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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Toni

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Order of the Dragon: People / Merchants
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(RefID: xx057CB4)
Home City Kazbai
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC+8 Class Donkey Driver
RefID xx057CB4 BaseID xx057CB2
Available 24 hrs/day
Gold 5 Mercantile Apprentice (43)
Sells Books, Clothing, Ingredients, Potions, Apparatus, Misc.
Other Information
Health 85 at PC1 Magicka 254 at PC1
Responsibility 70 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Kazbai Citizens

Toni is an Imperial donkey driver and merchant who works in Kazbai; he sells donkeys, and also buys and sells various items from his stand along the main street.

Toni wears an olive vest, sack cloth pants, and sack cloth sandals, and is armed with a scimitar.

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