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Online:Ascendant Corsair

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Ascendant Corsair
Location Sareloth Grotto, Sword's Rest Isle
Race Pahmar-raht Gender Male
Health 60,370
(?) (Summoned by The Ascendant Champion)
Reaction Hostile Class Acrobat
Other Information
Faction(s) Ascendant Order
Ascendant Corsair

Ascendant Corsairs are Pahmar-raht acrobats and members of the Ascendant Order who can be found in Sareloth Grotto and on Sword's Rest Isle.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee ability that deals low physical damage.
Biting Winds
A dual-hitting basic melee attack that deal low physical damage each.
Dagger Throw
A basic ranged attack dealing low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
The acrobat performs a charged melee attack, dealing moderate physical damage and staggering their target. This can be blocked to set them off-balance.
Feet of Fire
The acrobat leaps backwards, putting distance between them and their target. The ground they travel over is engulfed in flames, indicated by a red rectangle, dealing continuous low flame damage.