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Online:Clockwork Apostle Body Imprints

< Elder Scrolls Online: Body Markings
The striking Imprint Tattoos some Clockwork Apostles display on their bodies are inspired by the mechanomagical circuitry of Sotha Sil's Fabricants and Factotums.
Clockwork Apostle Body Imprints
ON-icon-body marking-Clockwork Apostle Body Imprints.png
Clockwork Apostle Body Imprints
Type Body Marking
Acquired From Flame Atronach Crate
Reward Level Superior
Price 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Clockwork Apostle Body Imprints are available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates. They match the Clockwork Apostle Face Imprints.
