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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Hamill

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(RefID: xx00A093)
Home City Arena
Location N/A
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 28 Class Donkey Driver
RefID xx00A093 BaseID xx00A07B
Available 9am to 11pm, every day
Gold 3500 Mercantile Journeyman (57)
Sells Potions, Misc.
Other Information
Health 601 Magicka 340
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Arena Citizens

Hamill is a Redguard trader who lives and works out of a tent in the center of the Arena. Someone has stolen a bunch of his crates, and he wants to get them back.

Hamill wears a sack cloth shirt and bonemold greaves and boots, and is armed with an Akaviri katana.

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