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Online:Bhornaz the Scorcher

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Bhornaz the Scorcher
Location Xynaa's Sanctuary
Species Daedroth
Health 119,538 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Bhornaz the Scorcher

Bhornaz the Scorcher is a Daedroth that awakens from stone when Xynaa possesses it during her fight encounter within her sanctuary.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Jagged Claw
A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
Fiery Jaws
A basic attack that deals moderate fire damage.
Fiery Breath
Bhornaz the Scorcher breathes fire, indicated by a wide red cone, dealing continuous moderate flame damage.
Ground Tremor
Bhornaz the Scorcher winds up its foot before stomping down on the ground, sending four shockwaves forward close together but going in slightly different directions, indicated by moving red circles, dealing moderate physical damage each and snaring. Blocking doesn't negate the snaring.
Burst of Embers
When standing far away from the daedroth, it spits a fireball at its target, dealing high flame damage, knocking them back and creating a pool of lingering flames afterward at the target's position for additional constant low flame damage. Blocking prevents the knockback but not the pool of flames from forming. Avoiding the projectile with dodge roll negates all.
Bhornaz the Scorcher pounds the ground repeatedly with its fists, causing tremors beneath targets, as indicated by large red circles, dealing high physical damage each.
