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Online:Charmel Favraud

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Charmel Favraud
Home City Wayrest
Location Temple of the Divines
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Priest
Charmel Favraud

Charmel Favraud is a Breton priest found in the Temple of the Divines in the city of Wayrest.


She can tell you about Kynareth.

"Kynareth's good fortune upon you, friend."
Can you tell me more about Kynareth?
"Kynareth, the Goddess of Air? She rules over the heavens themselves, and her power touches us all. The wind, the air, and the very elements all fall within her domain.
Many turn to Kynareth when in need of good fortune."
What sort of good fortune?
"Those who travel by land or sea often pray for good weather and safe journeys. Others look to her to bless a child's birth with favorable stars.
She's the most powerful of the sky spirits, and many benefit from her favor."

After the At-Tura Estate objective:

"I'm told you defeated an Omen of Vaermina.
I pray that Count Hosni recovers quickly."