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Online:Carnaval Welwa

< Elder Scrolls Online: Mounts: Heavyweights / C
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When kept on a tight leash, welwas can make for a showstopping mount during Carnaval. Riders must be careful not to partake too much in the festivities, or their control of the fearsome beast may slip. What happens next is up to Sanguine.
ON-icon-mount-Carnaval Welwa.png
Carnaval Welwa
Type Heavyweight
Default Name Sharg the Scarlet
Acquired From Carnaval Crate
Reward Level Apex
Price 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Category Mounts (Heavyweights)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Carnaval Welwa is a heavyweight mount. It will be available as an Apex-level reward in Carnaval Crates. Its default name is "Sharg the Scarlet".
