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Online:Andilo Andrano

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Andilo Andrano
Location Sewer Tenement
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Merchant
Andilo Andrano

Andilo Andrano is a Dark Elf merchant who can be found in the Sewer Tenement. She is both an optional and primary target for the Black Sacrament given by Speaker Terenus.

As an optional target, the Speaker wants her dead for possibly witnessing one of the Brotherhood's assassinations. As a primary target, her brother has marked her because he wants the massive inheritance their mother left Andilo, as he got nothing after their mother's death, and is greedy.

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There is one Achievement associated with this person:

Achievement Points Description
   Blackest Sacrament 15 Assassinate every target named by a Black Sacrament contract when commanded to by the Speaker.