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Online:Beam of Reproach

< Elder Scrolls Online: Skills: Healing Grace
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Beam of Reproach.png Beam of Reproach
Line Healing Grace
Line Rank 17 Cost 11.6 seconds
Cast Time Instant Duration 8 seconds
Target Enemy
Range 28 meters
Damage/cooldown values are for a Companion at levels 1 and 20, without any gear equipped.
Beam of Reproach: Isobel Veloise bathes an enemy in a beam of sunlight, immediately dealing 1575/3000 Magic Damage and healing allies nearby for 1575/3000 Health. The residual light will then continue to heal allies near the enemy for 393/750 Health every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.

Beam of Reproach deals moderate magic damage to an enemy and heals allies near this enemy. Then allies near this enemy are also healed over time but for way less.



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