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Location Southeast of Moriseli
Race Orc Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Seamount Clan

Azlakha is an Orc who can be found near Moriseli on Betnikh.

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Outside Moriseli, you'll come across a bewildered Orc who murmurs:

"Be at peace, ancestors. What curse disturbs your rest?"

She will direct you to find Neramo who is investigating the nearby Ayleid ruins:

"The souls of the dead are restless. Ancient warriors who died in battle against the Bretons now rise. Who calls to them, and why?"
Is there anything I can do?
"You are one of the newcomers. Another of your group, the mage Neramo, went to see what he could uncover. Find him and learn what he has seen."
Neramo? Where can I find him?
"His magic enabled him to pass the spirits undetected. I suspect he looks to reach the inner ruins. Seek him near the doorway, beyond the fields where the dead roam."
I'll go and see if I can aid him.

She will warn you to be careful about the ruins:

"Be careful. Foul magic taints the air. Perhaps your learned friend can shed some light on this dark mystery and help you to bring an end to its source."
You know these ruins well.
"The Ayleids—Wild Elves as some call them—have always fascinated me. They are long gone but their ruins remain on Betnikh. From these we glean how they lived and died, so many years ago."
Isn't research a strange occupation for an Orc?
"We are not all warriors, and we are far from the savages outsiders assume. Some of us wield a quill as skillfully as others wield warhammers."

If you've assisted Warcaller Targoth and returned his warhorn on his tomb, you'll find Azlakha waiting for you outside the ruin:

"The spirits have vanished! Their valiant souls rest once again. Quickly tell me what you found below; we have much to discuss."
I released the spirits, but Carzog's Demise is the cult's target.
"Cultists have indeed been spotted at Carzog's Demise. Their intent is unknown.
I will pray for the honored dead then return to speak with the chief. I fear all will be needed to end the Bloodthorn plot."

If you kept the horn, you'll still find Azlakha waiting for you outside, but you'll have a new story to tell:

"There you are. I worried you met your end in the ruins. The souls of the dead still walk, and yet their torment has lessened. What did you do?"
I've recovered a horn we can use to control these spirits; we can use them to fight the cult.
"The thought sickens me, but they might be needed. Cultists have been sighted at Carzog's Demise. I will deliver the horn to Chief Tazgol and he can decide to use it or not."

Regardless of your choice, if you speak to her before she walks away and she'll say:

"Chief Tazgol must know of your discoveries before he marches on Carzog's Demise. We have ignored the Bloodthorn threat for too long. It may already be too late."