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Assistants are summonable NPCs that will follow the player. Similar to pets, they are account-wide items and don't help in combat.

An assistant can be summoned by activating it from the Collections tab, although they cannot be used in Cyrodiil. You can only have one assistant active at a time. Unless noted otherwise, all players in a group can also avail of the assistant's services. Assistants can also be placed as Furnishings in Player Houses, and since they are Collectibles, you may place them in multiple houses simultaneously. When placed, all visitors to your house(s) may use their services (for the most part).

Armory AssistantsEdit

Drinweth, Valenwood ArmorerEdit

You and your groupmates can tend to the grove of your mind by summoning Drinweth, who will allow you to change and save builds outside of your home. A challenging past with various martial forces means she won't aid you in Cyrodiil or the Battlegrounds.
Drinweth, Valenwood Armorer

Drinweth is a portable Armory Station. She could be obtained from the Grace of the Green Bundle sold in the Crown Store in November of 2023 during the Gates of Oblivion Celebration event for 050005,000  . She was bundled with the Y'ffre-Bound weapons style pages.

Ghrasharog, Armory AssistantEdit

You and your groupmates can prepare for combat by summoning Ghrasharog to change and save builds outside of your home. He avoids Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, which he swears made him complacent after winning victory upon victory.
Ghrasharog, Armory Assistant

Gharasharog is a portable Armory Station, made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on November 1, 2021 alongside the release of The Deadlands.

Zuqoth, Armory AdvisorEdit

You and your groupmates can prepare for combat by summoning Zuqoth to change and save builds outside of your home. Some obscure Daedric contracts prohibit her from offering her services in Cyrodiil or the Battlegrounds.

Zuqoth is a portable Armory Station, who was made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on November 23, 2022.

Banking AssistantsEdit

Baron Jangleplume, the BankerEdit

This Blackfeather Court banker wants your shinies … to keep them safe for you, of course! The chaos of Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds are murder on his plumage, so he won't visit you there. When summoned, his services can be used by you and your groupmates.
Baron Jangleplume

Baron Jangleplume is a portable banker, who was made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on July 2, 2021.

Eri, Barking BankerEdit

Eri has been expertly trained by Nord beast tamers to act as a very good (such a good!) personal banker for you and your groupmates. He doesn't venture to Cyrodiil or the Battlegrounds. Too much violence, not enough pets.
Eri, Barking Banker

Eri is a portable banker made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   from July 3 to July 11, 2024.

Ezabi the BankerEdit

This Alfiq banker stands ready to fulfill your personal banking needs—except in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, which make her nervous.
When summoned, her services can be used by you and your groupmates.

Ezabi is a portable banker, made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on June 6, 2019 shortly after the release of Elsweyr. She does not provide access to Guild banks or stores. In May 2024, Ezabi was offered at a discount of 30% (035003,500  ).

Factotum Property StewardEdit

This factotum exists to serve as your personal banker—except in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, where it shuts down and vanishes to hyperogonal points unknown. After it's summoned, you and your groupmates can use its services.
Factotum Property Steward

The Factotum Property Steward is a Factotum who serves as a portable banking assistant. It can be purchased from the Crown Store for 050005,000  . It first became available on January 6, 2022. It does not provide access to Guild banks or stores.

Pyroclast, Infernace ConservatorEdit

Hailing from the pocket realm of Infernace, Pyroclast will holdfast your items (or the items of your groupmates) in the fiery pits of Oblivion. Minor scorching may occur. Ancient bindings prevent them from appearing in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds.

Pyroclast is a flame atronach banker assistant that is available in the Crown Store for 050005,000  .

Tythis Andromo, the BankerEdit

This aristocratic banker is on hand whenever he's needed, available for all personal banking services—except in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, which are far too dangerous for this fellow.
When summoned, his services can be used by you and your groupmates.
Tythis Andromo

Tythis Andromo is a portable banker, available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000  . He does not provide access to Guild banks or stores. Nearby players could originally make use of his services, but this was later restricted to group members. He first became available on March 31, 2016.

Deconstruction AssistantsEdit

Aderene, Fargrave Dregs DealerEdit

Aderene is willing to trade items you don't need for useful materials. Some obscure Daedric contracts prohibit her from trading in Cyrodiil or the Battlegrounds. After she's summoned, you and your groupmates can use her services.

Aderene is a portable Deconstruction Assistant who was made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on March 16, 2023.

Giladil the RagpickerEdit

Giladil happily trades items you don't need for useful crafting materials! She doesn't ply her trade in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds because those areas aren't lucrative enough. After she's summoned, you and your groupmates can use her services.
Giladil the Ragpicker

Giladil the Ragpicker is a portable Deconstruction Assistant, made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on March 29, 2022. Items you Deconstruct will give you the materials and XP for the craft skill line as if you used a crafting station. She can also deconstruct Stolen Items, no questions asked.

Siluruz, Realm CraftsmasterEdit

Fresh from their Daedric forge, Craftmaster Siluruz has the talent to see to the heart of the matter, and thereby reduce items to their components. They avoid Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, as mortal conflict bores them in their search for pure creations.
Siluruz, Realm Craftsmaster

Siluruz, Realm Craftsmaster, is a portable deconstruction assistant who was available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from December 19th, 2024, to January 2nd, 2025.

Tzozabrar, Dwarven DeconstructorEdit

Tzozabrar will intake items you don't need, expelling useful materials no doubt scavenged from a Dwarven construct. Tonal interference makes it unusable in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds. After it's summoned, you and your groupmates can use its services.
Tzozabrar, Dwarven Deconstructor

Tzozabrar, Dwarven Deconstructor is a portable Deconstruction Assistant available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from June 27 to July 11, 2024.

Merchant AssistantsEdit

Factotum Commerce DelegateEdit

Need to sell a few things? Do so with this shiny factotum—except in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, which initiate its retreat protocols. After it's summoned, you and your groupmates can use its services.
Factotum Commerce Delegate

The Factotum Commerce Delegate is a Factotum who serves as a portable merchant assistant. It can be purchased from the Crown Store for 050005,000  . It first became available on January 6, 2022. It does not offer repair services like other vendors and has nothing for sale.

Fezez the MerchantEdit

This Alfiq merchant buys your non-stolen wares as often as you need him to—but not in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, which Fezez avoids due to "considerations of extreme danger."
When summoned, his services can be used by you and your groupmates.
Fezez the Merchant

Fezez is a portable merchant, made available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000   on June 6, 2019 shortly after the release of Elsweyr. He does not offer repair services like other vendors and has nothing for sale. In May 2024, Fezez was offered at a discount of 30% (035003,500  ).

Hoarfrost, Takubar TraderEdit

Summoned from the fourth Sinus of Takubar, Hoarfrost will convey your goods (or the goods of your groupmates) to the cold-flame pits of Oblivion in exchange for mortal coins. Ancient bindings prevent them from appearing in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds.

Hoarfrost is a cold-flame atronach merchant assistant that is available in the Crown Store for 050005,000  .

Nuzhimeh the MerchantEdit

This alert merchant is on hand whenever she's needed, and will buy any non-stolen goods you or your group offer her. She won't come to Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, though—too dangerous.
When summoned, her services can be used by you and your groupmates.

Nuzhimeh is a portable merchant, available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000  . She does not offer repair services like other vendors and has nothing for sale. Nearby players could originally make use of her services, but this was later restricted to group members. She first became available on March 31, 2016.

Peddler of Prizes, the MerchantEdit

This Blackfeather Court merchant can relieve you of shiny, non-illicit burdens. She avoids Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, describing them as "unprofitable" and "full of fat-legged giants." When summoned, her services can be used by you and your groupmates.
Peddler of Prizes

Peddler of Prizes is a portable merchant, available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000  . She first became available on July 2, 2021.

Terilorne, Dibellan FreetraderEdit

Terilorne is a footloose merchant who seeks to spread the joy and beauty of Dibella in her wake. She will not enter Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, as the jarring vibrations of the conflicts there harshes her enjoyment of the world.
Terilorne, Dibellan Freetrader

Terilorne, Dibellan Freetrader, is a portable merchant assistant first available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from February 6 to 19, 2025.

Xyn, Planar PurveyorEdit

Xyn travels the Daedric realms looking for profitable opportunities. They'll happily take your goods (or those of your groupmates) in exchange for common mortal coinage. Ancient bindings prevent them from appearing in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds.
Xyn, Planar Purveyor

Xyn, Planar Purveyor is a portable merchant. They were first made available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from May 9 to May 16, 2024.

Smuggling AssistantsEdit

Pirharri the SmugglerEdit

This Baandari Pedlar is on hand whenever she's needed (except in Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds), and will fence any of your goods for you—but she'll take a cut of the profits.
When summoned, her services can only be used by you.
Pirharri the Smuggler

Pirharri the Smuggler is a Khajiit who serves as a portable fence, although making use of her services invokes a 35% fee which regular fences don't have. She also does not offer laundering services. You will receive Pirharri the Smuggler as a reward for completing the Thieves Guild Skill Line and then completing the quest The One That Got Away. Other group members cannot make use of her services, nor can visitors to your home if she is placed there unless they have also unlocked her.


There are currently three unused inventory icons for assistants.

Allaria Erwen the Exporter
Cassus Andronicus
the Mercenary