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Online:Adept Bilotan

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Adept Bilotan
Home Settlement Vos
Location East of Tel Mora
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Adept Bilotan

Adept Bilotan is a Dark Elf mage and member of House Telvanni who can be found on a terrace just east of Tel Mora. Steward Seden is suspicious of him, and he is suspicious of Steward Seden, due to events they describe happening during Reclaiming Vos.


Before Reclaiming Vos is complete:

"Who did I offend to get this post? I can't see the Magister, the steward gives me the barest access to her books, and I can't focus with that smell!"
What smell?
"Musty rotting vegetable stench, in the tower.
I have a sensitive nose. The smell is subtle, but once you notice it gnaws at you. I had to come outside to get some fresh air."

After Reclaiming Vos:

"So it wasn't my imagination! Next time I complain to the steward about a strange smell, he'd best listen."
What smell? The spores?
"Yes! Exactly! That filthy Savarak was poisoning Mistress Dratha—all of us—but her steward could have stopped it if he'd listened.
Maybe he was in on it?"