Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Treethane Niriel.
- Touch the Petitioning Stone.
- Defeat the apparition.
- Watch the Wilderking's vision.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
After scaring off the local Wood Orcs, Treethane Niriel will fulfill her promise to tell you how to petition the Wilderking:
- "I hope I haven't given you a sense of false hope though. Bosmer 'round here petition the Wilderking for an audience all the time, and he rarely responds.
More than likely, you're simply wasting your time." - I understand, but I'd like to petition nonetheless.
- "Suit yourself. Just south of my home, you'll find the Petitioning Stone.
Just touch it. Probably, nothing will happen. If he wants to speak with you though, he'll appear when you touch that stone." - All I have to do is touch the stone?
- "I never said it was complicated. Besides, by scaring off those Wood Orcs, you just might have improved your chances. The Wilderking sees these things, you know.
All right. Run along now. And may the forest part to reveal your path!" - I'll just go touch the Petitioning Stone.
Exit the treethane's house, and follow the path southward until you reach stairs. In front of you will lie the Petitioning Stone, which, when activated, will summon the Wilderking himself:
- "Welcome to my Court, outsider. Since you entered my domain, I have watched your actions with a keen interest. You have been generous with my people and more patient than I expected.
But I still cannot gather one thing—why have you come?" - I've come to negotiate on behalf of the Dominion.
- "Hmm. Again, not what I expected. I think I've heard of this … "Aldmeri Dominion," but I don't see how inclusion in this group would appeal to me or to the people in my domain.
Aligning with you would only alienate us from others." - You would only be alienated from our common enemies.
- "Interesting. You think we have common enemies? My only enemies are those who would seek to harm Valenwood.
Let us test your theory though. Show me one of these enemies of whom you speak, so I might better understand." - All right. How do I do that?
- "Use the other stone pillar. The one on the platform behind us. Touch that stone pillar and an apparition will appear. One of your enemies, as you say.
Fight this enemy so that I might see its true nature." - [Persuade] Can you give me any assistance in this fight?
- "I am pleased to be able to lend you strength to face this enemy from your past."
Persuading him to aid you will grant you Spirit Armor, which increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by 5%. Walk beyond the Wilderking to the next platform, and activate the stone pillar. A ghostly apparition of Advisor Norion will appear, shouting "Strike us down, but the Veiled Heritance will always rise again!"Once you defeat him, return to the Wilderking, though Hazazi will have beaten you there, yelling "How can a forest spirit be a king?" Hazazi will not hesitate to offer his opinion on negotiating with the Wilderking:
- "Now you are negotiating with a forest spirit who calls himself a king? With all those floating leaves, Hazazi thinks he looks very silly.
Do you really think this is going somewhere? Or is it just a waste of time?" - Possibly, but you're not helping very much.
- "By the light of Jone and Jode, this is the craziest thing ever seen!
Even Razum-dar would have lost his patience by now! If you think all this makes sense, then Hazazi is starting to wonder about you too!"
Whether you spoke to Hazazi or no, return to the Wilderking:
- "I sensed the darkness in the heart of the one you fought, but he has already been defeated, has he not? And those like him … they may not all share his darkness.
You should have me call these people enemies, though?" - Yes. They are known as the Veiled Heritance.
- "The Veiled Heritance. Yes. I am familiar with this distinction as well.
There is one among this group who has come to Valenwood to see me, and I find her curious … very curious. I am not inclined to consider her an enemy." - Who is this person you're referring to?
- "She is one who has been blessed with fascinating gifts. Gifts I cannot afford to ignore.
You would know her identity though. I was able to capture one of her memories. Touch the Petitioning Stone again and I will share it with you."
Activate the petition stone again, and see a vision of Aranias kneeling before three Veiled Heritance members:
- Ondendil: "We have much need of someone like you, Aranias."
- Andur: "Yes, young one. We have a problem in the Valenwood that will require your talents specifically."
- Aranias: "I—I would be honored to help however I can."
- Andur: "An opportunity has arisen to strike a devastating blow to the Dominion, to divide the Bosmer."
- Ondendil: "The Bosmer in Greenshade claim allegiance not to King Camoran, but to a man they call "The Wilderking"."
- Andur: "Killing this Wilderking will drive the Bosmer mad. He is very elusive though, so I will need your help to find him."
- Estre: "You realize we are entrusting you with an important task, I hope, my dear."
- Aranias: "Of course, Lady Estre. You can count on me."
Speak to the Wilderking to reveal his view on the vision:
- "As you've just seen, the young girl—Aranias—is associated with the Veiled Heritance. Until I know more about her, I hesitate to call her an enemy.
I will have more insight soon though. Even now, Aranias is on her way to my throne." - But she's coming with Andur to destroy you.
- "So she believes, but there may be a greater truth to her purpose here.
You may not like this, but I sense the same is true of you."
- The buff applied from the persuade option with the Wilderking is accompanied by a perpetual loud magical swirl sound effect, which lasts for 15 minutes, so be wary if you wish to avoid this distraction.
- The visual and sound effects of the buff will persist after the 15 minute duration is completed. ?
- Going back to character select and launching your character again will resolve this issue.
Quest StagesEdit
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.