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< Oblivion: NPCs

The following are rumors you may receive in Oblivion.

See also: Radiant Conversations and Generic Dialogue.

Main QuestEdit

We're all talking about the emperor's murder. We have no emperor. And no heir. That's never happened before. I suppose we should all be worried.

The Emperor and his three sons, dead, right under the noses of the Imperial Guard. It's a disgrace.

Have you heard about Kvatch? They say that daedra came from Oblivion and burned the whole city to the ground!

Do you think what happened to Kvatch could happen here?

I heard that the Kvatch Guard is driving back the daedra! Maybe there's hope after all.

Everybody's talking about the Hero of Kvatch! They say she actually went into an Oblivion Gate and destroyed it.

Hey, you're the one they call the Hero of Kvatch, aren't you? The one that closed the Oblivion Gate and saved the city?

Good news from Kvatch for a change. The last of the daedra have been driven out.

Do you believe any of that talk about more Oblivion Gates opening all over the place?

They say that Oblivion Gates have opened outside cities all across Tamriel! Gods preserve us!

They say a lost son of Uriel Septim has reappeared in Bruma. Troops are flocking to his banner from all over Cyrodiil!

With those Oblivion Gates opening everywhere, it's only a matter of time before another city goes the way of Kvatch.

Did you hear? The lost heir of Uriel Septim rallied the Guard and smashed a horde of daedra outside Bruma!

I heard that some cult called the Mythic Dawn is behind the Emperor's assassination.

They're saying some cult murdered the Emperor and are opening the Oblivion Gates. Do you think any of it's true?

Everyone's talking about the assassination, of course. Here. Take my copy of the new Black Horse Courier. Go ahead. Keep it.

Everyone's talking about the victory over Mehrunes Dagon! I can hardly believe that the great Oblivion Crisis is over.

They say that Akatosh appeared and killed Mehrunes Dagon, right in the middle of the Temple of the One! Do you believe it?

All the bards are busy composing songs about the battle! "The Fall of Dagon" is my favorite so far.

Have you heard "The Fall of Dagon" yet? "Take heart, the mighty hero cried! He looked up at Dagon and cursed his foul name..."

All else is put aside to celebrate of our deliverance from evil. Thanks to Akatosh and his servant Martin.

Everyone wants to know what really happened in the Temple. What happened to Martin? Was the fiery dragon really Akatosh?

Thank Akatosh the Oblivion Crisis is over! Although with no Emperor and no heir, I wonder what will happen to the Empire?

I plan to visit the Imperial City soon to pay my respects at the Temple of the One. They say the Dragon Statue is 100 feet high!

I'm sure the Elder Council will find some way to hold the Empire together. At least the Oblivion invasion is over!

I heard that some of the provinces were talking about seceding from the Empire. Probably just talk though. Everything's a bit unsettled now.

Most people consider Martin's... transformation... a religious or political event, but what interests me is its metaphysical implications.

I wish I had witnessed the avatar of divine Akatosh myself. Imagine! Upon the very altar of the Temple of the One!

I confess, I didn't think we had a chance against the daedra. But Martin proved himself a true heir of Talos on that day.

To think that Bruma was where Martin Septim chose to reveal himself as the true heir to the throne for the first time!

Imperial LegionEdit

It's true what everyone's saying -- Kvatch is lost. The Daedra, they swarmed in.... The Town Guard never had a chance.

The Kvatch Oblivion Gate has been closed! Don't you understand what that means? We can beat the bastards!

The Mythic Dawn murdered the Emperor and led those damn Daedra right into the heart of the Empire! They'll pay for their treachery!

Kvatch? Kvatch was just the beginning! Those damned Gates have opened up everywhere! Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Leyawiin -- no city is safe.

Have you heard? The Oblivion Gate at Bruma -- they've shut it down! The Daedra will never defeat the people of the Empire! Never! Ha ha!

Bruma has been saved! It's true! Let's see how the Daedra do without their big Siege Machine, or their so-called "Great Gate"! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Don't you even care what's happening? Bruma has been saved! The Great Gate has been closed! There is hope for us all, whether you like it or not.

The Emperor's heir lives! The bloodline is unbroken! Long live Martin Septim!

The tide is turning, my friend. Bruma has been saved, and Martin Septim has claimed his birthright! Soon, all of Oblivion will tremble in fear!

The tide is turning. Bruma has been saved, and Martin Septim has claimed his birthright! It's time for every citizen to do their part... even you.

It's over, citizen. The crisis has ended. But at what cost? We are an Empire without an Emperor. The future is uncertain, at best.

Emperors have been assassinated before, but this time... I don't know. It's different. Can't you feel it? A shadow has fallen across all of Tamriel.

If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay on the roads! The wilderness just isn't safe anymore. We've had sightings, you see. The Daedra...

Daedric CultistsEdit

Shrines are secret for a reason. People hate us. Ignorant fools.

We don't want more worshippers. We just want to be left alone.

Ignorant folk hate us, so we stay far away from them.

We don't go looking for new worshippers. If people are interested, they can find us.

We threaten no one. Why can't they just leave us alone?

Daedra Lords demand offerings and services. If you won't do as you're told, just forget about it.

You better have the right offering, or you're wasting your time here.

The Nine Divines are boring. Daedra? They're never boring.

What we do is perfectly legal. Others have no right to interfere.

We don't welcome visitors, but we don't murder them either.

Folks think we're all evil? What do they know? Do I look evil?

I tried the chapels. They're a waste of time.

Upper ClassEdit

Andel Indarys may or may not have killed his wife, and it may or may not have been an accident. And I doubt we'll ever know for sure.

How did a Dark Elf become Count Cheydinhal? King Helseth and Barenziah have considerable influence, and Helseth and Indarys are cronies. Get it?

Andel Indarys is an intemperate, bibulous philanderer. And a Dark Elf. Other than that, he is perfectly suited to be a count.

Millona Umbranox is better off without that irresponsible husband of hers. The most honorable thing he ever did was to disappear and leave her alone.

Millona Umbranox, Arriana Valga, and Narina Carvain seem to rule their counties perfectly well without male assistance.

I've never heard the Countess mention her husband. I believe it is something of a sore point with Lady Millona.

Bruma is not a fit place to live, but no one can fault Countess Bruma on the quality of her guard or defenses.

I believe the rugged climate of Bruma suits Narina Carvain. She's tough and cold, but you always know what to expect from her.

No wonder Narina Carvain is so cranky. If you had to live year-round in a cold, drafty, soot-stained castle like Bruma, you'd be cranky, too.

With Regulus Terentius for a father, what do you expect from Gellius? The acorn never falls too far from the tree.

It is fashionable to make fun of Bravil and Regulus Terentius. Personally, I think it is poor sport to mock the poor and disadvantaged.

I have not found it convenient to visit Count Bravil. Travel is so difficult there at this time of the year. Indeed, almost any time of year.

I had a very pleasant visit with Arriana Valga recently. The castle was very comfortable, and her new guard captain seems to be working out well.

Chorrol appears to be clean, prosperous, and well-ordered. Countess Arriana, her staff and guard is to be praised..

If Countess Chorrol is any example, dignity and piety may indeed bring rich rewards from the Nine.

Marius Caro and Alessia Alessia Caro. That's a fine match, two best families in Cyrodiil. They'll be on the Elder Council, just you wait.

Alessia Caro visits her mother in Chorrol regularly. A dutiful daughter... and a dutiful wife, I hear.

There's been trouble with smugglers and Khajiit bandits in the Trans-Niben, but Marius Caro is taking steps to deal with the problem.

The Count of Skingrad and I are not social intimates. In fact, I don't believe Janus Hassildor has any social intimates.

It's curious. Skingrad's people scarcely ever set eyes on the Count, but he's apparently loved and respected by all his subjects.

A master sorcerer like Janus Hassildor inevitably outlives all his peers. It must be a lonely existence.

It is pleasant, and a bit melancholy, to walk among the graves in Green Emperor Way and contemplate the dead who precede us.

I admit to sharing the common enthusiasm for the Arena. It is barbaric, but the stakes of life or death make the drama irresistably compelling.

They say Alinor on Summerset Isle is more beautiful. I've never been. For the present, I must count the Imperial City the most glorious in Tamriel.

Legion duty here in Cyrodiil is usually a dull affair. In the East, though, things are a bit more challenging, and one can make a name for oneself.

The legions patrol the roads, and they've always been sufficient. I can't imagine we'll ever be at war with the provinces... not in my lifetime.

I've not always been happy with the standards of conduct in the Mages Guild, but Hannibal Traven's reforms are quite encouraging.

I'm not sure the Dark Brotherhood is any more serious a problem than beggary and petty thievery. And it's certainly a discreet and secret problem.

The people have a simple faith in the Nine, and the clerics do their part to heal and comfort them in adversity.

I've sometimes thought I'd like to make a pilgrimage to the wayshrines, but my duties prevent me from such extensive and dangerous travel.

The doomstones are a mystery. Are they traces of the Mythic Times? Or creations of ancient beastfolk or lost races of mer or men?

I have not read the works of Mrs. Ottus. I'm told some find her guide books useful, though she apparently has strong opinions on some matters.

The Elder Council and the bureaucracy have managed the Empire's affairs for decades. The Emperor rules, but the Council handles all the details.

What can be said about taxes? They're high, but we must pay. At least they are administered efficiently, and the shrinkage is within decent limits.

It is not always an easy life we lead, but the people must be served.

Low DispositionEdit

You're talking to me, and I don't like you. Goodbye.

I see no reason to talk to you.

I don't like you and don't want to talk to you.

I'm not listening to you. It's because I don't like you.

You're still speaking. Stop.


At least now we have a name to put to our enemy. Mankar Camoran and the Mythic Dawn will pay for their foul crimes.

The Mythic Dawn will never take Cloud Ruler Temple. Not while any Blade still draws breath.

The noose around Bruma is tightening. Now that the Mythic Dawn has learned Martin's location, we have to be prepared for the worst.

The Battle of Bruma was a great victory! The Mythic Dawn have learned that we are not defenseless.

Martin Septim will soon claim his rightful place at the head of the Empire, and the Blades will stand beside him.

The Emperor's death was a harsh lesson for all of us. We failed in our duty to the Dragonborn. It must not happen again.

Martin showed himself a true son of the Dragon Blood. But where does that leave us, with no Emperor to serve?

With no Emperor to serve, the Blades now return to our ancient role. We will bide our time until the next Dragonborn arises.

Dark BrotherhoodEdit

Have you heard? That big galleon down at the Waterfront? Someone killed the captain! Right there on the ship!

Poor Gromm. I wonder what he'll do now that Baenlin is dead. Serving that old man was the joy of his life, or so I've heard.

Oh, have you heard? Old Baenlin is dead! They say he was murdered! Right in his own home!

Oh, have you heard? About old Baenlin? It was a horrible accident. A stuffed minotaur head fell off the wall and crushed him to death! Tragic...

Francois Motierre hasn't left his house in days. Hasn't come down to the tavern, refuses to have visitors. I think the man's gone batty.

You won't believe what's happened! Francois Motierre has been killed! Murdered by the Dark Brotherhood! It's true, I saw the body myself.

A friend of mine is a member of the Legion. He said some Altmer nobleman was murdered, right here in the city! Faelian, I think his name was.

They say there are a bunch of people holed up in Summitmist Manor. Locked in. Some kind of weird party or something.

Everyone in Summitmist Manor is dead! There was some kind of party that went horribly awry, or so I hear.

Have you heard? Adamus Phillida has been killed! Murdered by the Dark Brotherhood!

So, Adamus Phillida is finally retiring from the Imperial Legion. Spent his life fighting the Dark Brotherhood. Time for a well-earned rest, I'd say.

Oh, how horrible! You know Caelia Draconis? That nice Watch officer stationed at the castle? She's been murdered!

Hey, did you hear about that murder in the Talos Plaza District? I think the man's name was Draconis. Yeah, cut down in the prime of his life.

Dear Brother, I do not spread rumors. I create them.

Are you mad? My life is on the line and the entire Brotherhood is at stake! We don't have time for this nonsense!

Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors. I create them.

There are whispers in the halls of the Sanctuary. Some say there is a traitor among us. That the Brotherhood has been... compromised.

The Count of Skingrad is not all he seems. Let's just say I'm not the only one who enjoys his evenings...

Oh, I shouldn't... well, all right. Gogron had a pet rabbit as a child! He petted the thing so hard he crushed its skull! Ha ha ha! What a brute!

Don't tell anyone else, but some day I'm going to have Ocheeva's position. Just you wait and see. Lucien Lachance knows real talent when he sees it.

I... I've heard some talk. This past year, some family members have been found... murdered! Could there be an assassin among assassins?

I have it on good authority that the newest addition to the Brotherhood is an annoying whelp unworthy of licking my boots. How's that for gossip?

The Black Hand is trying to keep it very hush hush, but one of their own has been assassinated! It would seem the Brotherhood has been infiltrated.

Hey, I don't like to tell stories, but Telaendril and me... you know. Don't believe me? I've got her undergarments to prove it! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Rumors? Oh! Well... Um... I... I heard you're the one who killed Adamus Phillida! The skill you must possess!

I... I heard what they did to Lucien Lachance... Is it true that Arquen feasted on his entrails?

Well, the others and I have been talking.... Is it true? About the traitor? It's frightening to think he infiltrated the Brotherhood so easily.

This is no time for gossip mongering. A dark destiny awaits us.

The latest Black Horse Courier is upsetting. Apparently, more and more people have been trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. See for yourself.

Haven't you heard? Baenlin's been killed! The Black Horse Courier has a special edition with the story. Here, take my copy.

The Dark Brotherhood! They've actually murdered Adamus Phillida, the Imperial Legion commander! It's in the latest Black Horse Courier. Here.

They say that when you murder someone, the Dark Brotherhood comes to you in your sleep. It's how they recruit new members.

There's a new ship moored up in the Waterfront District. The Marie Elena. It's a galleon, I think.

Old Baenlin is dead! I hear it was a horrible accident. He was resting in his chair and BOOM -- a stuffed head fell on him!


Between you and me? Ysabel is completely in love with me. But I'm just not a one-woman guy. Nope, the life of the bachelor suits me just fine...

Agronak is good, yeah. Too good. He says he's only half Orc. What I want to know is, what's the other half? Cause it sure ain't human...

I heard a rumor that you're an idiot. Any truth to that?

Would you believe Owyn once asked for my hand in marriage? It's true! Poor bastard was heart-broken when I turned him down. I'm old, not desperate.

I heard there's a new Arena Champion. Sure it takes a lot of skill to make it that far, but they'd be crazy to challenge the Gray Prince.

Have you heard about Agronak gro-Malog? Turns out he's not a noble at all. He's really the son of a vampire! It's almost too horrible to believe.

The Gray Prince is nothing but a fake. Haven't you heard? His father was a vampire! He's no Orc. He's a monster. Someone should put him down.

I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the [Arena Nickname]!


Still no news out of Aleswell since everybody vanished. Strange business.

Fighters GuildEdit

I understand that the Blackwood Company works cheaper than the Fighters Guild. And they'll do any job.

Rumor has it that the Fighters Guild is losing members to the Blackwood Company.

I heard that the Fighters Guild botched a job. They lost a bunch of men in the raid.

I've heard that the Fighters Guild has been having some problems with their contracts recently. That's not like them.

I've heard the Fighters Guild has managed to recruit a few new members. Good thing.

Hey. Check out the new associate. Not bad, if you know what I mean.

It may take a while, but with the Blackwood Company gone, the new master can rebuild the Fighters Guild to its former glory.

Good riddance to the Blackwood Company, and good luck to the Fighters Guild.

The Blackwood Company were taking bad hist from a sick tree. No wonder they fought blood-mad and fearless.

So Argonians get this 'hist' stuff from licking hist trees, and the Blackwood Company got bad hist that made them crazy.

Goodbye, Blackwood Company. The Fighters Guild has a new master, and Oreyn is back.

The Blackwood Company is gone. They were working high on Hist sap. That's why there were so many terrible 'accidents'.

The Blackwood Company has a terrible reputation. But with the Fighters Guild in trouble, who else is there?

The Fighters Guild still gets a little work from old friends, but the Blackwood Company gets all the big contracts.

The Blackwood Company gets the contracts because the Fighters Guild is coming apart at the seams.

The Blackwood Company seems to be winning the battle for mercenary contracts in Cyrodiil, but I wouldn't count the Fighters Guild out just yet.

Maybe the Fighters Guild will recover from its troubles. And maybe not.

The Blackwood Company is not popular, but they're still cheap and effective.

Everyone feels sorry for the Fighters Guild, but they can't function without leadership.

I bet the Blackwood Company had something to do with Viranus Donton's death.

Modryn Oreyn got kicked out, and Vilena Donton thinks only about her dead sons. The Fighters Guild is finished.

With Modryn Oreyn gone, and Vilena Donton mourning her lost sons, who's left to lead the Fighters Guild?

Viranus, the Fighters Guild son-and-heir, is dead, and Vilena kicked Modryn Oreyn out of the guild. The Fighters Guild is falling apart.

It sure sounds like the Blackwood Company double-crossed Argoth and helped Azani Blackheart murder him. Hard to prove it, though.

The Fighters Guild got Azani Blackheart's ring. Not the Blackwood Company. Apparently the Blackwood Company made the whole thing up.

So. The Fighters Guild got Azani Blackheart. Blackwood Company said they did him, but apparently they were mistaken. Or stretching the truth, maybe?

I don't like a lot of what I hear about the Blackwood Company. But they complete their contracts on time.

Blackwood Company takes any and all contracts, and always completes them. Hard to beat that.

The Fighters Guild hasn't actually defaulted on any contracts. But still, all the confusion and delays are going to hurt them.

Vilena Donton hasn't been very aggressive as head of the Fighters Guild. Maybe her son Viranus will show a bit more spunk.

Vilena Donton needs to set a fire under the Fighters Guild if they expect to compete with the Blackwood Company.

The Fighters Guild is a family business. With Vitellus dead, Viranus is in line to succeed his mother.

You heard about the Fighters Guild members tearing up a tavern in Leyawiin. As if they didn't have enough problems with the Blackwood Company.

Sure, the Fighters Guild is established and reliable. But they just aren't as aggressive as the Blackwood Company.

The Blackwood Company is just plain mean. They've got a bad reputation, but that won't hurt business in their line of work, will it?

Nobody likes the Blackwood Company. They're brutes, plain and simple. But they get the job done.

The Blackwood Company people are more hard-core than the fighters from the Guild.

The Fighters Guild needs to get aggressive if they're going to compete with the Blackwood Company in Leyawiin.

Of course the Blackwood Company is violent. That's what fighting is, isn't it? Violent?

The Blackwood Company takes any job, no matter how tough. Fighters Guild is more fussy.

The Fighters Guild has competition in Leyawiin. Called 'The Blackwood Company'. Very tough. Maybe too tough.

There's some kind of cover-up going on with the Fighters Guild's Fallen Rock Cave contract.

It's a simple job. Go get a journal from Fallen Rock Cave. Shouldn't that be a cinch for a Fighter Guild contract?

I heard Fighters Guild got the Fallen Rock contract, but the guy is just sitting around drinking beer.

They say the Fighters Guild got all the trolls in Swampy Cave, but I'm still not going anywhere near Harlun's Watch.

No one's going out to Harlun's Watch after what the Fighters Guild found there.

Fighters Guild is still better for sensitive jobs, and you know it.

If you wanted your daughter rescued, who would you hire? Blackwood Company? Not me. Can't trust them.

The Fighters Guild got Lady Rogbut out safe and sound. With the Blackwood Company, you never know....

If Lord Rugdumph had used the Blackwood Company, who knows how it would have turned out.

I bet someone sold the Bravil jailbreakers down the river. How else could the Fighters Guild have found their hideout?

Those guys that broke out of Bravil jail were tough customers. But the Fighters Guild got them, didn't they.

Sure, the Fighters Guild raided a family tomb, but they did it for a family member. What's wrong with that?

The Fighters Guild thing at Desolate Mine went perfectly, didn't it? They cleared out the goblins, and no one got hurt.

I heard the Fighters Guild thing at Desolate Mine went wrong. They cleared out the goblins, but they lost some people.

They call it the 'Stone of Alessia'. And they got it back. That's all I know.

The Fighters Guild recovered the Stone of Alessia? I didn't know it was lost. Is it magical or something?

Elante of Alinor? She's the Daedric scholar, right? She'll live to write again, thanks to the Fighters Guild.

The rookies took care of all the thieves. How many was it? Seven? Eight?

Did you hear about the pair of green recruits that cleaned out a den of thieves near Anvil?

Both the new Fighters Guild recruits got back alive. It's a good start.

So the Anvil break-ins were an inside job? The Fighters Guild took care of it? Good work.

Nothing much doing with the Fighters Guild. Though they got some contracts out Anvil way, didn't they?

It's always 'rats' for the new associates. Is it some initiation test or something?

Rats? They've got Fighters Guild people out killing rats? You're kidding, right?

Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.

Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.

Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?

It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.

I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.

We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.

It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.

We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.

We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.

Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.

We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.

What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.

So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.

I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.

It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.

It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.

We lost Vitellus and a lot of good men against Blackheart. Somebody must be pretty good to take him and all his people.

Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.

When people learn more about the Blackwood Company's methods, they won't be so eager to hire them.

Blackwood Company is sloppy. They make mistakes. Sooner or later it is going to cost them.

Everyone needs to buckle down and get the work done. And Vilena needs to get out and push guild contracts.

Things are falling apart here. Someone needs to do something about the Blackwood Company situation.

If a Guild fighter defaults on a contract, he's out. We won't compete with Blackwood Company by defaulting on our contracts.

Don't tell me Maglir is acting up again. Has he screwed up another contract?

Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.

Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?

Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess.

Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way.

With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy.

Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering.

Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday.

Blackwood Company's getting all the contracts around Leyawiin. No wonder the boys there are getting restless.

Oreyn says the new guy went down and sorted out the problem in Leyawiin. Trouble like that is just making things worse.

Some of the Leyawiin boys are cutting up pretty bad. Oreyn is not happy.

Our new recruit says Maglir completed the Fallen Rock Cave contract. Oreyn refuses to talk about it.

The one bottom boot covered for the other, I hear. It's a tough situation.

That Maglir is probably parked in some tavern. I never did like that eight-pint hero.

Oreyn is pretty steamed up about Maglir. He can get expelled for that, can't he?

I don't know what's going on, but Oreyn said Maglir has the contract. Has he lost his nerve?

That's a sad mess out at Harlun's Watch. Little satisfaction in killing those trolls, I'm afraid. Won't bring those folks back, will it?

If our new hard hand keeps closing contracts like the Rugdumph one, we'll be all right.

Lord Rugdumph was going with the Blackwood Company, then thought better of it. We have to do something about them.

That Bloodmane Cave gang had an assassin and a high-level mage? Our gold soldier is a regular hard horse.

Biene Amelion sold her family sword and armor to pay her debts. And you think you have it bad?

I hear our gold soldier paid her debt, but the hard hand also kept her family sword and armor.

They cleared out the Desolate Mine, and everybody got out alive. Pretty slick, eh?

We filled the Desolate Mine contract, but the butcher's bill was pretty steep.

They cleared out the Desolate Mine, all right, but the other guys didn't make it, did they.

Too bad about Elidor. The Guildmaster pays funeral expenses, doesn't she?

Are you going to the service for Brag gro-Bharg?

You know where they're burying Rienna?

What the hell's an ogre going to do with the Stone of Alessia? Eat it?

So thieves steal the Stone of Alessia, and ogres turn around, steal it from them, and tear them apart. Don't you love it?

Azzan's report says there were ogres in Sedor. I think this gold soldier might be the real thing.

Azzan says the scholar lady was lucky to get back alive. But Oreyn's new 'hard hand' did just fine in a tough situation.

She's got no business poking around in Brittlerock Cave, but the customer is always right, eh?

This lady wants to study Daedra, so she buys a guild contract. You ever heard of anything so goofy?

So both the recruits got back alive, at least. I haven't heard the report.

Just got a look at the new Maglir guy. Another 'eight-pint hero', if you ask me.

A den of thieves? Near Anvil? Like that's news? There must be a dozen of them.

I hear Azzan plans to send both new recruits out on the next contract. You know what it's about?

There were three guys in the Lelles break-ins? And the new guy didn't let any get away? I like that.

Didn't Azzan give the new recruit another contract? Something in the protection line?

How do you like the bottom boot on the rat thing? Not bad, eh?

Maglir? He's the OTHER bottom boot, right? Not the rat guy?

I hear we have another new recruit. Things are looking up. What's his name... Maglir?

You heard any more about the rat thing in Anvil?

This rat thing sounds fishy to me. Well. 'Ratty', I guess. You think the rookie can handle it?

Another rat job? Not me. No thanks. Let the bottom boot do the rats. Unless you want the gig....

We have trainers for block and marksman in Skingrad. And there's a shepherd who teaches athletics, too, I think.

The guild teaches only blade and heavy armor in Leyawiin, but there's freelance athletic and armorer training in town, too, I think.

So I can at least get blade and blunt training in Cheydinhal, can't I?

Darn. They only train in blade and heavy armor at the Bruma hall.

I want to train my armoring skill, I go to Bravil. Right?

They train blunt, blade, heavy armor, and block in one of the guildhalls. Is it Anvil?

Isn't Honditar an athletics trainer? The hunter in Chorrol?

Lum gro-Baroth in Chorrol can train me in shield work, right?

I guess you heard Vilena recruited a new sword. Been a while, hasn't it?

Did I give you the key after lockup last night? I really can't remember.

No, thanks. Walking around in the wilderness waiting for something to eat me, looking for gold in a hole? You think I'm a dope?

Sure. In the Arena, you can make a lot of money, real fast. And you can get dead, real fast, too.

Who wants to be a mage? I hate books, spells, stinky bottles, writing, all that stuff, don't you?

Who's on duty tonight? It's not me, is it?

I have a warm place to sleep and three squares a day. It ain't 'The Bard's Tale', but it's good enough for me.

I'm going to stick around the guild hall. It's what I'm not being paid for, if you catch my meaning.

Want to pick up a shield and go a few rounds later? Been a while since I saw real action.

I'm sick of mutton and beer. Want to go out and get a decent meal later?

Go out, kick some robber knight's ass, take his stuff, and get the smith to fix it. That's the way to get armor or weapons.

I'd buy my armor at "The Best Defense" if I could afford it. You know... in the Market District... the Imperial City?

Where would you go for the best blunt weapons? Slash 'N Smash in the Imperial City.

You've been to Stonewall Shields in the Imperial City? Not cheap, but top quality.

For a really good sword, try 'A Fighting Chance' in the Imperial City.

You heard about any new contracts? They'd tell us, wouldn't they?

Vilena is pretty useless since Vitellus died. Thank gods Oreyn is around to keep things together.

I know Vilena's got Vitellus on her mind, but she'll spoil Viranus if she keeps him out of the real action.

I sure wish Vitellus hadn't died. That was sure a mess.

I guess I could have been an adventurer. But I like sleeping in a bed.

There's more gold in Arena fighting, sure. But contracting with the Guild is safer. And more respectable.

Things are really slow. You remember the last time we had a new contract?

Recruitment is down. Way down. That's a problem.

Was Vigdis our most recent recruit? Or Lensi Llharam? It's been so long, I forget.

Some folks are saying that the Blackwood Company is taking over all of the Fighters Guild contracts. There's rumor they'll lose their charter.

The Fighters Guild is recruiting again. Not a bad way to make some money, if you've got the stones for it.

Anyone looking for work should consider the Fighters Guild. I hear they're always looking for recruits.

I understand the Fighters Guild is hiring new members. Not bad work for some folks.

Mages GuildEdit

Mannimarco is no more! The guild is saved, and we have a new Arch-Mage to lead us.

I can't believe Arch-Mage Traven sacrificed himself to save us all. How noble of him.

I don't know what it was, but something important was taken away from Mannimarco. Maybe there is a chance he can be defeated.

Traven might get us through this yet. I hear that the Necromancers were handed a significant defeat at Silorn.

The Council has turned on Traven. Things couldn't possibly get any worse for the guild.

Mannimarco himself is in Cyrodiil, hunting us down. None of us are safe!

Without the Council of Mages to guide us, how will we stand up to the King of Worms?

The Council of Mages has been dissolved. Arch-Mage Traven has been deserted. He's all we have left.

Necromancers have attacked our very homes. What could be next?

The Bruma guild hall has been decimated. Our hall could be next!

I've heard rumors about the Council of Mages consorting with outside sources. Why are outsiders interfering with our guild?

The Council of Mages has this Necromancer situation under control. They must, or else we'd know about it, right?

Something has gone seriously wrong at the Arcane University. I heard that a high-ranking member was killed in some sort of ambush.

I think the rumors about Necromancers are completely untrue. I've heard some crazy things, and I don't believe any of them.

The Council seems very interested in this new group of Necromancers that has sprung up. I wonder how things will play out.

Have you heard anything more about what the Council knows about these Necromancers? Something's not right.

It's good to know that valuable research is still going on, even though things seem to be a bit more tense lately.

Someone finally solved the problems with research at Vahtacen. You'd think the Council would know more about the Ayleids by now.

It sounds like the Council of Mages has been holding extra meetings recently. I'm not sure what that means.

I've heard rumors that the Council of Mages is taking advice from outsiders. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Arch-Mage Traven was right to ban Necromancy from the guild. Look at what they've done; they've gone and killed several of us!

The Mages Guild has been attacked by Necromancers. This proves they can't be trusted!

I understand that Dagail is in much better control of her faculties now that Kalthar's plot has been exposed.

Kalthar tried to ruin the Leyawiin guild. Just goes to show you can't trust a Necromancer, even if he claims to be "reformed."

Did you hear that someone played yet another prank on Jeanne Frasoric in Bruma? I don't know how she keeps falling for these things.

It sounds like there are an awful lot of problems at the Bruma guild hall. Jeanne does a poor job of running that place.

The Chorrol guild hall had an unpleasant visit recently, from someone who had a grudge against Teekeeus.

I hear a new Associate came to Teekeeus's aid recently. Something about an old enemy of his storming into town.

The roads near Anvil are safer now, thanks to Carahil and her guild hall. She's an example for us all.

The Anvil guild has made quite a name for itself under Carahil. Did you hear about the recent murderer they caught?

Kud-Ei will do anything to help her girls out. She recently got Ardaline out of a bind, and I hear it wasn't completely within guild rules.

Kud-Ei runs a tight ship in Bruma. She may not always play by the rules, but I wouldn't want her on my bad side.

I can't believe a Mages Guild associate was found dead in Cheydinhal. What kind of place are they running there?

Did you hear that Falcar left the guild? I think Deetsan is in charge in Cheydinhal now.

I heard that one of the Skingrad mages was assaulted, but I don't know the details.

Sounds like the Skingrad branch of the guild can't even keep track of its members. How appalling.

Soris Arenim sure seems upset. I think he lost something important.

I heard that Soris Arenim made himself quite a bit of money recently. He seems very happy about it.

I saw Erthor earlier. Guess someone rescued him again. Hide your scrolls while you can.

I thought about joining the Mages Guild, but that Falcar fellow was very intimidating. I ended up changing my mind.

There was some kind of fight at the Mages Guild. I heard that Falcar disappeared, as well.

Things in the guild have been different since Traven was named Arch-Mage. They're more structured, but everyone seems tense.

Half of the Council of Mages resigned when Traven took over the position of Arch-Mage.

Arch-Mage Traven is the first to take such a hard stance on Necromancy. It upset more than a few people.

The Mages Guild runs more or less like it always did, but we lost quite a few members when the practice of Necromancy was banned.

Necromancy may be legal in Cyrodiil, but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the Mages Guild has banned it.

Some say that Traven is mis-using the power of the Arch-Mage's position to further his personal agendas.

I don't know what Arch-Mage Traven has against Necromancy, but the first thing he did after taking over the Mages Guild was to ban its practice.

Not only has Necromancy been banned from practice in the Mages Guild, but the Guild won't deal with anyone who openly uses it.

The Mages Guild has made more than a few enemies since Necromancy was banned.

I saw that Earana woman hanging around the Mages Guild again.

I saw that Erthor is back in town again.

I hear one of the guild mages has gone missing again.

It seems quieter than usual at the Mages Guild.

I saw Earana leaving town. She looked very excited.

Things at the Mages Guild seem tense. That Falcar fellow sure keeps a tight rein on things.

Falcar at the Mages Guild seems to be angry all the time. I avoid him when I can.

I haven't seen Vidkun around town lately. I guess they're keeping him pretty busy at the Mages Guild.

Varon Vamori seems very glum lately. I guess things aren't going well with Ardaline.

Kud-Ei seems upset about something lately. I'd stay away from the Mages Guild if I were you.

Those new fellows here in town are making me nervous. Walking around with those big weapons; I hope they leave soon.

I heard someone broke into the Mages Guild.

If the Council really did split up, the guild is done for. This is serious.

The Mages Guild seems more disorganized than usual lately.

Miscellaneous QuestsEdit

The Count made that Orc, Mazoga, into a knight? Well, well. Next thing, we'll be making horses into knights.

Killing their chief should weaken the Black Bow Bandits, but they're still going to be a menace to travelers.

Knights-Errant? That's just a poor knight without a castle. But I hear they got a nice lodge right on the banks of the Niben.

Count Leyawiin placed a bounty on the heads of the surviving Black Bow Bandits.

Count Leyawiin created a new order of knights -- the White Stallion -- for the ones who defeated Black Brugo.

Black Brugo, chief of the Black Bow Bandits, is dead. And the Count made his killers Knights of the White Stallion.

I hear the Count's got someone to sort out that business with Mazoga the so-called knight.

The Count's been asking questions about some Orc named Mazoga at the castle... she claims she's a knight.

There's an Orc named Mazoga up at the castle claims she's a knight. Doesn't look like one to me.

Poor Tivela. I hear she is turning Cheydinhal inside out looking for her husband, Rythe. I hope nothing bad has happened to him.

Have you seen Valus Odiil recently? Spends all day in the tavern since his boys left.

I saw Valus Odiil at the Grey Mare again today. Hasn't been the same since his boys took off.

A gang of women in Anvil seducing men? Did you hear? Take my copy of the Black Horse Courier. Poor fools.

The Black Horse Courier has a story about Rythe Lythandas. Here. Take my copy. I'm done with it.

Farwil Indarys almost got himself killed in Cheydinhal. Here. Take my Black Horse Courier. It's all in there.

Did you hear about the discovery at Pale Pass? It's in the new Black Horse Courier. Here. Take my copy.

I heard that Velwyn Benirus was killed. The Manor claims another victim.

The new owner sure has turned Benirus Manor around. It's now a welcome addition to our city.

I have it on good authority that the city watch sent someone to stop that gang of women from robbing the town's men. Good show I say!

Kud-Ei seems to be in good spirits again after Henantier's return. I heard she enlisted a stranger's help in the search. Good show I say!

Henantier was slain in his sleep. How awful. They should find the one who did it and send him straight to prison.

I have it on good account that the Forlorn Watchman is gone for good. The stories about his fate were true, but now the curse has been broken.

Well, despite everything, Aleron Loche turned up dead. That's what you get when you deal with gamblers and usurers.

Arnora was killed. Such a shame. I wonder if Jorundr had something to do with it? I wouldn't put it past him.

So, the mighty Ulrich Leland has fallen. Apparently Llevana Nedaren snapped and killed him. Good riddance I say.

Did you hear the news? Ulrich Leland was thrown in the dungeons for stealing money from the city coffers. Haha! Justice for the little guy!

I overheard that the vampire hunter who was in town was a fake. It was apparently a ruse to get his hands on Bradon's key to a treasure chest.

Thank goodness the gate is gone. I couldn't get a good night's sleep knowing it was out there!

Rythe Lythandas seems to be back in town. Wonder where he was off to?

The Honorblade has been returned to the Castle after all these years! This is certainly a good omen.

Someone said the Bloated Float mysteriously departed from the docks and then returned. I didn't know she was even seaworthy!

The Countess still seems quite sad. I hear someone tried to find the item stolen from the castle, but they had no luck. Oh well.

The Countess seems much happier now that the item that was stolen from her was returned.

I guess Rosentia Gallenus got rid of whatever barnyard animals she was keeping inside her house. Smells much better now.

I saw Reynald Jemane's brother earlier. Can't believe they didn't even know about each other.

Reynald Jemane has a terrible memory. We've met many times, but when I saw him in Cheydinhal, he walked right past me like we were strangers.

I was in Cheydinhal last week, and I'm sure I saw Reynald Jemane. He acted like he didn't know me, though.

You hear any word about Kud-Ei's friend? She's offering a generous reward, so hopefully someone will show up and lend a hand.

I saw Kud-Ei moping around outside the Mages Guild yesterday. In fact, I could swear she was crying. I hope she finds her missing friend.

There's some strange Dark Elf in town, asking about Reynald Jemane and his brother.

I've sighted the Forlorn Watchman again. Every time I see that ghost, it gives me the creeps.

Have you heard about that ghost of the old man that looks out into Niben Bay each night? They're calling him the Forlorn Watchman... spooky.

I can't believe that the Countess is more obsessed with that painting than the Oblivion Gate threatening the city!

I heard that the Countess is quite upset lately. Apparently someone stole something very personal to her.

Have you noticed all the city guards are roaming around the city as if looking for someone? I wonder what that's all about.

Did you hear about Bradon Lirrian? A vampire hunter named Raynil Dralas made his way into town, snuck into his house and killed him.

I was at Olav's earlier and I ran into this Dunmer named Raynil Dralas. After a round or two, he told me he was an honest-to-goodness vampire hunter!

Don't know if this is true, but I heard a gang of all female thieves is preying on the married menfolk of the town.

You hear about Gogan? A gang of thieves is running a scam in town, and he fell for it! Hahaha... what an idiot!

They charged me 5 gold for littering! Littering!! I barely make that in a year! These fines are ridiculous!

I can't believe the ridiculous new fines the guards are imposing. Ever since Ulrich took over as Captain of the Guard, this place is going downhill.

Have you been near Rosentia Gallenus's house recently? Smells horrible... like she left some meat out to spoil.

I was walking past Rosentia Gallenus' home the other day, and I heard these strange animal noises or something from inside... very odd.

You hear about Jorundr? He was caught stealing gold, and now he's in jail! I bet Arnora's beside herself with grief.

Poor Arnora. Seems her boyfriend, Jorundr, has stolen some gold from her and left her penniless. Now he's in jail, and she's destitute.

So, thanks to some hired help, the Jemanes recovered Weatherleah. Good thing... I never liked having ogres so close to Chorrol.

I overheard a guard mention the Countess is looking for a piece to add to her collection of Akaviri artifacts. Our taxpayer's drakes at work...

I'd stay inside the city walls if I were you, there's no telling what's going to come out of that gate.

Ever since that gate appeared, the city guards have been on alert. I hope they can protect us.

I overheard someone say that Aleron Loche is missing. I don't know what happened to him. His wife, Ursanne, is beside herself with grief.

I swear that when I passed by Benirus Manor last night, I heard someone scream from inside. Velwyn Benirus will never sell that deathtrap!

I heard that Velwyn Benirus is trying to sell off Benirus Manor. Hopefully the new owners will clean that eyesore up.

I think Glarthir is having one of his bad spells lately, have you noticed?

Yes. I mean ... I must go now. But do accept my apologies for your loss.

Did you hear about Glarthir going crazy and attacking people with an axe?

Did you hear about Glarthir? Thank the Nine that the guard stopped him before he killed someone!

Do you think that stranger's here looking for the girl?

Did you hear that Dar-Ma has disappeared?

I'll be there. Etira promised us some good sport tonight.

I wouldn't miss it. This time the sacrifice may finally be acceptable to the Brethren.

Did you hear the bad news? Dar-Ma's daughter was killed by some strange cultists down in Hackdirt. Terrible, terrible times we live in.

Did you hear that Dar-Ma came back, safe and sound? You know, Seed-Neeus's daughter, the Argonians.


Just killing time.

Stranger's in town.

You coming to the gathering tonight?

I haven't seen anything, except for that stranger wandering around.

I'll be there.

Shh. The stranger is listening.

Thieves GuildEdit

The Gray Fox sounds like a dangerous thief.

Those wanted posters of the Gray Fox are everywhere.

The Imperial Watch seems awfully worried about the Gray Fox. Look at all those wanted posters.

My cousin says the beggars all work for the Gray Fox. It's rather frightening.

Amantius Allectus is complaining about crime in the city. Someone actually broke into his house and stole his diary.

Amantius Allectus was killed during a burglary. They say the house was ransacked.

Did you hear that someone broke into an Imperial Legion post and stole the taxes they collected from the Waterfront?

Captain Lex blames the Gray Fox for stealing the tax collection. He wants a bounty put on the Gray Fox, but the Legion Commander has refused.

Have you heard? Someone desecrated the tomb of Llathasa. No wonder her ghost haunts that place.

There was a murder in the Chapel. It happened when a thief was caught trying to rob Llathasa's tomb.

Did you hear? The Countess was robbed. Someone stole her family ring.

One of the castle staff was murdered trying to stop a thief.

I heard that thieves broke into the Arcane University, the Imperial Legion Compound, and the Temple, all on the same night!

The Gray Fox made a fool of Hieronymus Lex. While half the Watch was in the Waterfront, thieves made off with half the rest of the city.

Did you hear? Hieronymus Lex was reassigned to Anvil.

Someone told me that Hieronymus Lex is gone. Reassigned to Anvil. That can't be true!

Lady Umbranox has hired a new Captain of the guard.

Is there a new Captain of the guard? I thought I saw him walking the rounds.

I heard that someone broke into the wizard's tower. What kind of a fool would take on Fathis Aren?

Did you hear what happened? Someone robbed the wizard's tower. Fathis Aren got what he deserved, if you ask me.

Did you hear that the Earl of Imbel's house was robbed?

The Earl of Imbel was attacked and killed in his own home. I heard the body burned in the sunlight.

Can you believe that a thief broke into the Imperial Palace itself!

They say a thief actually stole one of the Elder Scrolls from the Imperial Library. Who would have thought it was even possible?

There are rumors that there is a new Gray Fox. Nobody knows what happened to the old one.

Count Umbranox has returned! After eleven years, he just walked back into Anvil.


I saw Ugak gra-Mogakh earlier. At least, I think it was her. Perhaps it was her sister.

Ugak has some good horses to sell. I sometimes can't tell her from her sister, though.

Mog gra-Mogakh runs a fine establishment at the Two Sisters Lodge. And her sister has some quality horses.

I like the Two Sisters Lodge, and Mog does a good job running the place. She and her sister are both fine people.

Erina Jeranus isn't the most social inkeeper in the world, but she runs a good, clean house.

The West Weald is a good place. Erina Jeranus isn't the friendliest person in the world, but not a bad sort when you get to know her.

That Else God-Hater sure has a chip on her shoulder. Great with a blade, but she really holds a grudge against the church.

Don't bring up religion around Else God-Hater. She's likely to use that sword of hers on you.

I've bought a good number of things at Colovian Traders. And Gunder is a friendly sort.

I need to head over to Colovian Traders and pick up a few things from Gunder. He's got a nice selection.

Maybe it's just me, but I find Falanu Hlaalu really odd. And I've seen him hanging around the graveyard with a strange smile on his face.

I saw Agnete out drinking late again last night. It's no wonder they call her "the Pickled." She sure can repair armor, though.

Hammer and Tongs is a good place to get your armor repaired. Just don't go early in the morning. Agnete usually isn't feeling so well then.

I went to the Chapel to get rid of a rash I'd picked up. Tumindil healed me right away.

I don't know if Tumindil ever leaves the chapel. That man works day and night to take care of all of us.

Marie Palielle is quite a hard worker. She's in the chapel day and night, tending to the sick and injured.

Marie Palielle seems very happy working at the chapel. She's always working, but she's always got a smile on her face.

I went to the chapel yesterday, but Valandrus was the only one there. I figured I'd come back another time.

I have no idea why Valandrus Abor even serves at the chapel. He's not very good, though you'd hear differently from him.

I suppose Count Hassildor keeps Skingrad running smoothly, but you hardly ever see the man.

I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.

Dion takes his job as Guard Captain very seriously. He's all business when he's working.

I hope nobody tries to get away with anything when Captain Dion is around. He's a tough customer.

Shum gro-Yarug is the butler in Castle Skingrad. Who ever heard of an Orc butler. Plus, he's in that "Orc Social Club." What a joke.

I wouldn't want an Orc butler, but apparently the Count doesn't mind. Shum gro-Yarug has been there for years.

That Danus Artellian is a little too full of himself. Sure, he's a Captain of the Guard, but I'm not impressed.

I don't like that Danus Artellian. He's a bit stuck-up for my tastes.

I heard Ah-Mahlz was out hunting goblins again. Good. They're vermin.

Ah-Malz at the Fighters Guild has gotten to be an expert on goblin hunting. He just hates the things.

If you need to learn how to use a shield, you should talk to Fadus Calidius at the Fighters Guild.

Fadus Calidius sure can use a shield. I've never seen him take a hit!

Parwen is another one of those goblin hunters at the Fighters Guild. She's always talking about her "goblin killing tactics."

Parwen has really got a thing for goblins. I think she and Ah-Malz keep a running tally of who has killed more.

I think Adrienne Berene is the ranking mage at the Mages Guild in town. Typical snooty mage.

I hear Adrienne Berene is quite a mage. Of course, it's not like she'd bother to stop to talk to you in the street.

If you're looking to learn a bit about Conjuration, Sulinus Vassinus is a good person to talk to.

I saw Sulinus Vassinus at the Mages Guild conjure up some sort of creature, right there in the street. Guards took care of it.

If you don't know much about Mysticism, Druja is a good person to talk to. She's at the Mages Guild.

If I were in the Mages Guild, I think I'd study Mysticism. Druja was telling me a bit about it, and it sounds interesting.

Must be nice being in the Mages Guild. If they need something recharged, they just talk to Vigge the Cautious, and poof! All done.

Vigge the Cautious is responsible for enchanted item recharge at the Mages Guild. Good thing he's cautious. I'd hate to have something go wrong.

Erthor is causing trouble at the Mages Guild again. Seems his experiments are always blowing up.

I smelled a strange odor coming from the Mages Guild yesterday. Erthor must have been doing another experiment.

I've had about enough of Sir Lazare. He thinks he's so much better than everyone else.

I heard Lazare Milvan challenged someone else to a duel. The man is ridiculous.

I've heard that someone has it out for Toutius Sextius. Who'd want to hurt him?

I've heard rumors that someone has been keeping a close eye on Toutius Sextius. Seems harmless enough.

I love walking by Salmo's place. The smell of her bread baking is amazing.

I'll buy sweetrolls from Salmo the Baker any day. Once, I was carrying a sweetroll when three thugs attacked me. So, I took the sweetroll....

Ambroise Canne is really good with his shield. Even better than Falus Calidus, I think.

I learned quite a bit about how to use a shield from Ambrose Canne. Cost me a bit, but it was worth it.

Reman Broder is great with a bow. I think he could shoot the grapes off the vines, which is handy, since he works at the vineyard.

You know, if you need to get better at archery, you should talk to Reman Broder. He's quite a good shot.

Undena Orethi grows some good tomatoes. Yep. They sure are good tomatoes.

Undena Orethi has got some fine tomatoes. Some of the finest in Cyrodiil.

Uuras the Shepherd sure takes care of his sheep. And, boy, does he like cheese! I mean, he really likes cheese.

Uuras is a good shepherd, but his real love is cheese. Of course, there's no money in herding cheese.

Bernadette Peneles works over at the Tamika Winery. They make a quality wine there.

I think Bernadette Peneles seems like a nice woman. I know she works tirelessly over at the Tamika Vineyards.

I've seen Shameer at the Tamika Vineyards practicing archery. He's really good. I might try to get some pointers from him.

Not only does Shameer make a good wine at the Tamika Vineyards, but he's really good with his bow, too. I heard he'll train you, for a fee.

Davide Surilie and his brother make some fine wines. It's a really impressive vineyard.

I bought some wine from Davide Surilie. Excellent body. He's a fine vintner.

Gaston Surilie and his brother Davide own one of the finest vineyards in all of Cyrodiil.

I bought some wine from Gaston Surilie a few days ago. I was very impressed by it.

Something is just a bit off about Glarthir. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.

Old Glarthir is a bit out of his mind, I think. He's convinced everyone is out to get him.

Tamika makes some truly fine wines at her winery. I think they're every bit as good as the Surilie Brothers wines.

I enjoy the wines that Tamika makes at her vineyard. And they're reasonably priced, as well.

Imperial CityEdit

Rohssan is a talented smith. One of the best around, if you ask me.

If you go to the Fighting Chance, make sure to speak with Rohssan about repairing armor.

If you go to the Fighting Chance, make sure to speak with Rohssan about repairing armor.

I don't know that anyone in Cyrodiil drives a harder bargain than Palonirya at Divine Elegance.

Wow. Palonirya is a tough negotiator. Hard to get her prices down.

Varnado at The Best Defense knows a lot about Heavy Armor.

If I had a question about heavy armor, I'd probably ask Varnado at The Best Defense.

I have friends visiting soon, so I told them to stay at the King and Queen Tavern.

The King and Queen Tavern isn't a bad place to stay if you're visiting the city.

Dul gro-Shug always seems at ease in light armor. He moves well in it.

If you want to learn more about light armor, you might talk to Dul gro-Shug.

Irene Metrick moves with such grace. I wonder what it is she does.

I saw Irene Metrick recently. She jumped clear over a table at the inn.

I understand old Dovyn Aren can still teach a bit about Alteration.

I know that Dovyn Aren is getting up there in years, but he still knows a bit about Alteration.

I understand Ida Vlinorman enjoys jumping off high things. Like buildings.

There's something strange about Ida Vlinorman. I heard she was climbing up the chapel, just so she could jump off.

I understand that Othrelos isn't a bad man to talk to, if you need to learn how not to be seen.

Othrelos is a sneaky one. Kind of makes you wonder what he's up to.

I understand Mandil has some rather nimble fingers.

Lose the key to your house? Find Mandil. He can get in, I'll bet.

The Tiber Septim Hotel is a nice place. It's not cheap, though.

If you want luxury, there's nowhere better than the Tiber Septim Hotel.

Samuel Bantien used to be a wild one. They say he used to be quite the "locksmith."

Samuel Bantien used to be able to pick any lock in the city. He's settled down now, though.

I understand Areldil is good at getting into places other people can't.

If you're an alchemist, The Main Ingredient is a good place to shop.

Ogier Georick has a good selection of ingredients at The Main Ingredient.

If you're looking for books, First Edition is the only place in the city to find them.

Phintias has the best bookstore in the city. Of course, First Edition is the only bookstore in the city.

A lot of mages swear by Rindir's Staffs.

Rindir's Staffs is the best place in the city to buy a magical staff. Or is it Rindir's Staves....

If you're looking to buy cheap spells, Edgar's is the place to look.

I understand money is tight, but buying discount spells seems like a bad idea.

Thoronir will buy almost anything. And I mean anything.

If you need to get rid of something quickly, check out the Copious Coinpurse.

If you're looking for a shield, Stonewall shields has a fine selection.

Viator Accius has a good shield selection at Stonewall Shields.

The Feed Bag isn't fancy, but it fills you up.

You'll never leave the Feed Bag on an empty stomach.

I needed some cash, so I went to see Jensine.

If you need money fast, try Jensine's. You can sell almost anything there.

Three Brothers have some good merchandise. Don't know if I've met all three brothers, though.

I shopped at Three Brothers a couple of days ago. Not sure which one I talked to, though.

If you need something enchanted, Calindil has the goods.

Calindil runs a nice place at the Mystic Emporium.

You've gotta like a store named Slash 'N Smash.

Looking for an axe or a mace? Head to Slash 'N Smash. The name says it all.

Claudette Perrick runs a fine alchemy shop. You should check out The Gilded Carafe.

The Gilded Carafe. A fine store with a terrible name.

If you need light armor, talk to Maro Rufus at The Best Defense.

There's some fine light armor at The Best Defense. Talk to Maro Rufus.

Good thing we have the Black Horse Courier. I don't know how we'd get our news without it.

If there's a complaint about a merchant, speak to Vinicia Melissaeia.

Vinivia Melissaeia takes all the merchant complaints in the city.


Dervera Romalen is sure proud of the Newlands lodge. I think she's especially happy that the Red Queen drinks there.

Dervera Romalen seems pleased that so many folks drink at the Newlands lodge. She takes great pride in it.

Mach-Na runs a good business. He's a grumpy old man, though.

There are some quality books at Mach-Na's. Just don't catch him when he's in a bad mood.

If you're looking for armor, you should speak with Tertia Viducia.

I think Tertia Viducia has a good supply of light armor.

I've heard that Hil the Tall knows a lot about Alteration, how to cast shields and that sort of thing.

I understand Hil the Tall will teach Alteration to anyone willing to pay.

Gruiand Garrana can talk her way out of anything. Of course, all she usually talks about is herself.

That Gruiand Garrana is really full of herself. She'll talk your ear off, if you let her.

Ohtesse is a wonderfully gifted healer. I sometimes worry that she spends too much time taking care of others, and not enough on herself.

I hope Ohtesse is taking care of herself. She's a gifted healer, and she spends all her time helping others.

I've heard that Naspia Cosma would rather be fighting in the Arena than spending time at the castle. She's excellent with a blade.

Naspia Cosma is really skilled with her blade. It's a shame she doesn't compete in the Arena.

That Ra'qanar seems a bit shady to me. He does a good job on the horses at the castle, though.

There's something about Ra'qanar I just don't trust.

I spoke with Deetsan at the Mages Guild recently. I've never seen someone so happy about being in the guild.

Deetsan must be the happiest Mages Guild member in all of Tamriel. I think it was always his dream to join.

Ganredhel sure does have a knack for training dogs. I've heard that she will train people as well, for a price.

Ganredhel can teach you about Acrobatics, for a price. Of course, she'd rather be training her dogs.


Olav's Tap and Tack is a good, inexpensive place for travelers.

The Tap and Tack is a good place to get a quick bite, and Olav is a good man.

Jerall View is a nice place for visitors to stay. Hafid makes everyone feel welcome.

Hafid Hollowleg says that Jerall View has been doing good business.

Skjorta is a nuisance. She was running around town, drunk and naked again.

Someone needs to get Skjorta under control. You'd think Olfand would be the one to do it.

Olfand really has his hands full with Skjorta. I don't know how he has time for business.

Poor Olfand. I don't know how he manages to live with Skjorta.

Cirroc is a good healer. He's a Redguard, but you'd think he was a Nord, the way he acts.

Good that we have a healer in town. Cirroc can fix most anything that ails you. After all these years, he almost seems like a Nord himself.

I've heard that Arentus Falvius at the chapel can conjure up creatures.

Apparently, Arentus Falvius at the chapel is quite a conjurer. He'll even teach the skill to those he likes.

I've heard Right-Wind is good with a blade. No wonder he's in the Fighters Guild.

Apparently, Right-Wind teaches his blade skills to other Fighters Guild members.

Bumph gra-Gash is very skilled in heavy armor use. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

I understand Bumph gra-Gash trains other Fighters Guild members on the proper use of heavy armors.

I heard that J'skar at the Mages Guild is quite good at blowing things up.

Don't get on J'skar's bad side. You'll likely get a fireball in your face for your troubles.

Alga sure can tell a good story. I'm not normally a big fan of bard's tales, but she's got some good ones.

Alga has a lot of good tales to tell. I wish I could tell a story like she does.

I've heard that Jantus Brolus is skilled with both magic and steel.

Jantus Brolus is apparently an excellent mage.

Rumor has it that Edla Dark-Heart left Skyrim with the law right behind her.

I've heard Edla Dark-Heart was once an assassin!


I think all Bogrum gro-Galash cares about is the Lonely Suitor Lodge. He really puts everything into it.

The Lonely Suitor is a fine place. Bogrum gro-Galash is very focused on making it a success.

I don't think that Gilgondrin really wants to run Silverhome-on-the-Water. He never seems happy when he's there.

Gilgondrin inherited Silverhome from his parents. I understand he only runs it out of a sense of duty.

Uravasa Othrelas has a way with words. I wish she could teach me how to speak that well.

It's always a pleasure to hear Uravasa Othrelas speak at chapel. She has a real way with words.

Marz is an excellent healer, but I understand she longs to return to the swamps of Black Marsh.

I'm glad Marz lives here in Bravil. She's an excellent healer.

If you're looking to learn about conjuring creatures, you should try to speak with Fathis Aren.

I understand that Fathis Aren is quite the conjurer.

Nahsi at the Fighters Guild seems very at peace with himself. He says that's what allows him to be such an amazing martial artist.

If you want to learn a bit about hand-to-hand fighting, talk to Nahsi at the Fighters Guild.

I understand Tadrose Helas has more jobs than she knows what to do with. She's very eager to help out her guild.

Tadrose Helas teaches smithing at the Fighters Guild. Well, when she has the time.

Kud-Ei is very protective of her sisters in the Mages Guild. And she's quite skilled at creating illusions.

Mages Guild members have said that Kud-Ei is an excellent teacher, as well as a very loyal guildmember.

Something strange is going on with Ardaline and Varon Vamori. I always see him hanging around her.

Seems to me that Ardaline has an admirer in Varon Vamori.

Ita Rienus knows more about the geography of Tamriel than anyone I've ever met. Apparently, she knows quite a bit about Mysticism as well.

I heard Ita Rienus talking about the geography of Tamriel again. She's very knowledgeable.

That Delphine Jend seems dangerous to me. She's very skilled, but I think she's reckless.

I understand Delphine Jend has some other mages worried. She's skilled, but a bit unpredictable.

Varon Vamori really has a silver tongue.

Varon Vamori can be really charming. Of course, there's something a bit odd about him as well.

City-Swimmer certainly lives up to her name. I've seen her in the canals many times.

Keep your eyes on City-Swimmer. I don't know where she goes when she's not in the canals.

She doesn't leave home much, but apparently Luciana Galena has a lot of experience fighting in light armor.


Witseidutsei runs a clean establishment. She really hates it when people mess up her place.

The Five Claws Lodge is a nice, clean place. Witseidutsei makes sure of it.

The Three Sisters Inn is a nice place, but that Shuravi sure is grumpy. I don't think she likes anyone.

Shuravi runs a good inn, but she's awful with her sisters.

Bugak gro-Bol has some good books at Southern Books. He's an odd one, though. Always seems ready for a fight.

Bugok gro-Bol always seems ready for a fight. Seems odd for a bookseller.

I've heard Tun-Zeeus has some fine blades at the Dividing Line. Of course, he'll talk your ear off about them if you let him.

The Dividing Line is a good place to buy a sharp blade. Of course, you're likely to hear some of Tun-Zeeus' stories if you hang around.

I've heard Brodras at the Fighters Guild is well-versed in using heavy armor, especially for a wood elf.

Brodras has been teaching Fighters Guild members how to better use heavy armor. Odd for a Bosmer, but he's apparently good at it.

Sherina is good with a blade. She knows it, too.

Fighters Guild members have been going to Sherina to learn blade skills. She's good, and she'll be the first to tell you so.

I've heard that Dagail knows a lot about Mysticism. And sheep.

Dagail has been training high ranking mages more about mysticism. And he's also been researching sheep, from what I hear.

I understand that S'drassa is still trying to create a potion to cure skooma addiction.

When S'drassa isn't teaching alchemy, he spends all of his time researching a cure for skooma addiction.


Maenlorn and his brother run a nice establishment at the Flowing Bowl.

I like eating at the Flowing Bowl. Maenlorn runs a quality inn.

Have you spoken to Wilbur at the Count's Arms? He knows a lot about fine wines.

The Count's Arms is a very nice place for a meal. And Wilbur has an extensive knowledge of wines.

Norbert Lelles runs a fine store, but he's not the brightest fellow.

I feel sorry for Norbert Lelles. He's a good man, but he gets taken in so easily.

Azzan at the Fighters Guild is a fine warrior. I understand he can sign you up, if you're interested.

I've heard Azzan can sign you up for the Fighters Guild. That's someone I wouldn't mind working for.

Have you seen Rhano at the Fighters Guild use his sword? Impressive. He could teach us all a thing or two.

Rhano is quite the swordsman. I've heard he'll train you for the right amount of money.

Rufrius Vinicius is good with his fists. I've seen him in action, and it's impressive.

I saw Rufrius Vinicius knock a man down with one punch. I wish he'd teach me a bit about hand-to-hand combat.

I understand that Vigdis at the Fighters Guild has some skill with blunt weapons. He's been training other Fighters Guild members.

If you want to learn to use a mace, you should speak to Vigdis. Of course, to speak to Vigdis, you'll have to join the Fighters Guild.

I saw Huurwen practicing shield technique at the Fighters Guild the other day. She could teach me a thing or two.

Huurwen was sparring with some other Fighters Guild members recently. I don't think any of them could get a hit through her shield.

I've heard Carahil is a powerful illusionist. No wonder she's the ranking mage here in Anvil.

I understand Carahil knows more about Illusion than any other mage in Anvil. Of course, she only shares that knowledge with the Mages Guild.

If you're looking to learn a bit about potion-making, you should speak to Felen Ralas at the Mages Guild.

I've heard that Feren Relas knows quite a bit about alchemy.

Marc Gulitte knows more about how to cast a fireball than anyone in Anvil. I try to stay on his good side.

March Gulitte is a dangerous one. He teaches mages about the Destruction school of magic.

Mirabelle Monet is quite a woman. Ask any of the sailors down at the Fo'c's'le.

Mirabelle Monet runs quite a boarding house. I understand all of the sailors leave very satisfied.

For someone who drinks so much, Hauls-Ropes-Faster is in peak physical condition. You could learn a lot from him.

Hauls-Ropes-Faster can run faster than anyone I've ever seen. Of course, he can't often walk a straight line.

Heinrich Oaken-Hull is married to a Bosmer? I suppose the women are less annoying than the men.

The shipmaster, Heinrich Oaken-Hull, has a wood elf for a wife. I'd rather sleep with my horse.

Pinarus Inventius is quite the hunter. He can track about anything, and he's deadly with his bow.

I saw that Pinarus Inventius was out hunting again. He can shoot a bird on the wing without really trying.

Arvena Thelas is an odd one. I've heard some strange noises coming from her basement.

Something about Arvena Thelas is a bit odd. I've heard she keeps strange things in her basement.

I've never read any of Quill-Weave's writings. I've heard they're fairly good, though.

Quill-Weave does a lot of traveling to research her books. She must have a lot of experience to share.


I enjoy being in the Fighters Guild, though there haven't been quite as many contracts lately.

It's good to be a Fighters Guild member, don't you think?

I get paid to kill things. That's why I like the Fighters Guild.

Ah... pure magic. Research. Knowledge. That's why I love the Mages Guild.

Good thing I joined the Mages Guild when I did. There's nothing better than enchanting your own clothes.

I sure am glad I don't live in Leyawiin. Too many foreigners.

I found some good pauldrons at the armorer.

The local tavern is a good place to find work.

Picked up a good book at Renoit's this week. Sure wish I could read it.

I'm thinking of heading over to Renoit's to buy some books. There's quite a selection.

The Grey Mare isn't a bad place to stay, especially if you're low on Septims.

You know, Bongond has got some fine horses for sale over at the Grey Mare. Too bad he's such a pushy man.

You ever talk to Honditar? Odd fellow, but he seems to know his way around these parts.

The Oak and Crosier is a nice place, but that Talasma seems rather stuck-up to me.

I'm going over to Northern Goods and Trade. There's always something I need at that place.

Been to Fire and Steel recently? Rasheda has some nice new swords in there. And she's a friendly one, she is.

Thank Stendarr for the chapel here in Chorrol. A lovely place, and the healers are excellent.

I could be wrong, but it seems to me there's something shady going on at the Oak and Crosier.

Northern Goods and Trade is an excellent place to buy supplies.

That Modryn Oreyn has got no sense of humor. Hell of a warrior, though. No wonder he's done so well in the Fighters Guild.

Have you met Modryn Oreyn? Quiet man, but apparently he's an incredible fighter.

The Fighters Guild is a good place to go if you need weapons training.

I wanted to get a little practice in with my sword, so I headed to the Fighters Guild. Turns out you have to be a member to train there.

I'd like to learn more about spellcasting. Might have to head over to the Mages Guild and see if they're accepting new members.

I've heard they have good magic trainers over at the Mages Guild.

That Rimalus Bruiant sure loves his dogs. A little too much, if you ask me.

I saw Rimalus Bruiant walking his dogs today. And yesterday. And the day before. I swear that's all he does.

Eugal Belette is an odd one... and I swear I heard strange noises coming from his basement not long ago.

I'm not so sure about that Eugal Belette. An odd fellow, and people have said there are strange noises coming from his house at all hours.

I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. Terrible stuff, if you ask me. But, some folks seem to like it.

Casta Scribonia has finished a new book. Nothing that interests me, though.

I don't understand what Glistel is doing with Malintus Ancrus. I mean, have you seen her? And have you seen him? I just don't get it.

I'm sure you've heard that Glistel and Malintus Ancrus are living together. Simply shameful.

I can't believe that Glistel would live with that Malintus Ancrus. Shameful, and her being such a lovely girl.

I think Rena Bruiant may actually love dogs more than her husband. Strange couple, those two.

I saw Rena Bruiant talking to her dogs the other day. I think she thinks they understand her.

Hard to complain about living in Chorrol. We've got everything you need.

Ah, Chorrol. Easy access to all the other cities of Cyrodiil.

Sometimes I just go look at the Great Oak. Magnificent, don't you think?

You have to admit, this is a good place to live. Friendly folks, I think.

You know, I think the mutton here in Chorrol is the best in all the Empire. Mmmm... that's good mutton.

Lots of dogs in this town. Lots of sheep, too. Of course, I prefer the taste of sheep.

Don't know why anyone would visit the other cities of Cyrodill [sic]. Chorrol has it all. And a fairly low murder rate!

I lived in the Imperial City for a while, but city life just isn't for me. I'm much happier in Chorrol.

I just feel safe living here in Chorrol. I mean, we have the head of the Fighters Guild right here in town!

Vilena Donton just hasn't been the same since her eldest son died. Still, she does a good job of running the Fighters Guild.

It's good to know we've got such a strong Fighters Guild presence here in town.

I understand the Fighters Guild is looking for new members. Seems a bit odd, but that's what I hear.

Don't get too many folks passing through here these days.

I'm thinking of doing some traveling. Just to see the world a bit.

I heard there is a good smith in Chorrol.


M'aiq longs for a Colovian Fur Helm. Practical, yet stylish. M'aiq is very sad he does not have one.

M'aiq wishes he had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly, he does not.

M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun.

M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful as well. They look better than ever before.

Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems foolish to M'aiq. If you hold your weapon, you only need one.

Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping.

M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.

People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day.

Some people want special bows that take too long to load and need special arrows called bolts. M'aiq thinks they are idiots.

So much easier to get around these days. Not like the old days. Too much walking. Of course, nothing stops M'aiq from walking when he wants.

M'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. Much better than wandering around like a fool.

Why would one want to swing a staff? A mace hurts more. Or a sword. Can't shoot a fireball from a sword, though.

I do not wish to fight on horseback. It is a good way to ruin a perfectly good horse... which is, to say, a perfectly good dinner.

Levitation is for fools. Why would we want to levitate? Once you are up high, there is nowhere to go but down.

It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad.

I don't know why one would want to destroy a building. It takes time to make it. Much time.

I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won't say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not.

Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for M'aiq.

The will-o-the-wisp is a luminous being. It has naturalized residences to many types of spells.

I am resident to encounter the minotaur. Its horny protuberants cause me great conflagrations.

Trolls, I have been foretold, are particular to unflammable weapons.

Though I am replicant to spread rumors, I am led to believe the philogy of skeletous beings makes them resistive to magic.

Ancient Wayshrines of the Nine are scattered through the wilderness. The righteous who pray there receive powerful divine blessings.

If you've done good deeds, the Nine will bless you and cure diseases when you visit their wayshrines.

Wayshrines of the Nine in the wilderness confer blessings on the righteous and faithful.

Those famous for good deeds may receive Blessings of Intelligence and Magicka when they visit Wayshrines of Julianos.

Virtuous visitors to Wayshrines of Kynareth may receive Blessings of Agility.

When you visit a Wayshrine of Zenithar, and you've lived a good life by the Nine, you may receive a Blessing of Luck.

Those who live by the Commands of the Nine receive Blessings of Strength when they visit Wayshrines of Tiber Septim.

A good man who honors the Nine may visit the Wayshrines of Akatosh for Blessings of Speed and Magicka.

If you've been good, Wayshrines of Dibella may bless your Personality.

Wayshrines of Arkay confer Blessings of Health on those who've pleased the Nine by righteous acts.

Please the Nine with good works, and visit Wayshrines of Stendarr for Blessings of Endurance.

You've seen wayshrines in the wilderness? Those who've pleased the Nine may receive Blessings of Willpower at the Wayshrines of Mara.

The Heartlands and Nibenean Valley are the agricultural breadbaskets of Cyrodiil.

Where does our food come from? The Heartlands. And the Nibenean Valley. And Skingrad? Great wines, cheeses, and tomatoes.

The lowlands of the Great Forest rise to the upland plateau of the Colovian West.

The Great Forest was cleared for agriculture around Lake Rumare, but it's mostly wilderness outside of that.

The Colovian Highlands are barren wastelands along the border with Hammerfell.

The Colovian Highlands? Near the Hammerfell border? No one lives there. That's barren wastelands.

High mountain ranges rise to the borders in the north and east, and marshes and rainforests extend to the southeast borders.

It's our natural barriers that keep us safe, mostly. Mountain borders north and east, open sea to the west, and bogs and rainforest to south.

Cyrodiil is surrounded to the north and east by the lofty Jerall and Valus mountain ranges.

No one wants to live in the Jerall Mountains. Well, maybe in Bruma, but they're like Nords. They don't feel the cold.

Western Cyrodiil is called 'Colovia,' and includes the Gold Coast, West Weald, and Colovian Highlands regions.

In the west, in Old Colovia, that's where men are men. That's the Gold Coast, West Weald, and Colovian Highlands.

Nibenay is a region of mixed farmland, parkland, and forest.

With all the farms in Nibenay, there's still plenty of forest and wilderness open for settlement.

Nibenay is bordered on north and east by rugged mountains and to the south by marshes and rainforest.

The people of Nibenay consider themselves to be more civilized and sophisticated than Colovians.

I'm not saying Colovians are dumb. They're just hard-headed.

The Nibeneans think they're slick. 'Slippery' is more like it.

Colovia is a land of rugged wastes and highland forests.

Colovia is dotted with isolated farms and settlements, with most of the population in the coastal margin.

The Colovians are proud of their reputation for being independent, rough, and rebellious.

The Imperial City is located on a large island surrounded by Lake Rumare.

The Imperial City is densely urbanized, with a few large parks and waterside dock areas.

The Imperial City itself is a walled city, with separate inner walls protecting the Imperial palace.

The prettiest town in Cyrodiil? Don't know, but the ugliest is Bravil. Shabby, tumbledown shacks. They're big shacks, though.

Where to buy weapons? Where to buy anything, if you can afford to travel, is the Market District in the Imperial City.

My favorite town? Anvil. Lovely old stone buildings, and the harbor at sunset is beautiful.

Ayleid ruins? The big thing is to watch out for the traps. Thousands of years old, and still working. Amazing.

I've seen plenty of Ayleid ruins. You'd think they'd be picked clean after 2000 years, but, no, there's still great treasures there.

It's still pretty wild east of the Niben. Few people, except for bandits, but at least it hasn't been picked clean by treasure-hunters.

Nobody goes into the mountains but hunters and thieves on the lam. Food and shelter is hard to come by.

Blackwood isn't so bad, once you get used to the flies. And being lost all the time. And the zombies and will-o-the-wisps.

There's islands in Niben Bay no one has visited in a hundred years. No telling what you'll find.

Well, it's no problem traveling from the Imperial City to Leyawiin... if you're a wizard and can walk on water. I'd stay off the roads, though.

If you're all alone in the woods and you see a troll coming, you run. Problem solved. Next question?

Fighting's easy. Just lead them out on the water and shoot them full of holes. If you've got a bow, of course, and can walk on water.

The Arena's faked. You think those guys are getting killed? Really? It's just berry syrup and ham-acting.

Have you ever met anyone who got rich betting on the Arena? Didn't think so.

The Council runs the Arena to amuse the masses, and it pays for itself, with all the fools who lose their shirts gambling.

If you're on a road, you can usually outrun anything. If you're in good shape, and not wearing a tin suit.

Orcs don't ride horses. They eat horses. And sometimes I think they're the smart ones. Wait, maybe it's Dunmer who eat horses.

Take Cheydinhal, for example. Pretty little town. But the Count's a Dark Elf, and it's crawling with Orc thugs and gangsters.

The lands surrounding Lake Rumare are studded with small settlements, farms, and woodland game reserves.

The Nibenay Basin grades from rolling farmlands by the river east to the rugged uplands of the Valus Mountains.

On Cyrodiil's northern border is the sparsely populated mountain wilderness called the Valus Mountains.

You can't be too careful out in the wilderness. Almost any creature you find is liable to give you a disease.

Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.

Imps. I hate 'em. Little buggers flitting around, tossing fireballs at you!

I saw a wraith once. It threw a curse on me I'll never forget.

Have you seen a land dreugh? We call them "Billies." Don't know why. Steer clear of them, though.

I ran across a ghost once. Seemed to suck the energy right out of me.

Watch for minotaurs in the forests. Aggressive beasts. They'll tear right through your armor, too.

Mudcrabs. What's the point? Annoying buggers, though the meat isn't bad.

Only thing worse than an ogre is two ogres. Tough bastards, and spells seem to bounce right off of 'em.

Is there anywhere in Tamriel you can avoid rats? Disease spreading little nuisances.

Best way to take out a skeleton is with a big weapon. Forget spells. Just smack them and watch the bones fly!

I might swim more if it weren't for the slaughterfish. Sharp teeth, and some carry disease.

Spriggans. "Nature's guardians" my foot! Mean things. They'll curse you, or they might call a bear to tear you apart.

All that stuff about having to set trolls on fire is a bunch of hooey. They don't like fire, but a good sword will cut them up fine.

I don't even know what a will-o-the-wisp is, much less how to kill one. I think they're just swamp gas, myself.

I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill.

Try combining aloe vera leaves with some venison. It's said to have some restorative properties.

You can find Cairn Bolete growing in caves. They're said to mark the place someone has died.

It's said that eating taproot can bring you good luck.

Make sure not to eat nightshade. It's very poisonous.