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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Yol

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(RefID: xx0487C3)
Home City Galu Oasis
Location Cave at the Galu Oasis
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 2 Class Publican
RefID xx0487C3 BaseID xx0487C2
Available 24 hrs/day
Gold 3 Mercantile Apprentice (42)
Sells Potions
Other Information
Health 24 Magicka 230
Responsibility 25 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Galu Oasis Citizens

Yol is an Imperial publican who runs a small bar in a cave near the Galu Oasis. He buys all manner of drinks and potions, but his menu is limited to one item: Yol's Good Mix. He can be found behind the bar at all hours of the day or night.

Yol wears a blacksmith's apron and pants, and sack cloth sandals, and is armed with a curved dagger.

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