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Online:Captive Spirit

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Captive Spirit
Location Near Valenvaryon
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Captive Spirit

The Captive Spirit is the defeated form of the ancient spirit defeated and collected at Valenvaryon and later summoned at the ward at the bottom of the path leading to the ruins.

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Gather a strong essence and return to the ward:

Theyo Prevette: "Place the essence in the circle here. We're ready to begin the summoning."
Theyo Prevette: "Rise up, spirit and be bound to my command!"
Captive Spirit: "Why do you summon me, vessels?"
Sharz: "Vengeful spirit, you will tell us where your master holds our friend!"
Captive Spirit: "Silence, weaklings. I will speak to the one who brought me here."
Theyo Prevette: "W—wait, that's not how this is supposed to work."
Captive Spirit: "You lack the will to command me."
"Yes, you are strong. I understand Galgalah's interest now. You will make a fine vessel. Ask what you will, but our time is short. Determine your questions wisely."
Where does your master hide?
"Haha! Galgalah does not hide, but a good first question. He is not here. This ruin merely acts as a dungeon for his captive souls. You will know it soon enough.
His fortress is near, if you look closely. The lava pass under the bridge of stone."
And Farwen, his prisoner, does she still live?
"She clings to her shell. Our master likes to toy with his puppets before their end. I remember my death vividly. If Galgalah were to be defeated, I'd not be saddened. But there would be consequences.
Last question. Choose carefully."
How do I banish Galgalah?
"Galgalah's vessel must be sundered. His essence will spill from it like a broken dam, seeking another victim to drown in the flood. Your friend most likely. Kill her as they struggle and Galgalah will not have strength to resist the pull of the Void."
How do I save Farwen?
"Your friend will die soon. Destroy Galgalah's vessel and his essence will seek safe harbor in her weakened body. His power will sustain it, and she will live, buying her a few more precious years.
If she's strong enough to suppress him."

Regardless of which question you asked, you have no choice but to free him:

I still have questions, but if you must, be gone.
Captive Spirit: "I'm sure you do. I'd like to see how this ends, but alas …."