairs corner. There are a headless rat, a headless scamp, a female torso in iron armor, a male torso in iron armor, and a female torso wearing a green brocade doublet (except that one's model has been deleted).
These objects are just that, static objects. However, they use the mesh and textures of the finished, rigged models. This means there's a big chance that these static models were made just for the convenience of the modeler, this way they could check their model in one piece rather than going through all the individual parts.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0003F153
The cell is filled with traps to test their functionality. The two most interesting things here are a barrel which is a test container filled with archery equipment, and some goblins that are meant to test the trap, since they're also testing duplicates.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0001E31B
A basic Chorrol interior, decorated with a table on which lie a Blades cuirass and a steel longsword. There's also a book vendor chest present, as well as a test NPC called Test Vendor NPC, who can't actually be traded with.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 0002910F
A duplicate of the jail cell in which you start the game. No part of the dungeon is present besides your cell. There are two static objects known as cellChain01Xenon
and PrisonSecretWallXenon
present. The word "Xenon" in this context likely refers to the code name of the Xbox 360 while it was still under development. What exactly this implies is unclear. As it stands now, both the static objects that refer to "xenon" actually use the same models as they do in any other version.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000191D5
The "dung" here actually stands for "dungeon". Whatever this cell once was, the majority of it has been deleted. All that's left are some bones, flames and creatures in a void, with the creatures being the only noteworthy thing here. The rat is normal, but both the minotaur and the Daedroth are test duplicates. The Daedroth even specifically mentions "Todd" in its internal name, so Todd probably specifically made it for this cell.
One of the unique loading screens used in the E3 demo videos still remains in the game files, and is used when loading ToddDung.
- Name: Todd's Test House
- Form ID: 00000812
Yet another variation of the "TestFaces", "TestGuy", and "TestToddCrazy" cells. Again, the inside of the cell is completely identical. A Chorrol house, on the bottom floor there's a bed, a chair and an evidence chest. On the upper floor you can find three more test NPC that were previously encountered, two of Todd's test containers that were previously encountered, as well as the two test containers. The most notable difference is that there is now a warhammer and a torch present on the crate, and the four Mythic Dawn Commentary volumes are present on the table.
- Name: Brina Cross
- Form ID: 00015E20
Clearly, this cell was not deleted on time. It is completely empty, but it does bear an interesting name. "Brina Cross" was the name of a crossing which originally had a path that led to the removed city of Sutch. With Sutch's removal, the crossing got removed, and in the final game the Brina Cross Inn is placed here.
- Name: Miscarcand Welkynd Stone Room
- Form ID: 0002C550
Might've been another basic test for a main quest dungeon. However, Miscarcand in the final game only has 3 cells, implying it might have been bigger originally. There are no leftovers of the fourth cell that's missing.
- Name: Bleak Flats Cave
- Form ID: 0003E2D4
Another very early test for a dungeon that appears in the final game, this time Bleak Flats Cave. Contains nothing noteworthy.
- Name: *Blank*
- Form ID: 000231A1
Another Chorrol house inhabited by two test NPCs. One is a female Nord with the name Boromir, internally called TestMaleFashionModel
. She wears a full set of Elven armor. The other is a female Dark Elf named Brooke, internally called FemaleFashionModel
. She does not wear or carry anything.
Of note is that Boromir is the name of a male character in Lord of the Rings, and that fact combined with her editor ID being TestMaleFashionModel
suggests that a developer accidentally ticked the "Female" box in the Construction Set when creating her.
The Testing HallEdit
- Name: TestingHall
The Testing Hall is a square hub room containing 48 doors. 24 of these doors are linked to other test cells or warehouse cells, while the rest don't lead anywhere and as such, can't be interacted with. Some of the doors have a red, green, or blue light source placed above them, but it's unknown what this indicates, as they seem to just signify a door is linked, and this isn't the case for each and every door with a light above it. Starting at the leftmost door at the northern wall and going clockwise will result in you encountering the following cells:
- Name: Upper Class Clutter Warehouse
The leftmost door at the northern wall leads to this warehouse cell used to house all kinds of generic clutter to decorate upper-class houses with. This ranges from planters, to beds, to tapestries and rugs. This cell also contains no light source.
- Name: Middle Class Clutter Warehouse
Same as above, but now for middle-class clutter.
- Name: Lower Class Clutter Warehouse
Same as above, but now for lower-class clutter.
Moving your Character to the Testing Hall (Hex Editing)Edit
If you can't use the console commands because you are playing or versions of the game, there is an alternate method to access the Testing Hall.
- Go to Oblivion:Abandoned Mine.
- Right when you walk in there should be a latern hanging from the ceiling, go under this and save.
- Make a backup of your save file in case something go wrong.
- Open your save file in a hex editor software.
- "Ctrl + F" to search the hex value 3D5C0100.
- Replace the value that you just found with 92DB0300 and save your edit.
Now, when you load your save file, your character will be inside the Testing Hall. If you want to get out of the Testing Hall, there is an exterior cell where you can use Fast Travel to get back in the game.
If you want to go back to the Testing Hall, just repeat the previous steps.