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Online:Arch-Magister Delric

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Arch-Magister Delric
Location East of Vivec City
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild
Arch-Magister Delric

Arch-Magister Delric is a Breton member of Mages Guild who can be encountered east of Vivec City during the quest. He is also the mentor of Guild Scholar Valessea.

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After you agree to assist Lady Arabelle with delivering the medallions needed for the upcoming peace talks. Arch-Magister Delric will arrive to take one, as he is the Mages Guild representative. Speak with Delric to give him the Mages Guild Invitation Medallion.

"I apologize for my tardiness, but the work of an arch-magister never ends. I saw Lady Arabelle leave. Pity. I was hoping to speak with her.
Anyway, the Mages Guild decided I would represent them in the upcoming peace talks. You have my invitation?"
Yes, here it is. Lady Arabelle asked me to deliver it to you.
"Ah, yes. Remarkable craftsmanship. Valessea has come a long way since she was my apprentice.
I created the master. It was no small feat! Intricate work making enchantments of such power."
How do the medallions work?
"Once I slip the chain over my head, the medallion will be linked to me until the peace talks are concluded.
And is that second medallion for the Fighters Guild? I suggest you get it to them as soon as you can."
Right. The Fighters Guildhall is my next stop.

Arch-Magister Delric will then slip on the medallion:

Arch-Magister Delric "Let me just slip this on and—aagh!"
<Once he put the medallion on, Delric suddenly clutches at his chest and falls to the ground. Valessea runs up and crouches by him.>
Guild Scholar Valessea: "Arch-Magister!"