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Online:Captain Josajeh

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Captain Josajeh
Location Time-Lost Throne Room
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 66,924 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Bounty Hunter
Other Information
Faction(s) Imperial Legion
Captain Josajeh and her troop

Captain Josajeh is a version of the Redguard Psijic mage Josajeh from an alternate existence where she became a captain in the Imperial Legion, guarding the emperor's throne room in the White-Gold Tower. She is accompanied by an Imperial Bodyguard and an Imperial Marksman.

She will yell "An intruder is in the emperor's sanctum? To me! Slay the invaders!" when first attacking.

Related QuestsEdit

  • The Towers' Fall: Step out of time in order to save the very fabric of Creation.