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Online:Cliff Strider Matriarch

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Cliff Strider Matriarch
Location Forgotten Wastes
Species Cliff Strider
Health 185,661 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Cliff Strider Matriarch

The Cliff Strider Matriarch is a large Cliff Strider found in the Forgotten Wastes. While initially not present, it swoops into its lair when you approach its offsprings eating inside.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

The Cliff Strider Matriarch has all of the same abilities as standard cliff striders, as well as one additional unique ability:

Enraged Pecking
The matriarch screams and begins pecking furiously in the area in front of itself, indicated by a wide conal AoE, dealing high physical damage.


There are two Achievements associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
   Forgotten Wastes Vanquisher 10 Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Wastes.
   Forgotten Wastes Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Wastes.
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