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Online:Cenotaph of the Remnants

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Apocrypha / Daedric Ruins / Quest Hubs
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Daedric Ruin:
Cenotaph of the Remnants
(view on map)
Quest Hub
Discoverable Yes
Completion Objective
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"An ancient Oblivion fortress drawn to the realm of Apocrypha by the currents of the Abyssal Sea, the Cenotaph was claimed as a final garrison by the Remnants, a fading Dremora clan in service to Hermaeus Mora."
Cenotaph of the Remnants

Cenotaph of the Remnants is a fortress belonging to the Remnants Clan which serves Hermaeus Mora. The Remnants are currently under attack from the Dreamcarvers who wish to take the fortress from them.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Cenotaph of the Remnants: Help the Remnants purge invaders from their Cenotaph. / You saved the Cenotaph from Dreamcarver invaders.
    • Forgotten Glories: Aid the Remnants in thwarting an invasion by Vaermina's Dreamcarvers





Main HallEdit

Cathedral of Hermaeus MoraEdit

The CruxEdit


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