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Online:Chief Abzug

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Chief Abzug
Home Settlement Morkul Stronghold
Location Morkul Stronghold
Orsinium (during quest)
House Chief Abzug's Longhouse
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
31,364 (During Blood on a King's Hands)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Morkul Clan
Chief Abzug

Chief Abzug is an Orc who is the chief of the Morkul Clan and can be found at Morkul Stronghold. Lazghal is his forge-wife and Yatzog is his hunt-wife. He is also Ashaka and Tugha's father.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

In the Name of the KingEdit

"I know you. You're one of those outsiders that Kurog brought to our land.
I heard you've done some amazing feats, but I'd rather you didn't linger in my stronghold."
King Kurog requests your presence at the Great Moot.
"Sorry, but I have problems of my own right now. As long as my forge-wife is miserable, I can't deal with anything else.
I wonder. Does "King" Kurog have a solution for volatile family disputes? I'd definitely listen to him speak on that topic!"
If I assist your forge-wife with her problem, will you agree to attend the moot?
"If you're brave enough, talk to Lazghal and do whatever she asks. If you can finally get her to stop yelling at me, I'll go and listen to whatever Kurog wants to say."

Assist Ashaka and he'll thank you:

"Ah, Kurog's outsider! I'm not sure what you did exactly, but you somehow restored peace to my family and thereby helped my clan.
You have my thanks."
King Kurog requests your presence at the Great Moot. Will you attend?
"Sure, why not? I'll go to this moot and listen to what Kurog has to say. It's the least I can do after you helped us with our family problem!
Perhaps I'll see you in Orsinium, outsider."
"I'll keep my ears open for Kurog's summons. If anything, I suppose this moot will at least be more interesting than listening to my wives complain about things all day."

The Hand of MorkulEdit

Return from Morkuldin with Ashaka and Chief Abzug will be standing in front of a crowd:

Chief Abzug: "Is that your ally, Ashaka?"
Chief Abzug: "Quiet! Ashaka speaks on a matter concerning the clan."

Once Ashaka completes her speech, he'll announce:

Chief Abzug: "Prepare yourselves, my clan! Soon we march to Orsinium. We shall build it anew!"
In Scarp Keep before the Moot

The King's GambitEdit

The chief will be at Scarp Keep along with the other clan leaders:

"I don't have a lot of patience for Kurog's games. The sooner he says his peace, the sooner I can return to my own stronghold."

After speaking to Kurog, he'll add:

"You look like I feel. I take it you're as thrilled to be here as I am.
Don't worry. I expect that this will all be over soon."

Long Live the KingEdit

Chief Abzug and Chief Ramash

Chief Abzug will be one of the kings attending the funeral, holding a torch and later kneeling with his sword in respect.