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Online:Death Hunter Warpriest

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Death Hunter Warpriest
Location Tamriel
Race Argonian, High Elf, Nord, Wood Elf Gender Varies
Health 34,501
Reaction Hostile Class Warpriest
Other Information
Faction(s) Death Hunters
Death Hunter Warpriest

Death Hunter Warpriests are warpriests associated with the Death Hunters, who can be found during random encounters around Tamriel, hunting the most dangerous of quarry.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic physical attack that causes physical damage.
Divine Leap
The warpriest leaps high up in the air and crashes down with great force, staggering, stunning and dealing damage to anyone within the displayed AoE.
The enemy yells and gains a red aura along their arms, increasing their damage done.


While in exploring around Tamriel, you might hear them comment as you approach:

Nord Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "We got the savage brute!"
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Blood and faith! That beast almost took my arm!"
Argonian Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "It's almost like they wish to die."
Death Hunter Warpriest: Killing werewolves is almost as fun as killing vampires."
Bosmer Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Dead. Just the way I like my werewolves."
more dialogue

As you approach, their response will depend on what you are:[verification needed — see talk page]

Nord Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Two werewolves in a row? My lucky day!"
Death Hunter Warpriest: "We will show you no mercy!"
Argonian Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Another mongrel. Kill it."
Death Hunter Warpriest: "This one will fall, just like the last."
Bosmer Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Did we kill your friend, mongrel?"
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Does this fool not know who we are?"
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Kill this fool!"
more dialogue
Nord Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "You seek your death as well, traveler?"
more dialogue
Nord Warpriests
Death Hunter Warpriest: "Oh, so you want a fight, do you?"
Death Hunter Warpriest: "This'll be quick!"