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Online:Bethany LeBlanc

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

This article is about the Breton in Hag Fen. For the Breton in Daggerfall, see Bethany Frernele.

Bethany LeBlanc
Location Hag Fen
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Bethany LeBlanc

Bethany LeBlanc is a Breton refugee from Camlorn found at the Beldama Wyrd camp in the Hag Fen.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

"A stranger who isn't dressed as a Bloodthorn? I don't know what you're doing out here, but you're a sight for sore eyes!
Now hurry up and cut me loose."
You're one of the women from Camlorn?
"No, I'm the queen of the Nords. Of course I'm from Camlorn! Did my brother Guy send you?
I gave the cultists a hard time, so they tied me up. They took the other women away, though. I think they traded them to the bog hags."
Why did they trade the women?
"The Bloodthorns have an arrangement with the hags. Something about exchanging us for their help against the Wyrd. They even have a contract. I saw them arguing over it earlier. It should be around here somewhere."
I'll look for the contract.
"Please try to find my companions. These cultists are insane, but the hags … who knows what they're capable of.
I'll go find my brother. The poor sod is useless without me."
I'll find them. Now get to safety.

Bethany will run off to the Wyress camp near the Mines of Khuras. After rescuing the other captives and meet up with them at the camp, Bethany will say:

"Thank you so much for helping me.
You really are the hero they say you are."

After the quest, she will blow you a kiss:

"This is for you, hero! Thanks again for that timely rescue."