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< Elder Scrolls Online: Traits(Redirected from Online:Aurbic Amber)

Infused is a trait which can be found on weapons and armor, and as of Update 18, jewelry. Once you have researched the trait on a given item type, you can craft Infused items by using ON-icon-trait material-Jade.png Jade for weapons, ON-icon-trait material-Bloodstone.png Bloodstone for armor, or ON-icon-trait material-Aurbic Amber.png Aurbic Amber (found in Psijic Portals) for jewelry. Items with the Infused trait will have their enchantment effect increased by an amount dependent on the quality of the item, and weapons will also have their enchantment cooldown reduced by 50%.

Item Type Enchantment Effect
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
Weapon 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Armor 9% 13% 17% 21% 25%
Jewelry 24% 33% 42% 51% 60%