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Online:Battlereeve Farwenya

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Battlereeve Farwenya
Location Sea Keep
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion
Battlereeve Farwenya

Battlereeve Farwenya is an officer of the Aldmeri Dominion dispatched to Sea Keep with reinforcements from Alinor. She and her troops arrive once Urlsar has been destroyed.

Pandermalion requests you tell her what you will.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

When you return with Pandermalion there is a brief conversation between Pandermalion and Farwenya:

Pandermalion: "Farwenya. I'm afraid we've left you a considerable mess."
Battlereeve Farwenya: "Pandermalion? You're alive?"

Speaking to her:

"When Pandermalion's soldiers told me he'd returned to the keep with a passerby, I thought he'd lost his mind. What were you thinking?"
We had no choice. A Maormer Sea Mage meant to use Sea Keep's power to destroy the coast.
"I'm not one to commend recklessness, but I suppose we all owe you a debt of gratitude.
I don't know what's more troubling. That the Sea Elves would attempt such a thing, or that they were able to seize Sea Keep in the first place."
The Maormer may have gotten the best of him, but it was Pandermalion's plan that saved the day.
"I'll note your remarks for the inquiry to follow. The sack of Sea Keep under Pandermalion's watch will reflect poorly, though his heroics today will temper the attitudes of the court.
Your service to the crown is appreciated."
The Maormer attack occurred because Pandermalion was consorting with their captain.
"That is a dire accusation. Not to be made lightly. In fact, it's so absurd I'd dismiss it out of hand under any other circumstances. What can you offer as proof?"
They exploited a secret entrance only he could open. He was using it to carry on an illicit affair.
"Your word will not suffice, but in light of these allegations I will take command of Sea Keep until the matter is settled by court marshal. Now excuse me, I must see to it."

If you told her that Pandermalion "saved the day", the two will say:

Battlereeve Farwenya : "You've had a long day. See to your troops and get some rest."
Pandermalion : "I'm honored by your consideration, but Sea Keep is my responsibility. I won't rest until it is secure."
Battlereeve Farwenya : "As you wish."

If you chose to tell the battlereeve about the affair, the following will play out:

Battlereeve Farwenya: "Battlereeve Pandermalion, you stand accused of consorting with Maormer agents. I hereby relieve you of your post until these claims can be addressed. I pray they are baseless."
Pandermalion: "I submit to judgement."

If Pandermalion leaves with Castire, Farwenya will wonder:

"Where is Battlereeve Pandermalion? His soldiers said he returned to Sea Keep with a passerby. One that matches your description. What is going on?"
I'm sorry Pandermalion didn't make it, but his actions saved the day.
"Another noble soul lost to the Sea Elves. They've claimed too many in their relentless raiding. Vipers.
We will take things from here. You are to be commended for your service to the crown."

After all is said and done, she'll only say:

"We'll take things from here. It will take time to restore Sea Keep's strategic viability, but we'll make sure it continues to stand guard over our shores."