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Online:Charge of the Welkynar

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
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Book Information
Charge of the Welkynar
ID 5095
See Also Lore version
Collection Summerset Scrolls
Found in the following locations:
Charge of the Welkynar
A poem dedicated to the famous Gryphon Knights of Cloudrest

When Summerset, o Summerset, our fair and pretty land,
Is threatened from beyond the clear and shining sea,
The Welkynar, our Gryphon Knights, take wing and make a stand,
With courage, strength, and bravery, they keep the Altmer free!

Charge, o Gryphon Knights,
Fly on and fight our foes!
Charge, o Welkynar,
Take wing with swords and bows!

From Alinor to Shimmerene and every point between,
The Welkynar ride the winds and defend our gleaming isle,
Whether commoner, noble, merchant, or queen,
The Gryphon Knights protect us all, always with a smile!

Charge, o Gryphon Knights,
Fly on and fight our foes!
Charge, o Welkynar,
Take wing with swords and bows!