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Online:Alenus Barys

< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Alenus Barys
Home City Brass Fortress
Store The Grand Depository
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Banker
Other Information
Faction(s) Clockwork Apostles
Alenus Barys

Alenus Barys is a Dark Elf banker in the Brass Fortress's bank, the Grand Depository; a job shared with a factotum named the Currency Steward.


"Please know that we use gold here in Clockwork City. Trading your coin-purse for a handful of gears in a dark alley somewhere is not advised."
"I can't imagine the regulations of other banks. Here everything has its place, and our storage facilities are processed using the latest advancements."
"I'm sure the banks outside the Clockwork City are … adequate enough. But here in the Brass Fortress we pride ourselves on a gleaming performance."
"Why place your gold under the protection of man or mer? Our factotums were built to give you piece of mind."