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Home City Elden Root
Location South of the crafting writ turn-in station
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Outlaw

Azimsun is a Khajiit outlaw found just south of Elden Root.


He expresses his dismay at the lack of effort on the Khajiit embassy.

"Sick and tired of being treated like kitten-headed fools by the Thalmor. They file and deliver their papers, sign us empty promises, and what do we have to show for it?
Nothing. Abuse, yes? This is what this is."

After the embassy fiasco has been dealt with:

"This one has heard much less unrest. Kitten-headed fools trusting the High Elves to deliver on their promises.
Azimsun will believe this when he sees the truth of it for himself. Too much has been witnessed to be blindly hopeful, yes?"