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If you don't own a house:

"You don't have a place to sleep at night? Not even a branch high in a tree? I'm at a loss for words!"
"Everybody needs a home of their own. Really. Get to work on that, friend."
"Without a home, you have no door to lock. And without a lock, well, that's just inviting thieves to rob you."
"Destitute and homeless? My heart weeps for you. Perhaps there's something in my inventory that will brighten your day. Take a look!"

If you do own a house, his dialogue will vary depending on how many achievements you've completed in the Aldmeri Dominion's zones[verification needed — I get stage 1 dialogue with every AD achievement. Maybe's just me.]:

Stage 1

"Are you someone famous? Perhaps I've heard of you. Well, in that case, let me show you my stock."
"A little reputation is better than no reputation at all. Besides, it means we can make a deal!"
"Now, you're not as famous as Narsis Dren or Investigator Vale, mind you, but I'd be happy to do business with you."
"Fame is fleeting, but a home is forever. So if I were you, I'd stock up now while you still have the chance."

Stage 2

"Now you I've heard of! I saved something special just for you!"
"After we finish our business, you need to tell me how you actually accomplished that amazing feat that everybody's talking about!"
"Ah, the hero of the Dominion! I have something special I just know you can't do without!"
"Your reputation in Dominion lands grows by leaps and bounds. Good for you!"

Stage 3

"Ah, champion, you're just in time! I found something that will look simply fabulous in your home!"
"What an honor! Let me show you my special stock. It will look amazing in your home."
"The champion of the Dominion! What an honor! I have something extraordinary that will be perfect for your home."


Name Type Price Achievement Description
Khenarthi's Roost
  Cat's Eye Prism (page) Gallery
0004000040,000   The strange stone on this pedestal appears to catch light as easily as it catches the eye, but how it does this remains a mystery.
  Maormer Totem (page) Courtyard
0001000010,000   Reward for: Maormer's Bane A symbol of the perfidious Sea Elves of Pyandonea.
  Sweet Khenarthi's Song (page) Parlor
000075007,500   The rich blues and golds of this tapestry, along with its subject matter, might just tempt you into hanging it opposite your bed, allowing it to be the first thing you see in the morning and last thing you see at night.
  Ancient High Elf Statue (page) Courtyard
0003500035,000   Reward for: Auridon Adventurer The High Elves maintain these statues represent their honored ancestors, though some scholars insist they're of Ayleid design.
  Echoes of Aldmeris (page) Gallery
0004000040,000   This triptych may stir ancestral memories in Mer—a longing of the soul for home. Or so the antiquarian claimed.
  Empathic Portal Remnant (page) Gallery
0002500025,000   Reward for: A Bloom on the Horizon A dwindling spark of magic manifested by Tanlorin. Proof of a once strong and personal bond.
  High Elf Throne (page) Gallery
0002500025,000   Reward for: A Rule Unquestioned Queen Ayrenn favors a simple, elegant throne of marble and gold, a style that has become popular among her supporters.
  Maormeri Serpent Shrine (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000075007,500   The Maormer are said to tame the great serpents of the sea, but while such magnificent creatures may be out of reach, this winding statue is the next best thing.
  Mehrunes Dagon Brazier (page) Lighting
0001000010,000   Reward for: Sunder the Third Veil This brazier once held a Sigil Stone capable of maintaining a gate to the Deadlands.
  Music Box, In Dreams and Memories (page) Services
(Music Boxes)
00150000150,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the poignant "Dreams and Memories" composition.
  Tanzelwil Culanda Stone (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
000050005,000   Reward for: Sunder the First Veil The bright golden light of this crystal has illuminated the honored tombs at Tanzelwil for generations.
  Veiled Crystal (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
000050005,000   Reward for: Sunder the Second Veil Though the sealing magic this crystal once held is broken, it still emits a soft light.
Redfur Trading Post
  Aulus's Captive Audience (page) Undercroft
0001000010,000   Reward for: Southpoint Savior It's comforting to know that at least one person will stick around until the end of your speech.
  Eight-Star Chandelier (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0001500015,000   Brighten up a large space with this welkynd-stone chandelier dedicated to the blessed Eight.
  Guardian Mane (page) Courtyard
0001500015,000   Reward for: Hero of Falinesti Normally found protecting holy sites of the Khajiit, this guardian statue was excavated from the Falinesti Winter Site—lending new credence to the legends of Rajhin's activity in the area.
  Music Box, In Dreams and Memories (page) Services
(Music Boxes)
00150000150,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the poignant "Dreams and Memories" composition.
  Orrery Control Pillar Replica (page) Workshop
0001000010,000   Reward for: Iconoclast Daraneth crafted several such replicas as part of her studies on the Osseous Orrery.
  St. Alessia, Paravant (page) Courtyard
0007500075,000   Paravant, meaning "The First," is a title given to Alessia, leader of the rebellion against the Ayleids. Perhaps you'll be the first to display "The First," eh?
  Ukaezai's Ward (page) Courtyard
0001000010,000   Reward for: Reliquary Retriever With any luck, this petrified Ayleid never even felt the loss of his arm. Or his head.
  Valenwood Brazier (page) Lighting
000040004,000   Reward for: Grahtwood Adventurer An eternal fire commemorating heroic achievements on the behalf of the citizens of Grahtwood.
  Branch of Falinesti (page) Gallery
0002500025,000   Formed by the Bosmer tree shapers of the Walking City, this throne subtly conforms to whomever sits upon it, providing strangely comfortable seating from this ancient hardwood.
  Fires of the Wilderking (page) Lighting
000040004,000   Reward for: Court Ranger The ancient legend of the Wilderking turned out to be the living truth of modern Greenshade.
  Greensong Gathering Circle (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0001250012,500   With this cauldron, you can gather companions to honor the Green or simply display it as an interesting Wood Elf creation.
  Hectahame Arboretum Relic (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
0001000010,000   Reward for: Valenwood Protector This human skull emits a peculiar light, reminiscent of the night sky.
  Rise of the Silvenar (page) Lighting
000050005,000   Reward for: Valenwood Protector Supposedly, the interwoven branches of this brazier tell the tale of how the current Silvenar was chosen by the Valenheart.
  Sea Elf Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000   Reward for: Veil Lifter A banner originally taken as a trophy, following the defeat of the invading Maormer at Seaside Sanctuary.
  Wood Elf Path Marker (page) Lighting
000075007,500   Reward for: Greenshade Adventurer The Wood Elves could find their way through Valenwood blindfolded—these markers are instead for their guests, who may not find the forests so welcoming.
  Handfast (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0002500025,000   Reward for: Malabal Tor Adventurer A memorial for the heroic resolution of the Bosmeri existential crisis in Malabal Tor.
  Handfast Pedestal (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000   Reward for: Matchmaker An altar for solemnizing the sacred marriage vows of the Wood Elves.
  Hollowbone Wind Chimes (page) Courtyard
(Yard Ornaments)
0002000020,000   This mix of bone, metal, and sinew provides a strangely soothing and meditative sound.
  Silvenari Sap-Stone (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0001000010,000   This lovely sap-stone can add both a touch of the Green and dramatic flair to any wall you choose to place it upon.
  Wood Elf Union Trellis (page) Conservatory
0001500015,000   Reward for: Hero of Frond and Leaf One tree may bend or break in the storm, but two together can support each other through any weather.
  Wood Orc Dream Catcher (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000040004,000   Reward for: Hound Hinderer It's well documented that Wood Orc shamans collect dreams, but what they do with them is a closely guarded secret.
  Wood Orc Malacath Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000   Reward for: Silvenar's Friend Like their cousins in northern Tamriel, most Wood Orcs honor Malacath.
  Colovian Projection Crystal (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
000050005,000   Reward for: Clanmother Inaugurator This crystal emits a gentle violet glow, even while separated from the rest of the projection apparatus.
  Full Moons Tile (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000   Reward for: Reaper's March Adventurer Depicts Jone and Jode, both full and bright.
  Khajiiti Shrine Guardian Statue (page) Courtyard
0002000020,000   Reward for: Two Moons Pathwalker These stylized senche-cats can be found watching over shrines throughout Reaper's March.
  Moonlight Mirror (page) Suite
0002500025,000   Framed gorgeously, the moons dominate this mirror, making it more for gazing at than into.
  Moonmont Lunar Altar (page) Structures
0001500015,000   Reward for: Dark Mane Incarcerator Attuned to the light of the two moons, this shrine can be refocused to several different lunar phases.
  New Moons Tile (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000   Reward for: Reaper's March Adventurer Depicts Jone and Jode, both new and dark.
  Sky Spirits Reflection Pool (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0002500025,000   Reward for: The Twilight Path A pool of water that mirrors the heavens and invites one to reflect through prayer. The blue flame at its center once served as a warning. Now, it is said to light the extra-planar paths of spirits seeking Azura's Crossing.
  Sorcerer-King's Blade (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0004000040,000   Complete with its own stone display furnishing, this broken blade was once wielded by an Ayleid ruler who held mastery over great magic.
  Waning Moons Tile (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000   Reward for: Hallowed Moons Depicts Jone and Jode, both in the waning phase.
  Waxing Moons Wall Tile (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000   Reward for: Hallowed Moons Depicts Jone and Jode, both in the waxing phase.
Western Elsweyr Gate
  Decoy Elder Scroll (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0200000200,000  Reward for: Alliance War Grand Overlord At exceptional cost, a small number of decoy Elder Scroll cases were commisioned early in the Three Banners War. The enchantments can be adjusted to mimic either an offensive or defensive scroll.
  Defaced Covenant Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00020002,000  Reward for: Alliance War Legate A ragged and torn flag, stripped from a captured Daggerfall Covenant keep.
  Defaced Pact Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00020002,000  Reward for: Alliance War Legate A ragged and torn flag, stripped from a captured Ebonheart Pact keep.
  Disconnected Transitus Shrine (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0100000100,000  Reward for: Alliance War Overlord Though no longer connected to the Transitus Shrine Network, this shrine still emanates power.
  Dominion Camp Banner (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00010001,000  Reward for: Alliance War Legionary An Aldmeri Dominion banner, mounted to a pike twice the height of the average soldier.
  Dominion Hero Shield (page) Parlor
Reward for: Hero of the Aldmeri Dominion This crest is awarded only to the greatest heroes of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  Dominion Keep Pennant (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00080008,000  Reward for: Alliance War Grand Warlord A massive Aldmeri Dominion pennant, waving in the wind.
  Dominion Pennant, Small (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000200200  Reward for: Alliance War Volunteer The banner of the Aldmeri Dominion, mounted to its post at roughly shoulder height.
  Dominion Wall Banner, Large (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00030003,000  Reward for: Alliance War Veteran An Aldmeri banner awarded to the most devoted veterans of the Dominion.
  Dominion Wall Banner, Medium (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000600600  Reward for: Alliance War Tyro An Aldmeri Dominion banner, roughly twice the height of the average soldier.
  Dominion Wall Banner, Small (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000400400  Reward for: Alliance War Recruit A small banner of the Aldmeri Dominion, hanging from a pair of chains.
  Dueling Banner (page) Parlor
002000020,000  Reward for: Master Duelist A banner representing a challenge to the death. Only a supremely confident duelist would decorate their home with such a thing.
  Spare Dominion Ballista Figurehead (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00050005,000  Reward for: Alliance War Sergeant This tasteful figure is bound to look good no matter where you place it.
  Surplus Dominion Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002000020,000  Reward for: Alliance War Lieutenant Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Battering Ram (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002500025,000  Reward for: Alliance War Centurion Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Cold Fire Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War General Originally torn from the clutches of Molag Bal's forces, this ballista has been retrofitted with Aldmeri Dominion fittings.
  Surplus Dominion Cold Fire Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000  Reward for: Alliance War Warlord Originally torn from the clutches of Molag Bal's forces, this trebuchet has been retrofitted with Aldmeri Dominion fittings.
  Surplus Dominion Fire Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War Colonel Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Firepot Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
004500045,000  Reward for: Alliance War Brigadier Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Forward Camp (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000  Reward for: Alliance War Prefect Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Iceball Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000  Reward for: Alliance War August Palatine Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Lightning Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War Praetorian Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Meatbag Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War Palatine Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Oil Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002500025,000  Reward for: Alliance War Tribune Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Point Capture Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00040004,000  Reward for: Alliance War Corporal Flags such as this one are used to claim territory for the Aldmeri Dominion.
  Surplus Dominion Scattershot Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
001500015,000  Reward for: Alliance War Captain Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Dominion Stone Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002000020,000  Reward for: Alliance War Major Decommissioned Dominion materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Flaming Oil (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
001000010,000  Reward for: Alliance War First Sergeant Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Throne of Cyrodiil (page) Gallery
0250000250,000  Reward for: Emperor! Even in the tumult of the Three Banners War, sitting atop the Ruby Throne is a rare and coveted privilege.
  Volendrung Replica (page) Gallery
20000002,000,000  Reward for: Volendrung Vanquisher This replica war hammer bears an uncanny resemblance to Volendrung, an artifact associated with the Daedric Prince Malacath.
  Blade of Woe, Replica (page) Workshop
0002500025,000   Reward for: First Blood An ornamental display replica of the signature weapon of the Dark Brotherhood.
  Brotherhood Poison Vial (page) Workshop
000025002,500   Reward for: Assassin An ornamental copy of one of the Dark Brotherhood's bottled toxins.
  Dark Brotherhood Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000   Reward for: Dark Investigator This hanging banner announces one's membership in the Dark Brotherhood. Display it with caution.
  Dark Ledger (page) Library
0005000050,000   Reward for: Thirtieth Contract Every Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary has a book that balances the costs of living against the wages of death.
  Gold Coast Estate Keg (page) Hearth
0005000050,000   Reward for: Dark Initiate A keg of Anvil malmsey to mark the expert infiltration skills of a Dark Brotherhood initiate.
  Golden Idol of Morihaus (page) Gallery
(Mounted Decor)
0002500025,000   Winged. Golden. Arresting, as the demigod himself. Kneel before this idol and pray for a fraction of his might!
  Hanging Hourglass (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0001500015,000   Reward for: Wrath of Sithis A broad pennant displaying the hourglass symbol of the Chantry of Akatosh.
  Hourglass Rug (page) Parlor
(Rugs and Carpets)
0001000010,000   Reward for: Sermonizer Subduer A rug stolen from those officious knights of the Order of the Hour.
  Litany of Blood (page) Library
0002500025,000   Reward for: New-blade A replica of the Dark Brotherhood's sinister tome of death.
  Meridian Sconce (page) Lighting
0005000050,000   It's said that the light of Meridia is boundless and eternal. Sadly, the candles in this majestic sconce are neither, but the impression this installation creates is long lasting.
  Order of the Hour Banner (page) Parlor
000050005,000   Reward for: Dark Discovery A banner "borrowed" from the Akatosh-worshiping knights of the Order of the Hour.
  Preserved Sweetrolls (page) Hearth
(Breads and Desserts)
00000500500   Reward for: Gold Coast Connections A cluster of sweetrolls—a delicious trophy that commemorates thwarting the Sweetroll Killer of the Gold Coast.
  Sanctuary Sconce (page) Lighting
0001000010,000   Reward for: Brethren Benefactor This light source is a reminder of the tasteful and restrained décor of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.
  Statue of the Mother (page) Courtyard
00100000100,000   Reward for: Silencer No one would be so bold as to assert without contradiction that this is a statue representing the Night Mother.
Imperial Sewers
  Imperial Banner (page) Parlor
001500015,000  Reward for: Imperial Sewers Pathfinder A banner earned for plumbing the labyrinth of sewers beneath the Imperical City.
  Molag Bal Brazier (page) Lighting
002000020,000  Reward for: The Sublime Protector This Coldharbour brazier commemorates the thwarting of Molag Bal's last-ditch attack on Nirn.