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Online:Conjurer Squan

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Conjurer Squan
Location Shada's Tear, City District
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 596,131 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Conjurer Squan

Conjurer Squan is a crazed High Elf mage found in the city at Shada's Tear. He was part of the excavation team until he drank the poisoned water and went mad.

Conjurer Squan
Location Shada's Tear, City District
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 52,800
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Conjurer Squan's spirit

After slaying him, his spirit appears and thanks you for freeing him from the water's curse.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Basic ranged attack dealing moderate flame damage.
Void/Impending Storm
Conjurer Squan fires a purple projectile similar to those time bomb mages use, except this one homes in on you and follows your movement, has a larger AoE, and splits off into three magic swirls on impact. Each area deals very high magical damage and you can get hit by multiple of them.
Fire Rune
Conjurer Squan shoots out four fire runes onto the arena floor, as indicated by red circular AoEs, and these linger for longer than those used by standard fire mages. They inflict moderate continuous flame damage.
Hardened Ward
Conjurer Squan gives himself a moderate-sized damage shield.
Watcher Garalan summons a mote of magelight, revealing stealthed and invisible players around itself for 5 seconds. Exposed players cannot return to stealth or invisibility for 3 seconds.
Summon Atronach
Conjurer Squan summons either an Air Atronach[verification needed], a Flame Atronach, a frost atronach or a Storm Atronach from one of the portals in the arena and come aid him. This ability is only used once.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

While he's summoning atronachs, he'll say:

Conjurer Squan: "See my newest creation!"

After his defeat, his spirit appears.

Conjurer Squan: "Ah, merciful death. It is good to be in my right mind again. Speak to me before you leave this chamber."

Speak with his spirit.

"The water. Don't drink the water.
It turns your mind. The Nereids will control you. Shada will control you. She made us take Nahlia."
Where is Nahlia?
"No time. Fading fast.
You need two people to unlock Nahlia's prison. They must open the lock at the same time. Otherwise, the nereids will take her."
The Nereids?
"They are the masters of this place. They are the ones who've cursed the water.
Any who drink it become thralls to Shada, their master. You must stop them. Free Nahlia."


  • Although Squan's spirit claims the locks to Nahlia's prison must be opened at the same time, this is no longer true.


  • Despite being direct damage AoE, "Impending Storm" cannot be blocked and roll-dodged. In the opposite way, despite being damage over time AoE, "Fire Rune" can be blocked and roll-dodged to reduce/negate damage taken ?