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Online:Borzighu the Tidy Tailor

< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Borzighu the Tidy Tailor
Home City Orsinium
Store Coldsnap Clothiers
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Clothier
Borzighu the Tidy Tailor

Borzighu the Tidy Tailor is an Orc clothier who runs Coldsnap Clothiers in Orsinium.


When spoken to, he will say any of the following:

"You seem surprised to see an Orc in this line of work. Well, that's your problem. But if you want the best that gold can buy, then you've come to exactly the right place."
"They say clothes make the man, but they are wrong. It's the man who makes the clothes that make the man."
"So I prefer that everything be put in its proper place. Does that make me too genteel for Orc society? I think not!"
"Under Trinimac's guidance, everyone who works hard has an equal opportunity for success-weavers and warriors alike."
