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Online:Amaurel Verdulis

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Amaurel Verdulis
Location Fyrelight Cave
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Amaurel Verdulis

Amaurel Verdulis is an Imperial who can be encountered in Fyrelight Cave. She is the bride-to-be of Grander Nemarcet. She has no wish to marry on her family's behalf, so she has robbed her groom-to-be of her dowry to enable her to leave West Weald for good.

She has a particular skill with taming animals and at one point wanted to become a Warden.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

After speaking with Grander Nemarcet about the recent attack and robbery of his dowry gifts, you can agree to enter the cave to retrieve the items. When inside Fyrelight Cave, Amaurel will call out to you from a nearby ledge:

Amaurel Verdulis: "What's this? Did my betrothed hire someone to retrieve his dowry? How quaint."
Amaurel Verdulis: "You should be warned. My beasts don't like losing their toys and they do love his shiny gifts."
Amaurel Verdulis: "Tread carefully, adventurer. I've had my fill of impish fools with childish dreams."
<Amaurel then disappears.>

Upon reaching Grander's Gemstones:

Amaurel Verdulis: "Doesn't Grander realize the opportunity I've given him? Why try to recover his bid for my hand?"
Amaurel Verdulis: "What joy can be found in a marriage fueled by coin?"

Collecting the gemstones:

Amaurel Verdulis: "Help him if you feel so inclined, but be warned. The beasts of Fyrelight are ravenous."
<Amaurel leaves.>

Upon reaching Grander's Jewelry:

Amaurel Verdulis: "What use have I for collars of gold and silver?"
Amaurel Verdulis: "Contracts be damned. I know my worth and Grander should come to learn his."

Collecting the jewelry:

Amaurel Verdulis: "The tharriker grow restless. We have that in common. It's time we left these woods behind."
<Amaurel leaves.>

Upon finding Grander's Spices:

Amaurel Verdulis: "I had dreams of being a great warden, you know."
Amaurel Verdulis: "But these woods have changed. The land doesn't sing to me anymore."

Collecting the spices:

Amaurel Verdulis: "Return the dowry to Grander if you wish. I'm leaving all this nonsense behind."
<Amaurel leaves.>

Upon finding Grander's Silks:

Amaurel Verdulis: "I'm certain Grander will wonder whether he was inadequate. Unworthy, of my love."
Amaurel Verdulis: "He'd be right. I've tamed beasts and monsters. I've no need for a mouse."

Collecting the silks:

Amaurel Verdulis: "I've taken what I need. Enough gold to start a new life, far away from here. You should do the same."
<Amaurel leaves.>

Once you have collected all of the items, you can search for Amaurel. She will be waiting the entrance to the cave, and quickly advises she is not there to fight:

Amaurel Verdulis: "I'm not here to fight. My family drama put you in danger. I owe you some answers if you want them."

You can then have a proper conversation with Amaurel:

"A proper introduction, then. I am Amaurel Verdulis, Grander's bride to be. You can tell him it was me. I'm certain my betrayal will make for quite the waterworks. I harbor no ill will toward the man, only what he represents. This contract."
What will your parents think of all this?
"It's been years since they've taken any interest in my needs. Why would I care for theirs? They've made it plainly clear I wasn't the daughter they prayed for. Too quick to fight. Too tough to bend.
And still they tried to force me into shape."
Grander deserves to know the truth.
"He's one of countless pampered nobles that look at these marvelous, newly grown woods and see only a profit to be made. They have no love for its beauty, and nor do I for their greed. So forgive me for not considering what he deserves."
What should I tell him?
"Tell him what you will. I'm certain the scandal won't take long to spread. The Verdulis family's wild child finally making for the hills. I only wish I'd done it sooner. And that I could see my mother's face when she realizes what's happened."
He really did want to marry you.
"That's … a pity. Tell Grander I have a sister. A sweet little thing, eager for love. But warn him, no dowry. Do it right. Court her. They need to decide for themselves, not our parents."
Why hide with these beasts in Fyrelight Cave?
"This cave was once a sanctuary from my parents. Before this wild magic twisted it into something cruel, it was my second home. Filled with beasts with softer smiles than the ones that raised me."
Magic twisted this place?
"Yes. And the creatures that lived within it. Driven wild and feral. I did what I could to calm them. Tend to their fear. I had hoped to take them with me. To return the favor and save them from this mess. But I acted too late."
Where will you go now?
"I'm not sure, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell Grander's hired aide. Just know it will be far away from here. Beyond the Highlands and the overgrowth. Beyond even the reach of my family's wealth."
I better get back to Grander. Goodbye, Amaurel. (Appears after completing one of the above dialogue chains and progresses the quest)

After you have finished your conversation, Amaurel will take her leave:

Amaurel Verdulis: "Farewell, adventurer. Perhaps one day we'll cross paths again."
<Amaurel disappears in a smoke cloud.>