Alchemy | |||
Home Settlement | Rellenthil | ||
Location | House of Reveries Farmer's Nook ![]() |
Race | High Elf | Gender | Female |
Health | 133,844 15,000 (At the final audition) |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Follower | The Face of Change![]() |
Faction(s) | House of Reveries |
Alchemy is a High Elf and House of Reveries member who is responsible for sponsoring the recent batch of Hopefuls looking to join the troupe.
You'll find her in the amphitheater behind the Manor of Masques seated at the desk at the foot of the stage, reviewing some very nervous individuals.
Related QuestsEdit
- Manor of Masques: Audition for the House of Reveries and help find a missing sibling.
- A New Alliance: Attend a meeting with the Proxy Queen to ensure the Crystal Tower is protected.
- The Face of Change : Investigate strange disappearances from a dull farming village.
- Heroes of Blackwood : Attend the celebration thrown for you.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Manor of MasquesEdit
As you enter the amphitheater, you'll hear her tell Aubaud Boulat:
- Alchemy: "Well, I think that's quite enough. Next!"
If you speak to her before performing, she'll have this to say:
- "Another performer? Take the stage whenever you're ready, sweet. I'm not going anywhere."
Once you've completed your audition act, you'll hear the following:
- Alchemy: "Well done. Come, talk. No more auditions for today."
- Calpydir: "Oh, curses!"
- Eafifwe: "Of all the rotten luck!"
- Ashalha: "Whew."
When you speak to her, she'll say:
- "My, you certainly do have a talent for juggling. One might almost say your hands work like magic. Tell me, why do you wish to join the House of Reveries?"
- I want to perform with the best in Summerset.
- "A wonderful answer, but it's not very creative, is it? I'd work on that. You'll want something more dramatic if you wish to impress the Grand Maestro. Still, I'd be happy to sponsor you for house membership—if you complete my challenge, of course."
- What challenge might that be?
- "When we join the troupe, we abandon our old selves and take an identity reflected in our masks. What unique item suits you, I wonder? A gryphon feather? Yes, that would be lovely.
Go collect a feather, and meet me in front of the Manor of Masques."
You can ask her a few questions after receiving your task.
- What can you tell me about yourself?
- "Oh, not much I'm afraid. I have many names, but my true name is spoken only in the dead of night, and only in the softest of whispers. I am the daughter of a Dragon and a rather robust Telvanni. I spit fire and turn into a wyvern on the full moon."
- Do all members of the House of Reveries make up stories?
- "Only me, of course.
I'm teasing you! I was actually born whole from the earth when a lonely Sapiarch cast a spell to create a wife. He was attractive, I'll give him that, but boring. So, I left him with a mud pie and ran off to join the theater!" - Can't you tell me anything about yourself?
- "Oh, you're no fun. I'm actually a simple farmer's daughter who learned to mimic voices when I was but a babe. A life of plows and livestock was not for me, sadly, so here I am.
Do you understand? We can be anyone here. You can be anyone."
- What does a sponsor do, exactly?
- "Why, I put you through your paces. After all, I've deemed you worthy to perform for the Grand Maestro himself! Whether he offers you membership is beyond my ken, but I've never made the mistake of leaving him bored.
See that you don't embarrass me." - What happens if the Grand Maestro judges me worthy?
- "You may join us if you wish. Cast aside your old life, become who you truly wish to be. Live for your art! For the stage, for the sound of applause.
But you must never reveal your old identity. It is our only absolute."
- "Why, I put you through your paces. After all, I've deemed you worthy to perform for the Grand Maestro himself! Whether he offers you membership is beyond my ken, but I've never made the mistake of leaving him bored.
- Is that why you all wear masks?
- "Have you happened to meet an artist in Summerset? Had that distinct pleasure? All they care about is fame.
But within our troupe, we live only for our passion. To prove that devotion, we rid ourselves of the past, and live only for the present." - So you wear masks to show devotion to your art.
- "We always wear a mask. To your mother you are an innocent child, to your lover a sinful treat. A friend to your companions, a terror to your enemies.
But many here find their true selves within their craft, within their passion. I know I have."
- "Have you happened to meet an artist in Summerset? Had that distinct pleasure? All they care about is fame.
- Did you ever sponsor a High Elf named Larydel?
- "Did I? Well, let's see. Have you taken a lover recently? What was their name?
Oh! Are you in a committed relationship, or was it a one night tryst? Did you lift them to the heights of ecstacy [sic], or leave them unfulfilled and disappointed?" - What does that have to do with anything?
- "It's a question, isn't it? A personal question like yours, a question one stranger should never ask another in polite company.
I have sponsored many in my time with the House of Reveries, just as one once sponsored me. Those names are theirs alone."
- "Did I? Well, let's see. Have you taken a lover recently? What was their name?
If you try to talk to her again before you collect the feather, she says:
- "I see no gryphons in this area, do you? Pity. You may have to range a bit farther afield to find a decent feather. I'd suggest searching the lake behind Rellenthil. I leave the means of acquisition up to you."
Once you've collected the Gryphon feather, you'll find her at the covered patio in front of the Manor of Masques:
- "You've returned intact! How wonderful. I was worried the gryphon might have been a bit too much, but I see you're not one to be easily deterred. Good.
Tell me, how did you acquire your most lovely feather?" - I killed a gryphon.
- "A heroic tale, but a bit dull. You might want to spice it up a bit. Where's the action? Where's the drama?
Well, stories aside, you have executed my task most diligently. With this lovely feather, your mask is complete."
- "A heroic tale, but a bit dull. You might want to spice it up a bit. Where's the action? Where's the drama?
- I snuck up after the gryphon left its nest and stole a feather.
- "Clever, but a bit dry. What if the nest was on a cliff's edge? Perhaps you slipped the beast a sleeping draught? Oh! And the feather was enchanted by a Nereid!
Well, those are just suggestions. With this lovely feather, your mask is complete."
- "Clever, but a bit dry. What if the nest was on a cliff's edge? Perhaps you slipped the beast a sleeping draught? Oh! And the feather was enchanted by a Nereid!
- I challenged the gryphon to a game of riddles, and took its feather as a prize.
- "How exciting! That's a story worth repeating, I'd say. Dress it up a bit, add a talking frog or two, and you've got yourself a classic tale of subterfuge and adventure!
And with this lovely feather, your mask is complete."
- "How exciting! That's a story worth repeating, I'd say. Dress it up a bit, add a talking frog or two, and you've got yourself a classic tale of subterfuge and adventure!
If you exit the conversation before continuing it, she will have a few extra lines to say:
- "Now that you've proven yourself a competent performer who can accomplish simple tasks it's time for you to take on a name. It may seem obvious, but I believe we shall go with Gryphon. Yes, I rather like that. Well Gryphon it's time for your next task."
- So what do I do now?
- "Now's the time to don your mask and play the Game of Boasts!
Talk with the other three Hopefuls. Perform together, and then ask each other one question. Your answers must be tales that can wow the crowd! A chance to bond and perfect your act." - Where do I find them?
- "You'll find the other potentials inside our quarters, the Manor of Masques. We have a talented crop this week, but I'm certain you'll fit right in.
Don't forget to wear your mask! We can't force you, of course, but why not get used to it?"
Arriving at the arcades, you'll find Alchemy in lieu of Rinyde:
- "I know who you seek, Hopeful, but you will not find fair Rinyde here. She has departed for the moment, which means we can speak freely of your quest to find her brother, Larydel.
You wish to stop him from joining the House of Reveries." - Rinyde believes the Sapiarchs need Larydel's talents.
- "I'm well aware of what she believes. I wonder, though, if either of you have ever considered what Larydel wants.
Do you truly wish to force Larydel onto a path he does not wish to walk? Do you believe that best serves the Sapiarchs?" - The Sapiarchs need talented mages.
- "Yet what use is a mage who does not wish to be a mage? How are the Sapiarchs served by conscripting those who would be miserable?
I know Rinyde loves her brother and believes she knows what's best. But his path is not hers to control."
- "Yet what use is a mage who does not wish to be a mage? How are the Sapiarchs served by conscripting those who would be miserable?
- Every person should be allowed to choose their own path.
- "Well, then I'm confused. If you believe this, why help her track down her brother? Larydel has made his wishes clear. Why not respect them?
I know Rinyde loves her brother and believes she knows what is best. But his course is not hers to guide."
- "Well, then I'm confused. If you believe this, why help her track down her brother? Larydel has made his wishes clear. Why not respect them?
If you exit the conversation before continuing, she'll have an extra line:
- "It's not my place or yours to tell Larydel the path he should walk. Nor is it Rinyde's."
- Will you let Rinyde speak to her brother?
- "Only if he wishes to speak to her. Right now he does not, yet I'll admit to a moment of professional curiosity.
You have played the Game of Boasts with the other Hopefuls. Which of them do you believe is Larydel? Is he Firebird in disguise?" - Yes I believe Larydel is Firebird.
- "Interesting. You know, of course, I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries, Hopeful or no. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
Larydel chose his own path. You must ask Rinyde to abandon her search."
- "Interesting. You know, of course, I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries, Hopeful or no. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
- He's not Firebird.
- "I see. Is it Clever, then?
Do not be too quick to answer. When you join the House of Reveries, you leave behind all your former identity. For some, this includes the gender they were once known as. So, tell me. Is Larydel Clever?" - Yes, I believe Larydel is Clever.
- "Interesting. You know, of course, I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries, Hopeful or no. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
Larydel chose his own path. You must ask Rinyde to abandon her search."
- "Interesting. You know, of course, I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries, Hopeful or no. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
- No, Larydel's not Clever.
- "Feathermoth, then? Think carefully of all you know about Larydel, all Rinyde has told you and all you have read in her journal. Yes, I am aware of the journal as well.
Is Feathermoth the mer you both seek?" - Yes, I believe Larydel is Feathermoth.
- "Interesting. You know, of course, that I cannot confirm your suspicions. I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
You must ask Rinyde to abandon her search."
- "Interesting. You know, of course, that I cannot confirm your suspicions. I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
- It's not Feathermoth either.
- "An interesting opinion. Do you believe Rinyde is incorrect in her assumption that Larydel is here? Could she be mistaken that her brother is among the Hopefuls seeking to join our house?"
- Yes. Larydel isn't among the Hopefuls I met.
- "Interesting. You know, of course, that I cannot confirm your suspicions. I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
You must ask Rinyde to abandon her search." - I don't think Rinyde will be dissuaded.
- "Then tell her this truth, as it was told to me.
Larydel has always envied her talent with magic. That envy is why he left, and why he wishes never to see her again. The truth is harsh, but it is my hope it will free Rinyde to follow her dreams." - I'll tell Rinyde what you've told me.
- "Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, the Grand Maestro is gathering our Hopefuls in the amphitheater for their final audition. I would prefer you not attend.
We have played our game, but there is no place here for a juggler using magic daggers."
- "Interesting. You know, of course, that I cannot confirm your suspicions. I cannot divulge the name of any member of the House of Reveries. To reveal their identity is grounds for expulsion.
- No. I believe you're Larydel in disguise.
- "I—what?
I can't imagine what would have put that thought into your mind. Regardless, you must ask Rinyde to give up her search. Larydel has chosen his path and will not be dissuaded from walking it. He loves her, but her path is hers alone." - I'll tell Rinyde what you've told me.
- "Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, the Grand Maestro is gathering our Hopefuls in the amphitheater for their final audition. I would prefer you not attend.
We have played our game, but there is no place here for a juggler using magic daggers."
- "I—what?
- "Feathermoth, then? Think carefully of all you know about Larydel, all Rinyde has told you and all you have read in her journal. Yes, I am aware of the journal as well.
- "I see. Is it Clever, then?
If you talk to her again before talking to Rinyde, she'll repeat your objective:
- "Look for Rinyde along the beach. Tell her this news of her brother. From all Larydel has told me, I know she is a talented mage, and longs to join the Sapiarchs.
She must recognize her brother simply does not wish to join her."
After talking to Rinyde, you'll have to decide whether to interfere or not with Rinyde's plans.
- "I seem to recall asking you not to come. I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to take the stage. I'll publicly withdraw my sponsorship if I have to.
However … is everything with Rinyde all right? Did you come here to tell me something?" - [Warn Alchemy] Rinyde plans to unmask your Hopefuls during their performance.
- "She what? Why that stubborn, unrelenting—oh no.
We can't cancel, and I can't allow my Hopefuls to be unmasked. It would ruin them. Please—take the stage? I know some magic. I can use it to redirect Rinyde's spell to unmask you and only you." - Cast your spell. I'll take to the stage and protect your Hopefuls.
- "She what? Why that stubborn, unrelenting—oh no.
- [Let Rinyde Unmask Hopefuls] I understand. I won't interfere.
- "Thank you. Since you're here, why not sit down and enjoy the show? I know you only meant well, and it was kind of you to help Rinyde, even if her intentions were misguided.
I always hope that all my Hopefuls succeed, but we'll see."
- "Thank you. Since you're here, why not sit down and enjoy the show? I know you only meant well, and it was kind of you to help Rinyde, even if her intentions were misguided.
You must take the stage in order to work with Alchemy: first, listen to your cue to start the audition, then juggle alongside Firebird. Cheer Clever's performance to pump up the crowd, and play the drum to help Feathermoth keeps his rhythm. You'll have gained Rinyde's attention and she'll unmask you instead of the Hopefuls.
If you chose to let Rinyde unmask the Hopefuls, you'll have nothing to do and can witness the scene from the crowd:
Regardless which way you go, after the actions of Rinyde, you'll find Alchemy upstairs in the Manor of Masques, sobbing.
- "Has—has she left? Has Rinyde departed for Lilandril?"
- I don't know if she's left Rellenthil yet.
- "Did I do the right thing? Was it—was it right to lie to her about who I was? What if—what if she never forgives me?"
- So you are Larydel in disguise.
- "I suppose there's no denying that now, though I'd ask you, please, don't share it with the others. When I joined the House of Reveries over a year ago, I gave up being Larydel. I am Alchemy, but my sister … well, she had other plans for me."
- Why lie to her?
- "We're twins. We've always been together, but while she loves studying and solitude … I hate it. I love crowds and people and noise! To join the stuffy Sapiarchs? There's no greater punishment.
Yet Rinyde craves it. How could I take her dream away?" - How would you take her dream away?
- "She needs us together. If I refuse to join the Sapiarchs and tell her I want to stay here, she'll give up her dream. She'll sacrifice her happiness for mine and be miserable. I can't do that to her.
I'm lost. What should I do? Should I tell her?"
If you exit the dialogue before making a choice:
- "I've made so many mistakes. What do I do? Should I tell Rinyde who I am, and ask her to forgive me for lying? Or should I let her depart and ensure she finds her dreams, even though she may hate me forever?
I only want her to be happy." - [Suggest the Truth] Tell her who you are why you can't leave. She'll understand.
- "Will she? I'm terrified she won't, but—you're right. Allowing her to think I envy her magic, that I don't want to be with her … that's far worse.
Please, keep her from leaving. I'll join you after I collect myself."
- "Will she? I'm terrified she won't, but—you're right. Allowing her to think I envy her magic, that I don't want to be with her … that's far worse.
- [Suggest a Lie] If you're worried she won't leave, let her join the Sapiarchs, then tell her.
- "Would—would that work? Yes, I could send her a letter and explain everything. Once I know she's followed her dream. Once I know she's settled.
Yes. I'll do that. I'll tell her everything, but only then. Thank you for the idea."
- "Would—would that work? Yes, I could send her a letter and explain everything. Once I know she's followed her dream. Once I know she's settled.
Speaking to her again after you suggested to tell Rinyde the truth:
- "Please find Rinyde so that I can tell her everything. I'll explain why we must part, and ensure she follows her dream. Just as I must follow mine."
Speaking to her again if you suggested sending a letter to Rinyde once she is settled:
- "Once Rinyde has departed for Lillandril, once I'm certain she won't give up her dream for mine, I'll write her a letter explaining everything.
I know she'll forgive me. Eventually."
If you told Alchemy that she should speak to Rinyde, you can listen to their conversation on the beach:
- Alchemy: "Rinyde! Wait. We must speak."
- Rinyde: "If you wish to speak on Larydel's behalf, speak. I have no time for games."
- Alchemy: "I—I must apologize, Rinyde. I wasn't honest with you. Larydel never envied your ability with magic. He feared you wouldn't join the Sapiarchs if he insisted on remaining here."
- Rinyde: "How can I believe a word you say? If Larydel truly believed that, he would speak to me himself."
- Alchemy: "I am speaking with you, Rinny."
- Rinyde: "Larydel? But—but how?"
- Alchemy: "I've been a member for over a year now, and I should have never lied to you. I feared, well—what I feared doesn't matter anymore. I'm going to tell you the truth. All of it."
- Rinyde: "You had best do so at once, little brother--little sister. If this is truly what you wanted, why not just tell me? All I want is for you to be happy?"
- Alchemy: "Then perhaps we can both be happy now, even if we must be apart."
- Rinyde: "But first, let us sit by the sea. I feel like there's much for us to talk about."
She'll turn to you before leaving the beach, and tell you:
- "I must talk with my sister, but feel free to visit me in the Manor of Masques. I'd love to have a chat, anytime."
Speaking to her after the quest, if you suggested writing a letter to Rinyde later:
- "I regret hurting Rinyde, but I know now she'll find happiness. Once I explain—once we're both where we need to be—she'll understand.
Oh, and feel free to visit me in the Manor of Masques sometime. I'd like to stay in touch."
A New AllianceEdit
After saving the Crystal Tower, it falls to you to convince the Sapiarchs to take on outside help to prevent such disasters in the future. To help make the argument, Alchemy will provide character testimony, if she was helped previously:
- Alchemy: "Alchemy vouches for this adventurer! Within our troupe, loyalty and trust come before all. This brave hero has demonstrated those qualities a thousand times over."
The Face of ChangeEdit
You can start the quest by reading the flier Come One, Come All! or heading to the House of Reveries camp south of Farmer's Nook. As you approach the camp, you will find Alchemy talking to Heseph Perrick:
- Alchemy: "I admit, it's quite a story, but I know the difference between a tall tale and a large problem. I'll help however I can."
- Heseph Perrick: "I shudder to think what your Elven circus would consider far-fetched. I'm not so sure I believe it myself …."
- <Heseph walks off to the side.>
Speak with Alchemy to learn what Heseph wants her help with:
- "There's a more sinister mischief in Farmer's Nook than the sort the House of Reveries trades in. I hear of townsfolk disappearing, only to turn up and act oddly.
We only set camp recently, but the locals fear we've somehow caused their plight." - Do you have any idea what's happening here?
- "None. That farmer, Heseph, said his sister was among the afflicted, and she died recently. At least he thought she died, but she left no corpse.
I must clear the troupe's name. With the locals wary as they are, though, I need help. And I can pay." - All right. I'll help you get to the bottom of this.
- "Heseph mentioned that two of his neighbors also had loved ones vanish: Bradon Davaux and Jahhouz. Speak with them. They may be more open with a less … grandiose traveler.
You might also speak with Heseph directly, if you wish."
You can ask Alchemy some questions before going to interview the villagers:
Speaking with the villagers, you will learn of a common theme. The loved one would go missing for a few days before returning like nothing happened. However, they would act oddly in the days leading to their second disappearance. Maelle Favraud will approach you with news that her daughter Annyce has recently gone missing. After investigating her home for signs of where Annyce would go, Alchemy will be waiting for you outside the house:
- Alchemy: "Ah. You're off to find this Annyce girl, then? Tell me what you've learned—I wasn't able to overhear everything."
You have the option of telling Alchemy what you learned before heading the play fort:
- "You've been gone for some time. You managed to persuade the locals to share their stories with you, yes? Did their firelight tales share any common themes?"
- All the victims wanted to reminisce about the past and disappeared again after sudden accidents.
- "Restless phantoms returning to say their last goodbyes before being spirited away once more? This really is beginning to sound like a ghost story. It's all a little too coincidental, don't you think?
There has to be a common cause …." - Maelle Favraud asked me to look for her missing daughter, Annyce. Have you seen her?
- "You and Heseph have been our only visitors at the camp. If Annyce has only recently gone missing, there may still be a chance for us to find her before she becomes the latest victim in this ghost story. Do you have any leads?"
- It appears Annyce might have run away to an old play fort in the hills near here.
- "Seeking out a more comforting time, no doubt. Let's hope she hasn't escaped into the arms of a monster.
I'll follow your lead. My expertise in stage combat won't do us much good, but I have a few other talents and tricks up my sleeve." - Let's head to the play fort.
Alchemy will become your follower, as you head to the play fort to the east. Speaking with her along the way:
- "I find the idea of a play fort quite quaint. I never had any such thing as a child. Nor much of a childhood, for that matter. I suppose I've resolved to have one now, in a sense, but we have more grown-up matters to attend to. Let's get after Annyce."
When you arrived at the play fort, Alchemy will walk up to the structure and look around:
- Alchemy: "What a charming little fort. Well cared for. Loved. Annyce's home away from home. We should look around."
Speaking with Alchemy:
- "A little island of wonder in an ocean of hum and drum. Marvelous.
The House of Reveries has some of the best set builders in the world, but there's a life to this you won't find on any stage. Let's see what captivates Annyce about this place."
There are four things you can find here, Alchemy will comment on them:
Footsteps in the mud:
- Alchemy: "Footprints … coming here, and heading somewhere else."
- Alchemy: "I wonder what adventures this tiny sword has seen."
- Alchemy: "A list of departures. Annyce had a mind to travel."
The Fresh Food in the backpack:
- Alchemy: "Seems our pirate raided the pantry before she left. She planned to be gone a while."
Once you have found everything, Alchemy will get into character as she thinks over what you have learnt:
- Alchemy: "I can picture our young heroine, wielding her imagination like a saber and cutting her way through all manner of adventure."
- Alchemy: "I crave adventure and freedom. Play is my only escape."
- Alchemy: "I come here to plan. I fantasize about leaving. Doubt holds me back. I need someone to believe in me."
- Alchemy: "So often, I'm alone, but today I have a visitor. Someone I trust. I go with them. I've never been more excited!"
Talk to Alchemy afterwards to hear her explanation:
- "I believe I have thrust to the heart of the matter. Hear me out."
- What was it you were doing there?
- "Getting into character, you could say. Preparing for a part is all about understanding my role. How they think. How they feel. Anything and everything about who they are.
I have always had a good head for details and it serves me well as an actress." - What did you learn about Annyce then?
- "She's young, or at least young at heart. She's unhappy with her life, but she feels trapped. She has a dream to follow, but she's too scared to go it alone.
Only now, she's found help." - How do you know that?
- "One place to sleep. Yet two mugs on the crate, both unfinished. And, of course, two sets of footprints heading south—into the marsh—dancing all the way.
The only way forward is to follow in their steps. Shall we dance too?" - Let's see what we find in the marsh, then.
You can then follow the footprints (quest-markers) down into marsh. During this part you can ask Alchemy questions:
- "I don't know who Annyce met out here, but the clues suggest that she wasn't in danger. Yet. We shouldn't dawdle."
- Maybe she really is just running away?
- "That might very well be the case, though I have to wonder why she'd leave her pack behind if she had no intention to return.
I don't like meddling in someone's family affairs, but let's confirm she's all right before we jump to any conclusions."
- "That might very well be the case, though I have to wonder why she'd leave her pack behind if she had no intention to return.
- Any idea who she may have met here?
- "Someone she trusted enough to share a drink with. There's little doubt in my mind that she left with them voluntarily.
The question is, was this person really who they appeared to be. We won't know the answer to that until we catch up with them."
- "Someone she trusted enough to share a drink with. There's little doubt in my mind that she left with them voluntarily.
Following the tracks will lead you to a small Ayleid ruin:
- Alchemy: "The tracks lead to this ruin. Did Annyce come here seeking adventure? We should look around."
Alchemy will head over to one of the bookshelves and start looking:
- "This is rather quaint for an Ayleid ruin. Almost cozy. I'd half be tempted to settle in with a book and a cup of tea for some leisure reading if it weren't sitting in a moldering swamp.
Most of these books should have rotted away long ago …."
There are three thing you can find that Alchemy with comment on: The torn up The Saga of Captain Wereshark Vol. 3
- Alchemy: "This book is well worn, but hardly old. Given the subject matter, I'd wager it belonged to Annyce."
The Dry Ashes inside the Ancient Urn:
- Alchemy: "Despite the smell I don't think that's a funerary urn. The ashes are too fresh."
The Burnt Paper inside the brazier:
- Alchemy: "There are bits of paper in this brazier, but most of these books are too soggy for tinder."
Afterwards, Alchemy will be pensive:
- Alchemy: "Well, this is troubling."
She seems to have an idea of what occurred here:
- "I believe Annyce came here and performed some sort of ritual, and not the sort conjured from an overactive imagination. Whoever she followed here convinced her to make an offering to this place."
- What makes you say that?
- "I'm certain that well-worn adventure book was a dear possession to Annyce. She wouldn't have torn pages from it for a lark. She burned them in that brazier with her own blood for some ritual purpose."
- Any idea what that could be?
- "Daedric rituals weren't on my curriculum in the College of Sapiarchs, but I've studied enough magic to puzzle this out.
There's a good chance Annyce will return to town, like the others. If she does, confront her about this." - All right. I'll head back now.
Speaking with Alchemy before heading back to Farmer's Nook, she will ask you to be wary:
- "If Annyce does return to Farmer's Nook, be careful confronting her. The last thing we want is for her to do something drastic and come to harm like those who came before her."
- What if the one who led Annyce out here returns?
- "Afraid my witty repartee won't be enough to keep me out of trouble? I'm hurt.
Trust me when I say I know how to make a dramatic exit when I need to, but … if I don't return to town in a short while assume the worst."
When you return to Farmer's Nook, you will witness the newly returned Annyce Favraud walk into the Happy Crow. You can then speak with Annyce who deflects your questions, only saying that the missing people went to chase their dreams. During this, Alchemy will have entered the building and calls to you:
- Alchemy: "Ahem, I hate to interrupt, but …."
- <Alchemy walks towards the door and turns around.>
- Alchemy: "May we have a word? In private?"
She will ask you about your thoughts on Annyce:
- "So, that's Annyce Favraud. What do you make of her?"
- I don't have anything to compare her to, but she might know more than she's letting on.
- "How apropos considering that little library we found is a shrine to Hermaeus Mora. Though I'm still not sure how the Demon of Knowledge fits into this puzzle of ours. Why would Annyce consort with it? Perhaps I should have made an offering of my own?"
- You're saying Annyce was dealing with Daedra?
- "It certainly looks that way. I didn't find anything relating to the ritual that was performed at that shrine, but some of those moldy tomes shed a little light on things. The Ayleids who used to live out here revered Mora as their principle Prince."
- How does that help us?
- "The shrine we found was simply one of many ruins. I discovered record of another ruin near to Farmer's Nook. If we're dealing with a cult or some other servants of Mora, it would make the perfect hideaway. What do you say we go check it out?"
- Could be worth investigating. Let's go.
- "The ruin I spoke of is north of town. Not too far. I'll have a word with the innkeeper and Heseph about keeping Annyce occupied while we work, but if you wish to speak with anyone else before we head out I'll wait here."
- Are you that worried about Annyce?
- "We have reason to suspect that Annyce is somehow involved in this mystery, better to assume she is playing the role of the villain until we know more.
Even if she's simply another victim of circumstance, it's safer for everyone that she stay put."
Speaking with Alchemy dring the journey:
- "If we follow the coast northwest, we should reach the ruin soon enough. I don't think we'll have much trouble spotting it. Ayleid architecture tends to be conspicuously luminous."
Alchemy will notice signs of you reaching the second ruin:
- Alchemy: "A torn page … we're closing in."
When you reach the entrance to Rellesel Retreat:
- Alchemy: "This looks right. After you, adventurers first."
- "Well, this old ruin certainly sets the stage. I can feel the tension rising just looking at it.
It's been some time since I've felt a bit of stage fright. Please, you take the lead, I am simply the understudy in this adventure."
However when you try and enter the ruin, you will be stopped by an unlikely guardian. A Nordic warrior straight out of a story:
- Mighty Flicka: "Stand back, ye wee swab! Ye cannot board this vessel until you have satisfied me, the Mighty Flicka!"
- Alchemy: "Look out she's … Mighty Flicka? From the Saga of Captain Wereshark? That, I did not expect."
Speak with Alchemy for an idea on how to deal with this challenge:
- "I'm afraid I only have a cursory knowledge of the Captain Wereshark series. I find adventure stories rather shallow for a genre that professes to explore great depths.
Try flipping through that book for inspiration, or improvise." - What about forcing my way through?
- "While that would make an extraordinary claim for the Game of Boasts, the Mighty Flicka there is nothing more than an illusion. The ward upon the door you'll find much stronger."
- So how do we break the ward?
- "We don't. Trying to dispel or break it with force would be an undertaking, if not an impossibility. Unlocking it, however, might simply require you to play the part the guardian expects you to play.
And you have the script on hand." - The script?
- "No need to be so literal, love, it makes for dull lines. The book used in the ritual at that shrine earlier: the Saga of Captain Wereshark. That should give you some insight into how the guardian expects you to respond. Convince it that we belong."
You can read The Saga of Captain Wereshark Vol. 3 in your quest inventory, or you can read Vol. 2, which is found near a backpack. They will give you insights into the character's questions; after you satisfy Mighty Flicka, Hard-Scales and Galena Two-Scars, the ward will disappear and you can enter the ruin. Alchemy will give a critique on your performance:
- Alchemy: "Your performance could have used more verve, but it seems the guardians aren't judging on enthusiasm. Let's head inside."
Once inside, you will find the four missing villagers layed out on slabs and appearing to be asleep:
- Alchemy: "Auri-El above! It's Annyce—and all the others! They appear to be alive. Let's try waking them."
- <Alchemy walks over to Annyce and examines her.>
Try as you may, you cannot wake any of them from their happy dreams:
- Alchemy: "It's a dream. They're all dreaming."
You can then speak with Alchemy:
- "This is no normal sleep, but it's oddly benign for a curse. None of these people appear to be in distress, in fact they seem to be dozing quite serenely. Some of them have been missing for weeks, yet they show no signs of poor health."
- So they're not in any danger?
- "Not from the spell they're under, no, though why they were made to sleep and what our mystery stranger intends for them is still very much unknown."
- Can we wake them?
- "I believe so, but I'm not entirely certain we should. Right now the spell isn't doing any harm, but tampering with it could change that. I'd like to get a better idea how Annyce and the others came under this spell before I start striking it through."
- What do you have in mind?
- "Now that you've rehearsed your role, let's cast you as a pirate in her fantasy. See if you can reach Annyce within her dream and get her to wake up."
- I can try.
At this, Alchemy will begin weaving her spell:
- Alchemy: "When you're ready, place a hand on Annyce's forehead and start counting sails."
Annyce Favraud's Dream takes place within the story of Captain Wereshark, where Prince Vaugr and his undead are attacking the Pale Spirit. Speaking with the crew members, you will learn that "Red Shrike" Annyce when to fight the draugr prince. Fighting your way through undead, you can talk to Annyce and recover the treasure. It is only after this that Annyce is willing to listen to you and tell you about the person that she made the trade with when she wakes up. Once you have return the the real world, talk to Alchemy and tell her what you found out:
- "You're awake! Good. It's been a while since I've worked any magic that didn't involve sleight of hand.
Annyce is still soundly asleep. Could you not get through to her in the dream?" - She wanted to enjoy the dream a little longer. She's part of Captain Wereshark's crew.
- "So she's stepped right into the story that's inspired her since she was little. That explains the ritual with that book. How better to keep her under the spell than to put her in a prison she wouldn't want to escape? Insidious."
- It's not a prison. She made a deal with someone called Cres.
- "You're telling me this Cres didn't take her place, they traded for it? And not just her, but everyone here. What does Cres have to gain from these bargains? To infiltrate the town? What could a sleepy village offer someone who can create dreams?"
- What should we do with the dreamers?
- "The deal they made isn't so harmless as they might have believed. You've seen how frightened the villagers are. How many more need to vanish before Cres has whatever it is they want.
They won't like it, but we should wake them and end this farce." - All right.
Alchemy will then proceed to break the spell on the dreamers:
- Alchemy: "Here we go. Pray that a rude awakening is the worst they have to suffer."
- <Magic gathers in her hands.>
- Alchemy: "It's ready. Wake Annyce, and the curse will break."
- <Waking up Annyce, there will be a flash of light and everyone will be awake and unhappy.>
- Annyce Favraud: "Farewell, Captain …."
- Cylle Perrick: "No! He promised!"
- Igmund Davaux: "My gold!"
- Bugtail: "My sweetrolls!"
Talking to Alchemy afterwards, she will be visibly exhausted:
- "Give me a moment … to catch my breath. I'm out of practice. I'm very much out of practice."
You can then talk to Annyce who will explain how she met Cres and the trade they made. At this, Maelle Favraud will arrive, having realized that the imposter was not her daughter.
Speaking to Alchemy before asking Maelle about Cres, you can ask some questions:
- "Much as I love a happy ending, we haven't quite reached the conclusion just yet. You should speak to Annyce's mother about the imposter. We mustn't let Cres escape."
- Annyce was dreaming of being part of Captain Wereshark's crew. Is that why we saw pirates outside?
- "It could be that the two spells were mingling. That's not something seen often. Or perhaps it's simply that this Cres person was also inspired by Annyce's dream."
- Why would they choose to become a poor farm girl then?
- "Why indeed? It's easy to guess what motivated these people to pursue their wildest dreams, but the workings of this Cres's mind are inscrutable.
What would you do, if you were them? Would you leap at the chance to live a perfect fantasy?" - People need me here. I'd never abandon the real world.
- "That's the rub, isn't it? Dreams are selfish things. To chase them, you risk leaving things behind—maybe everything. We all have to decide what we're willing to sacrifice in pursuit.
Not everyone possesses your sense of obligation."
- "That's the rub, isn't it? Dreams are selfish things. To chase them, you risk leaving things behind—maybe everything. We all have to decide what we're willing to sacrifice in pursuit.
- I will admit, it is tempting.
- "Indeed. We've all had to make choices about what we're willing to risk to attain our desires. Cres's bargain promises perfection without the sacrifice. Who wouldn't be tempted?
Is a life without need or want truly fulfilling? I can't say."
- "Indeed. We've all had to make choices about what we're willing to risk to attain our desires. Cres's bargain promises perfection without the sacrifice. Who wouldn't be tempted?
- "Why indeed? It's easy to guess what motivated these people to pursue their wildest dreams, but the workings of this Cres's mind are inscrutable.
- These people seem devastated by being woken from their dreams.
- "They have a look about them, one I've seen before. It's the look of a skooma addict, sick and desperate on the street. Lost without their escape."
- Will they recover?
- "With the help and support of those who love them, one can hope. Ultimately, it will be up to each of them to decide what's most important to them."
Maelle will explain that she left Cres at the Happy Crow and had Bradon and Heseph keep an eye on them. You can head back to the village to confront Cres:
- Alchemy: "We will trust Maelle to see these people safely back to town. You and I should find Cres at once."
- "Try not to judge them too harshly for their grouchiness. We just ripped them from the most pleasant slumber they've ever experienced.
We should be off at once to detain Cres. I'll be right behind you."
Talking to Alchemy during the journey:
- "We should return to the Happy Crow at once and question Cres. I'd like to know just what was the cause of all this."
However, when you arrive at the inn, Bradon will run out of the building and ask if you have seen Annyce.
- "It appears our imposter has slipped the net. Bradon may know something that can put us on Cres's trail."
Talking more you learn the imposter gave Heseph the slip and ran away to the east. Alchemy will have a hunch on where they have gone:
- "Wasn't that small shrine to Hermaeus Mora off that direction? I'd wager that's where Cres is headed."
As you approach the Ayleid ruin, you will find Cres—as Annyce—whispering that they "don't want to go back" while stare at the brazier. Alchemy leaves it up to you to question Cres:
- "Now might be the perfect time for a little Seemly Justiciar, Surly Justiciar? Go ahead and question Cres, I'll follow your lead."
Speaking with Cres, they will at first try to pass themselves off as Annyce before they break down and plead to trade places with you instead. At this point, Alchemy will cut in and dispel the illusion:
- Alchemy: "Enough of this charade, Cres. Off with your false face."
- <Blue light gathers in Alchemy's hands.>
- Cres: "What are you—ah!"
- <Annyce is replaced by a Watchling. There is a beat and then Alchemy points at them.>
- Alchemy: "You're … a Daedra?"
Alchemy is nonplussed by the reveal:
- "Is that a watcher? I've seen them in books. In diagrams, I mean. I expected them to be … bigger."
You can then talk with Cres who will explain who and what they are. Cres is one of the many "Eyes" of Hermaeus Mora, charged with observing the world and writing down what they see. But Cres wanted to do more than just observe the world. The watchling saw commonalities in their situation and with the various villagers in Farmer's Nook who wanted to escape. And so Cres made bargains with them and traded places, only to keep making mistakes. Cres then pleads for you to allow them to stay rather than be banished back to Apocrypta.
You will need to speak with Alchemy for her opinion on the matter. She will have empathy for the watchling: [verification needed — needs dialogue for character that didn't meet Alchemy in summerset]
- You want to be lenient on them?
- "Misguided as Cres was, I don't believe they acted in malice. There aren't many stories of compassionate Daedra, but it seems at least some of them might be true.
The question is, does this little Daedra's story have to end in tragedy?" - You have an alternative?
- "It may fly in the face of common sense, but I think Cres might have the makings of a fine Player. They're a bit … unrefined, but taking on a new role seems to come naturally, and they'll never forget their lines.
I could sponsor them to the House." - Making a deal with Daedra rarely leads to anything good. We need to send Cres back to Oblivion.
- That sounds like a perfect fit for them. They should join your troupe.
- Let me talk to Cres some more, before we come to a decision.
- [Ends Conversation]
Returning to the conversation at this point:
- "Has speaking with Cres convinced you, one way or another? I am growing fonder of sponsoring them for the House by the moment, but—I'll admit—I can be a hopeless romantic at times.
What do you think we should do with Cres?" - Making a deal with Daedra rarely leads to anything good. We need to send Cres back to Oblivion.
- "Better not risk becoming another cautionary tale. It would be foolish to ignore so, so many warnings. I can't risk the safety of the troupe on a flight of fancy.
Very well, I'll send Cres back to their realm." - That will be for the best.
- "Yes, I'd rather not resort to violence. Hopefully Cres won't fight the banishment.
This is the end it seems. Let's see it through together." (Ends Quest)
Alchemy starts to banish Cres while Cres waits for his fate.
- Alchemy: "I'm sorry Cres, even if you mean no harm, you are the cause of it."
- Cres: "I'm sorry if I hurt those people. I hope they recover. Please tell them I was glad to know the-"
- Alchemy: "The Daedra is gone. Though the rifts they caused will remain there for some time."
- That sounds like a perfect fit for them. They should join your troupe.
- "I thought so, and my eye for talent is one of the best among the Players. By the time Cres presents themself before the Grand Maestro, I will have transformed them into a master thespian. I'll stake my reputation on it."
- I have no doubt.
- "All's well that ends well, as they say. This certainly wasn't the direction I expected this story to take, but a good mystery always keeps you guessing.
You were a grand co-star. If we ever adapt Investigator Vale for the stage I'll be sure to call." (Ends Quest)
- "All's well that ends well, as they say. This certainly wasn't the direction I expected this story to take, but a good mystery always keeps you guessing.
- Let me talk to Cres some more, before we come to a decision.
- [Ends Conversation]
Returning to the conversation if you chose that Alchemy should recruits Cres:
- "I'd always planned to take on an apprentice, but I'll admit, Cres is not quite what I had in mind."
- It seems the trouble is finally over.
Afterwards, Alchemy will address Cres and tell them her idea:
- Alchemy: "All right, Cres. I have a deal for you."
- Cres: "You do? Does this mean I can stay?"
- Alchemy: "No. Not in Farmer's Nook anyway."
- Cres: "Oh … does it mean I don't have to go back to the library?"
- Alchemy: "Yes, and you will get to live a great many incredible lives."
- Cres: "I can? What do you need me to do?"
- Alchemy: "Watch, and learn. You're going to be my apprentice. Now, let's get you a mask."
- <They begin walking along the path to the road.>
If you follow them, you can hear more of their conversation:
- Alchemy: "Now, if you're going to be a proper Hopeful, I'm going to need you to take a form similar to one of my players. Can you do that?"
- Cres: "Oh! Yes! With your help that will be easy! How is this?"
- <Cres takes a humanoid form, while wearing a House of Reveries mask.>
- Alchemy: "You'll have no difficulty with brisk scene changes, certainly. Now for a name that speaks to your soul. What about … Dreamer?"
- Dreamer: "Dreamer. I like that very much."
Returning to the conversation if you chose that Cres should be banished before completing the quest:
- "This won't harm Cres, but I can't help but feel like I'm snuffing them out."
- Is this the end of the conversation or does it continue?
Heroes of BlackwoodEdit
If you assist Alchemy and Farmer's Nook beforehand, Alchemy will attend the celebrations in Gideon. Dreamer will be by her side depending on your choice, her conversation will also differ depending on this [verification needed — see talk page]:
She can be found in her room inside the manor after completing Manor of Masques:
- "Well, if it isn't my little sneak. Here to bother your old mentor? Not that I mind your company of course."
If you convinced her to tell the truth to her sister:
- How's your sister, Rinyde?
- "We had a long talk, her and I. Sister to sister.
I don't think she ever truly knew how unhappy I was with my past life. Once she realized what being Alchemy means to me, that's when she started to understand my perspective." - So she's accepted that you're now part of the House of Reveries?
- "Well, I don't think she's particularly pleased about the whole affair. She's always had a dream of us becoming great mages together.
She's promised to let me sort things out, though. To figure out my own path. That's all I can ask for." - Do you ever miss being a mage?
- "Oh, no. I doubt I'll ever be anything but a performer. I love it too much.
But I may one day leave the House of Reveries. Most do. I'll have to think of a new name then, won't I? Perhaps Lilindwe... Yes, I rather like the sound of that."
- "We had a long talk, her and I. Sister to sister.
If you convinced her to send a letter later once Rinyde has settled down:
- Have you written to Rinyde yet?
- "No, no, now's not the time. And trust me, we actors know good timing.
First I'll let her settle down into her new life. I wouldn't want her rushing to my side or any such nonsense, once she knows who I am." - How do you think she'll feel about it?
- "She won't be particularly pleased. She always wanted us to become great mages together.
But I know, deep down, she'll want me to sort things out myself. To figure out my own path. And I do believe she'll respect my wishes, once I make myself clear." - Do you ever miss being a mage?
- "Oh, no. I doubt I'll ever be anything but a performer. I love it too much.
But I may one day leave the House of Reveries. Most do. I'll have to think of a new name then, won't I? Perhaps Lilindwe... Yes, I rather like the sound of that."
- "No, no, now's not the time. And trust me, we actors know good timing.
The rest of the dialogue is the same regardless of the quest's outcome:
- Tell me about joining the House of Reveries.
- "I've always been performing. I used to sing to my parents after dinner, and put on little shows with Rinyde. I loved the sound of applause, the smiles of the audience.
I always knew, deep down, that I was born to be an actress." - Was it difficult to start a new life?
- "In a way. Cutting off ties to my sister was troubling, but so was hiding who I truly was.
I've always felt like I was meant to be someone else. Becoming Alchemy wasn't without its difficulties, of course. But I'm happier now than I've ever been." - Why do you think that is?
- "I didn't feel comfortable with my past identity. Being a mage, being a man, it all felt wrong.
But everyone in the troupe understood that. They encouraged me to become who I truly wished to be. I'm not even the first member to change my gender." - How many in the House of Reveries changed their gender?
- "Oh, yes, and we've all transitioned in different ways.
Some, such as myself, changed through magical means. Others use mundane methods, such as wrapping their chests or changing their voice. It's all a matter of preference." - It seems you've met many who share your experiences.
- "Not just here, but across all of Summerset.
It's a personal matter to some, and not everyone is comfortable talking about it or educating others. But I've met many wonderful souls who've transitioned, within and without the House of Reveries."
- "I've always been performing. I used to sing to my parents after dinner, and put on little shows with Rinyde. I loved the sound of applause, the smiles of the audience.
If you helped her previously, you can find Alchemy in the Alinor Royal Palace at the end of A New Alliance where she'll say:
- "My, my, I have heard such tales about you. Would you consider giving the troupe rights to your story? I've always thought I'd make a rather good Nocturnal.
Ah, but now is not the time for such talk. Be merry, my little sneak. You deserve it!" - How's everything in the House of Reveries?
- "Spectacular as always. We've even started on a new production. I'd love to give you the details of course, but confidentiality is first and foremost within my troupe. As you well know.
And please, feel free to visit. I always enjoy our little chats."
After you have completed the quest at Farmer's Nook, Alchemy will have returned to the House of Reveries camp. Depending on your previous choice, she may or may not be accompanied by her new apprentice—Dreamer:
- "Finally, the strange plot surrounding Farmer's Nook has drawn to a close. But, as with all the best tales, the ending of this story gives rise to many new ones.
Shall I introduce—or, rather, re-introduce—you to our newest Hopeful?" - What will you do now, Alchemy?
- "We were scheduled to travel on, but our troupe never actually got to put on a show for the town. I think we'll stay in Farmer's Nook a few more days. These people have been through a harrowing experience. It might do everyone some good."
- You think the people will be up for that?
- "That will be up to them. It's the least we can do to offer. Living their ideal fantasies is a hard act to follow, but the House of Reveries have never shied away from a tough crowd."
- Do you think Cres will be happy in the House of Reveries?
- "It's a place where they can lead many lives, travel the world, and wear any mask they like without question. I can't think of a better place for Cres to make their dreams a reality. Just not quite so literally."
If Cres was banished.
- "Cres' story has come to a close. It's a bit of a bittersweet ending. What does it say about the nature about such creatures? Ourselves? Fate? Purpose?
I'll draw inspiration from this. I'm certain." - What will you do now, Alchemy?
- "We were scheduled to travel on, but our troupe never actually got to put on a show for the town. I think we'll stay in Farmer's Nook a few more days. These people have been through a harrowing experience. It might do everyone some good."
- You think the people will be up for that?
- "That will be up to them. It's the least we can do to offer. Living their ideal fantasies is a hard act to follow, but the House of Reveries have never shied away from a tough crowd."
- Do you think Cres will try this again?
- "I almost hope they do. It's rare to land your dream role on the first audition, but a Hopeful won't let that discourage them. If Cres learned anything from these dress rehearsals, we might see them again. And never know it.
- Need some mirth and mystery in your home? Invite Alchemy, a renowned performer from the House of Reveries, to stay with you. After adding Alchemy to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
Alchemy Furnishing |
Type | Houseguest |
Acquired From | Crown Store |
Price | Free |
Availability | May 2, 2024 - May 31, 2024 |
Alchemy is also a houseguest. She is available in the Crown Store for free from May 2 to May 31, 2024. She can only be acquired by players who have completed the Expert Resin Harvester and Novice Alchemy Furnisher achievements. The former is earned by harvesting 25 Alchemical Resin, and the latter is earned by learning any alchemy formula.
This promotion was part of the "Anniversary Spotlight—Hearth & Home" segment of ESO's year-long 10-Year Anniversary Celebration.
Houseguest DialogueEdit
- "All the best audiences have something in common. A gleam in the eye. That spark of curiosity. Not to prove or invalidate, but to enjoy. Savor. After all, there's music in a trick wall. A song in a false knife. And they just want to sing along."
- "A solo tour is a rare delight for one such as myself. There is no greater test of one's skills than to take to the stage without a safety net. No dashing juggler. No fanciful furry companion. Only your wit and your grace. I do adore the challenge."
- "At sunset, when shadows first begin to creep up Hammerfell's mountains, I swear I can hear singing. Just at the edge of my perception. A scholar once explained that it's simply sand running along the mountain top, but where's the poetry in that?"
- "Don't let the mask fool you. We performers of the House of Reveries don't miss a thing. You may think our attention focused on a juggled blade, but in truth, our eyes never leave your smiles. No performance is complete without it after all."
- "Folio is a master of puppetry and a scholar of the classics. His rendition of the Song of Pelinal is life changing. I sobbed uncontrollably when he broke the crusader puppet into eighths. Devastating.
I'm not sure I ever recovered."
- "Have you ever performed in the mud of Black Marsh? Sung songs among the Hist? As a new player, I cut my teeth with an audience of Argonians.
There's no greater teacher than having to earn the chittering laughter of the lizard-folk."
- "Have you ever seen Hardshell perform his famous mudcrab juggle? Remarkable sight. I once wondered aloud how he managed to accomplish such a feat without getting pinched.
Turns out, the secret is learning not to yelp."
- "Have you read the Warrior-Poet Vivec's work? It's no wonder that moonlet hangs still over his city. I, too, froze in my tracks the first time I read his verse. It's both a lullaby and a battle cry. Beauty and terror. And still I do it no justice."
- "I have a potted Arkay's Lash back in the Manor of Masques. Beautiful little plant. As delicate as it is thorny. I suppose that's how I like to present myself. Alluring, but ready to strike should an audience member become too confident."
- "I once traveled with a talented performer named Ashflower. She could breathe fire like a Dragon and dance as gracefully as flame itself. I hear she performs atop a volcano now. And that her audience sits enraptured even as lava nips at their heels."
- "If ever on your travels you spot my shadow, do tell her to return. She decided one night to chase after the setting sun, and I suspect she got lost along the way. Perhaps one day I'll find where the sun rests and we'll be reunited once more."
- "If you're ever in need of a laugh, Grapeseed is a wonderful satirist whose political comedies will split your side! It can be hard to attend his performances, though. He's constantly on the run from the ruling gentry for his accurate portrayals."
- "I'm proud to say I've even made the Skald King break out in laughter. A stoic one, that Jorunn. He was once a bard himself after all, so no simple performance would suffice. No. It took my impression of Rigurt the Brash to finally chisel that stone."
- "Interested in joining our little traveling troupe? I suppose it would be hard to let go of the fame and adoration that goes along with adventuring, but ….
Should curiosity ever win you over, I could arrange a guest appearance or two."
- "It's rare to have a Reveries member removed from the troupe, but it has happened. A performer trained his pet skeevers to pick the pockets of audience members. When confronted, he said he thought it'd be fine as long as they wore costumes."
- "It's rumored that a former Moth Priest is a member of the House of Reveries. I imagine they'd make an amazing fortune teller, wouldn't you agree? What would their masked name be?
I suppose Moth would be too on the nose. Perhaps Bright-Light?"
- "I've been known to fling a ball of fire or two in my time. Mesmerizing thing, magic. So much potential. For good and bad, of course. A flick of the wrist could make the difference between a dazzling display of fireworks and a raging inferno."
- "Nothing makes me more ravenous than honey pudding. Just imagine the crunch as you break through that perfectly caramelized top layer. Its silky interior broken only by its bite-size pieces of perfectly toasted honeycomb. Like a dream!"
- "On occasion, the House of Reveries provide tinctures of fluster fume to Hopefuls who suffer from stage fright. Just a few drops and even the most tongue-tied performer will take to the stage in song. Some great talents just need a little nudge."
- "Once, a group of bandits mistook my troupe for defenseless. A silly thought, really. After all, you must learn how to swing a sword before you can fight on a stage. Each of my troupe is as skilled a sword fighter as they are a performer."
- "Should you ever visit the Manor of Masques, I highly recommend paying Mead a visit. He's developed quite the impressive collection of, well, mead. Potent and fruity. Bitter and refreshing. A true master of the craft blossoming in our kitchens."
- "So many of Tamriel's citizens focus entirely on our masks. Beguiled by the supposed truth they hide. How mundane. Why not focus on our hands? Find the art in a palmed card. The beauty in a lute player's calluses.
That is where our truth lies."
- "Some of the most talented alteration scholars can turn iron into gold, but none of their magics can match the miracle of this mask. Every day I see the sunrise through these eyes is an act of creation. Every new breath is alchemy itself."
- "Some see our masks and believe them concealing. An obfuscation. But that's simply not true. These masks allow us to show who we truly are. After all, doesn't your armor provide a sort of freedom? The kind that makes a leap into the unknown possible?"
- "The beauty of a traveling troupe is being able to inspire the common folk all across Tamriel. Performing for the well-to-do's is wonderful and all, but no adoring noble crowd comes close to adding a sparkle to eyes of an overworked servant."
- "The sword swallowers of the House of Reveries often find themselves afflicted by a nasty ailment. One characterized by a coarseness of speech and breath. I've since perfected a cure.
I call it—Alchemy's Golden Tonic for Sword Throats."
- "There are a fair number of powerful mages in the House of Reveries. Some may associate scholars of magic with vanity and hubris, but the ones I call family? They are the kindest people I know. They squarely seek to showcase magic's innate beuty."
- "There are many skilled crafters who call the House of Reveries home. Wood carvers, stone hewers, dye makers. Each of their skills as integral to our performances as any singer or dancer that takes the stage. Do remember that when next we perform."
- "There's nothing I love more than sitting by the fire after a long day of performances. Kicking your feet up. Sipping a glass of sylph gin. Trading tales. Pure bliss. If you ever care to join, just bring a bottle of wine and a good story."
- "Would you believe that I was born from the trunk of an ancient spriggan? Or that I learned to sing atop the Throat of the World? If not, why not?
Isn't this world filled with wonders beyond imagining? And if so, why can't I be one of them?"
- "You don't look at me the way most others do, friend. So often it feels that they want to claw at my mask. Dig into these eye holes to find a buried treasure. But not you.
No. You see me as I am. As Alchemy. Material born anew. Thank you for that."
If you completed Manor of Masques:
- "Rinyde has begun teaching entry-level courses at the College of Sapiarchs. Can you imagine? Sweaty palms teaching young Summerset elites. I'm so proud of her. She may have doubted her abilities, but not once did I waver.
She's special, that one."
If you completed The Face of Change and did not banish Dreamer:
- "Dreamer asks about you. The kind adventurer who spared them from the Endless Library. They still struggle with letting go of their past. The young ones often do, but I empathize. After all, so many find the Reveries while searching for a home."
- Alchemy is voiced by Julianne Grossman.[1]
- Alchemy's story unofficially continues in the Letters Between Sisters, written by Tori Schafer, Alchemy's original writer.
- A Meet the Character article concerning Alchemy was released on the official ESO website before the release of Summerset. It featured a letter from Maestro Enigma to Grand Maestro Forte.
- The reception for Alchemy's story was so well received that it won The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset the very first ever Outstanding Video Game Award at the 30th Annual GLAAD Media Awards.[2]
Featured in the background of a promotional render