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Home City Skingrad
Location Colovia Culinary Company
Store Colovia Culinary Company
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Brewer

Caryarinde is a High Elf Brewer who can be found at the Colovia Culinary Company in Skingrad.


Before you complete Seeds of Suspicion:

"Wood Elves and Imperials ….
It's a surprise I haven't found a way to bottle all the trouble they're brewing."
"Things aren't going to improve around here. Well, they might for me. Hard times are always good for brewers."
"We'll all get torn to pieces by those monsters in the green woods one of these days. Might as well drink while you can."

After the events of Seeds of Suspicion, she will be amused by the recent events:

"You hear funny stories in a tavern. I don't much care if they're real or not. A new Daedric Prince? That's a story worth spreading. It'll sell the ale."
"This business with the Recollection really angers people. If I see a Wood Elf brave enough to face the world right now, I make sure to fill their tankard up."

After the events of King Nantharion's Gambit, she thinks nothing about Nantharion's death:

"The Recollection never tempted me. I'm in the business of helping people forget things. Not dragging bad memories back up."
"That Wood Elf King is dead. We all die, there's nothing special about it. Still, I'll drink to a death. What about you?"

After the events of the quest In Memory Of, she will think that the world is still unsafe:

"You missed some fool spouting off about how we were all safe thanks to the Legion. I had to cut him off for drinking too much. Thinking things are safe is a sign you've had too much."
"Bandits outside the city. Rumors of Daedra spotted near some ruin or another. Nothing changes. Not even my brews. Those only change when I run out of one.
So, drink up if you want something different."