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Online:Captain Henrisa

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Captain Henrisa
Location Frozen Fleet
Ship Materre's Fortune
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Captain Henrisa

Captain Henrisa is a Breton and a captain of King Emeric's fleet, tasked with bringing the Daggerfall Ambassador to Orsinium.

Unfortunately her loyalties lie elsewhere as Lord Ethian's father, Baron Marette, strongly disagrees with any diplomatic engagements with the Orc people and hired Captain Henrisa to impede the mission. Providing the opportunity lends itself, the Baron also gave permission for Captain Henrisa to eliminate Lady Sovelle permanently.

Ultimately, Captain Henrisa's plans involved dousing the Signal Tower fires during a fierce blizzard as soon as the fleet was in range, which caused the ships to run aground and break up on the ice killing most of the fleet's crew.

Captain Henrisa survived and can be found at the Frozen Fleet survivor's camp. Although very antagonistic to you, she does answer some of your questions once you've spoken to Lord Ethian, but will disappear once Holbert and Skordo the Knife have been found.

After defeating Coris Rufinus, a mage in her employ, at the Signal Tower Skordo the Knife will locate an old smuggler's bolt hole. As you get close, Lord Ethian rushes up to the door and demands to know about his wife. Captain Henrisa emerges and taunts Lord Ethian before fatally stabbing him. She will then head back inside and its up to you to kill her and free Lady Sovelle.

Related QuestsEdit


Speaking to her prior to the quest:

"Can't you see I'm busy? My ships crashed upon the ice and I have a lot on my mind right now."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Once you've spoken to Lord Ethian, you can speak to Captain Henrisa for more information:

"I saw you talking to that milksop, Ethian. He's nothing like his father. Nothing at all.
But I don't have time for his belly-aching. I need to make sure we don't lose anymore people to the cold and the ice."
You're the captain of the fleet?
"I am, although I'm not sure that means much now that my vessels are smashed upon the ice.
Is there something you want or are you just here to remind me of my failures?"
How did your ships end up so far off course?
"Off course? What do you know of navigation and seamanship?
I'm paid to make port as fast and as safely as possible. I've sailed this coastal sea lane before, not that it's any of your business. If not for the storm, we'd be in Orsinium by now."
Why haven't you sent your crew to search for Lady Sovelle or other survivors?
"We rescued Ethian. What more do you want? Haven't I lost enough sailors already?
The ambassador's gone—probably drowned or crushed on the ice. I have a duty to the survivors here. Besides, we never should have come to this land in the first place."
When was the last time you saw Lady Sovelle?
"On the quarterdeck? During the storm? She was helping one of those green-skinned savages she loved so well. Who can say, though? I was trying to avoid an iceberg at the time."

Once Skordo the Knife has located the smuggler's cave, Lord Ethian runs up to it:

Lord Ethian: "I know you're in there, Henrisa! Where's my wife?"
Captain Henrisa: "Run back to your father, you pathetic little man."
Lord Ethian: "Free my wife at once, you villain!"
Captain Henrisa: "I'm doing your father a favor."

Captain Henrisa will then stab him and run back into the cave.

Captain Henrisa
Location Frozen Fleet, Smuggler's Bolt
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 133,844 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Voidstalker

Once you enter, Captain Henrisa will yell:

Captain Henrisa: "I knew you were nothing but a filthy Orc lover! I should have gutted you the moment you entered our camp!"

If you are an Orc, she will yell:

Captain Henrisa: "Filthy Orc! I should have gutted you the moment you entered our camp!"

Either way, she will then attack you.