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Location East of Southpoint
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Angamar is a High Elf found east of the town of Southpoint.

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Quest-Related DialogueEdit

Speaking to him to hear about his complaint of finding work that is not carnival related:

"I'm looking for work. Know anyone who needs a hauler? I'm real good at breaking down tents, packing them up, and hauling them where they need to be unpacked and pitched.
And don't say carnival. I'm done with carnivals."
Carnival? What do you mean?
"I was working in the carnival near Elden Root. It wasn't a bad job, but the owner, Sarandel? Doesn't know what she's doing.
We came all the way from the Summerset Isles, and now the performers can't put on their acts."
What's the problem?
"I don't know the details.
Look, Sarandel can tell you herself. Me? I'm done with that operation."
Thanks. I may do that.

Speaking to him again:

"Let me know if you hear of any packing and unpacking jobs, would you?"

After you completed the quest:

"Looking for any work not related to carnivals. Let me know if you have any leads."