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Online:Acolyte Cararilde

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains deprecated information about Elder Scrolls Online content.
The content described here was removed from the game after one of the updates.
Acolyte Cararilde
Home City Vulkhel Guard
Location Temple of Auri-El
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health (?)
Reaction (?)
Acolyte Cararilde

Acolyte Cararilde is a High Elf acolyte who used to be found in the Temple of Auri-El in Vulkhel Guard. As the Temple is no longer accessible except when it is instanced during the quest A Hostile Situation, she cannot be encountered in-game.


When spoken to, she would say, "Observations and praises of Auri-El are carried out in this chamber, one of many sites dedicated to his glory. And so, we gather to preserve and prepare this location, and exalt him, so that all may hear our song."