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Home City Skingrad
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild

Alcuale is a High Elf mage found in the Mages Guild in Skingrad.


"All this nonsense with the Wood Elves would never be permitted on Summerset. High Elves have always had more sense when it comes to the use of magic. I hope their whole forest burns down."
What makes you say that?
"The Wood Elves have always been somewhat primitive when it comes to their use of magic. Their recent overgrowth has the more civilized people of Skingrad concerned. It's insufferable."
You think the Wood Elves can't be trusted? / Why do you think the Wood Elves can't be trusted?
"I shudder to think what goes through the minds of those savages. I'll leave them to their sticks and mud, thank you very much."
What overgrowth are you talking about? / What was that about an overgrowth?
"Dawnwood, or whatever they're calling the new forest. A nasty tangle of woods and wilderness just like Valenwood. It doesn't belong on this side of the Strid. In fact, it's only good for the lumberyards!"